Clinical Trials Show Antidepressants “Not Beneficial in the Long Term”

Clinical trials also consistently fail to measure and report long-term harmful effects.

FDA Approves Potential “Blockbuster” Sleep Drug

The US FDA on Wednesday approved a new type of drug for insomnia, called Belsroma. Last year, a lengthy investigative report in The New...

Call For Abstracts: Philosophical Perspectives on Critical Psychiatry

The Association for Advancement in Philosophy and Psychiatry is issuing a call for abstracts, with a particular interest in submissions from service users. The...

Interview With John Ioannidis About Why Most Scientific Findings Are False

-Vox interviews the author of the most read article in the history of PLoS Medicine.

Is Curing Patients a Sustainable Business Model?

From CNBC: A recent report by Goldman Sachs analysts questions whether curing patients, as opposed to providing them with chronic therapies, could pose a financial...

“The Disease Entity in Psychiatry: Fact or Fiction?”

In the context of the debate concerning revisions of the DSM and ICD, an article in Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences offers "an overview of...

CDC Reports Increased Psychostimulant Prescriptions in Women of Reproductive Age

Psychostimulant prescriptions have increased by 344% (from 2003 to 2015) for women of reproductive age (15-44 years old).

Lack of Efficacy for Current Physical Activity Interventions in Persons Diagnosed with Severe Mental...

Review finds a need for more rigorous research to increase physical activity in people diagnosed with a severe mental illness (SMI).

Voice Hearing as a Dissociative Rather Than Psychotic Phenomenon

Researchers in England review in depth the evidence for voice hearing as dissociation, rather than psychosis, and suggest that voice hearing is a common...

Nuanced History of Asylums Shows Context Matters

A bottom-up approach to understanding the history of asylums allows us to learn from past successes and failures in the mental health system.

Study Confirms Higher Suicide Risk for Sexual Minority Adolescents

Researchers report that sexual minority adolescents have considered, planned, and attempted suicide substantially more than their heterosexual peers.

Taking Placebos Knowingly Helps in the Reduction of Chronic Back Pain

A new study finds that individuals being treated with open-label placebos showed significant reductions in pain and disability, even when compared to individuals receiving treatment as usual.

Scientists Clarify Risks of Augmenting with Antipsychotic Medications for Depression

The researchers found that while antipsychotic drugs may be slightly more effective than alternative antidepressants, they come with a much higher side effect burden.

Antipsychotic Trial Designs Still Not Reaching Scientific Standards

Too many studies of atypical antipsychotic medications are still not meeting even the minimum scientific standards of the internationally agreed-upon CONSORT guidelines for drug trials.

Nonprofit Organization Pushes Big Pharma’s Agenda

From The Alliance for Patient Access (AfPA), a nonprofit organization that claims to advocate for patients to have access to FDA-approved treatments, has consistently worked...

Antidepressants Do Not Prevent Suicides, May Increase Risk

When the CDC released data revealing an increasing suicide rate in the US, some experts, speaking to major media outlets, speculated that the increase...

“France Tightens Rules in Wake of Fatal Clinical Trial Disaster”

After a clinical trial killed one person and landed five others in intensive care, the government is demanding that the clinical trial company responsible, Biotrial,...

Positive Antidepressant Study “Misleading” and “Erroneous”

An analysis of last year’s positive finding in The Lancet about antidepressant efficacy shows errors, obfuscations, and misrepresentations.

Insel’s Best of 2014

National Institute of Mental Health Director Thomas Insel reviews his list of the best discoveries and developments in mental health in 2014. Director’s Blog: Best...

Antipsychotics for Dementia: Not Justified and Risky

In a study of antipsychotics used to treat 75,445 patients in nursing homes in the United States, researchers from Harvard Medical School, Columbia and...

Former Minnesota Governor Criticizes UMinn Psychiatry Department

Former Minnesota state governor Arne Carlson has agreed with MIA Blogger Carl Elliott and has asked the legislature to delay appointing the new Board of Regents for the University of Minnesota until a proper investigation of its psychiatry department occurs.

BPS Releases Review of Alternatives to Antipsychotics

BPS releases report encouraging behavioral interventions for people with dementia, rather than antipsychotics

FDA Asks Pfizer for Update to Zoloft Label, Warns of Birth Defect Risks

Bloomberg reports that the FDA asked Pfizer in August “to modify safety warnings for its antidepressant Zoloft (sertraline) and acknowledge for the first time that some studies linked the mood-altering medication to heart defects in newborns.”

Prescription Drug Addiction: Government Launches Investigation

From The Guardian: The British government has ordered an investigation into the growing problem of addiction to prescription drugs such as opioids, benzodiazepines, and antidepressants. Article...

FDA to Review Chantix’ Psychiatric Side Effects

The Food & Drug Administration announced today it will convene a public meeting in October to review the psychiatric and behavioral side effects of...