Gabapentin Horror


After suffering PTSD in the late 1980s, I reluctantly accepted antidepressants. In time, I had resolved the trauma, but when I tried to stop the antidepressants (Prozac, and later Zoloft), I assumed my desperate feelings and “return” of depression were an indication I had an imbalance and needed those drugs. I didn’t understand I was experiencing withdrawal. (I was never told that for most people, psychiatric medications need to be tapered.)

When I changed from Zoloft to Effexor in 2002, it caused acid reflux that continued for a month after I took it on an empty stomach. I asked my psychiatrist for something that didn’t need to be taken with food. He suggested Lexapro.

That decision led to an adverse reaction and lots of mismanagement and poly-drugging to compensate for the adverse effects. Eventually, my body had been so abused by the drugs that I developed akathisia. I was speeding through my house, hurrying from one room to the next with no ability to slow down. That’s when my new psychiatrist prescribed Neurontin (gabapentin).

The drug worked within an hour to calm me down. I was eventually able to stabilize, but now I was on two medications: Neurontin and amitriptyline, a tricyclic antidepressant. Since the drug was not explained to me and the only thing I knew about it was that it was an anti-epileptic, I tried to discontinue it. (I didn’t have epilepsy and didn’t feel I needed it.) When my attempts to discontinue caused difficult symptoms, I returned to the previous dose of 800 mg, three times a day, along with the antidepressant.

But I didn’t understand why I now had a slight tremor that continued after the antidepressant debacle. The doctor increased the dose of Neurontin to 4800 mg and even added Lyrica (gabapentin’s “big sister”—also classified as a gabapentinoid with similar makeup) to see if the agitated tremor would dissipate. It didn’t.

He decided that amitriptyline was causing the tremor, so he advised me to drop from 100 mg to 0 in one month. I was surprised at his recommendation since I didn’t believe I could get off of antidepressants, but after trying the first two drops with no problems, even after four months, I decided to follow through with the rest of his tapering advice and get off the last 50 mg in two weeks. Though I did put a longer interval between the tapering doses than he recommended, I still tapered much too fast. When I was again devastated by withdrawal, the doctor made more choices that caused more severe reactions, but eventually led to him advising me to cold turkey the 4800 mg of Neurontin.

Though I questioned him since I’d had trouble reducing before, he assured me that was the thing to do. I only slept 30 minutes in the next 60 hours. Eventually, I slept one or two hours per night and paced the rest of the time. I also found myself hearing “conversations,” which was my imagination’s interpretation whenever the air conditioning blew through the vents.

I experienced the emergence of hot flashes. I would feel the anxiety build and about the time it peaked, I would break out in a full sweat. The hot flashes were coming like labor pains, about every 10 minutes, all day and all night.

After seven weeks, when the doctor saw how anxious and “busy” I had become—especially when I was pacing rather than sitting for my appointment, he reinstated the Neurontin at 800mg 3x/day. Things did mostly resolve after reinstating, but though less frequent, the hot flashes continued. I noticed that I felt much better after only an hour or two, though the second day I had an upsurge in agitation and some slight burning. It wasn’t bad and I tolerated it much better than I had been tolerating things a few days earlier.

After that fiasco, I found a pharmacologist who listened to my reported side effects and helped me taper off of what was now the generic form of Neurontin (gabapentin) over several years. Though it had accomplished its purpose of calming me down at the appropriate time and the only negative effect I noticed had been softer bowel movements and slight difficulty retrieving words—which at that time I just attributed to aging—I knew I didn’t need it anymore.

Gabapentin, Again

In 2015 I was totally off of gabapentin and had tapered to a low dose (25mg—a nontherapeutic dose) of Zoloft that I also had hopes of getting off in time. Life was going well, I was enjoying a new job, and my husband and I had just moved into a newly-built home.

After forgetting my pills for a few days on vacation and again when visiting a relative, my body started to react. To make a long story short, I ended up discontinuing Zoloft and hoped I could handle getting off of such a low dose. What I didn’t know was that the lower doses of psychiatric medications have the most efficacy, so have to be tapered the slowest. I should have taken months to taper off of 25mg of Zoloft.

Again, I suffered withdrawal. The desperate feelings were becoming difficult and since my wonderful doctor/pharmacologist had died of cancer, I contacted his replacement about any ideas for minimizing the symptoms. He chose gabapentin to provide relief. I was reluctant to restart it since I knew how hard it was to get off, so I asked that he keep the dose lower than my previous doctor—only 200mg 3x/day, or at most 300mg 3x/day. He consented and put me on the higher of my requested doses while also assuring me that I could increase the dose at any time if desired.

I didn’t realize that getting on gabapentin for the third time was not a good choice. My body had been “kindled” and I was in for real trouble, but I had no idea.

Gabapentin did not seem to provide much relief. On the contrary, I started having difficulty breathing. But I thought that symptom might be related to the Zoloft withdrawal, so I forced myself to deal with it as I sighed numerous times each hour. I hoped that things would improve soon. After plodding through for two months, I decided I needed more help, so I contacted my doctor again, asking to add clonazepam (Klonopin).

By then, clonazepam was a controlled substance (though I didn’t know that), so as he agreed to provide the prescription, he advised I find a local doctor to monitor me since he was 2.5 hours away. Getting in to see a new psychiatrist took time—my scheduled appointment was eight weeks later—so I asked my general practitioner about starting back on an antidepressant.

But by then, and after the polydrugging in previous years, my body had become ultra-sensitive to all antidepressants, especially at start-up, even though I chose amitriptyline again, which came in very small quantities that I thought I could gradually build up. I ended up discontinuing it after only 18 days because of severe burning in my arms. That stoppage led to another adverse reaction (even though I never took more than 10 mg in that short timeframe). Five days after stopping amitriptyline, my body became “revved up” as it had in 2004. I was pacing nonstop and still having trouble breathing.

With my doctor convincing me gabapentin was a safe drug, and knowing that the solution to the pacing in 2004 had been 800mg 3x/day, I decided to increase my dose. I still didn’t want to take an exorbitant amount, however, so I lessened the 2004 dosage and chose to take a 600 mg dose. I knew from previous experience that if I was going to get any side effects, they would appear on the second day after the increase, so I prepared myself for what I hoped wouldn’t be anything too bad.

Then “All Hell Broke Loose”   

But my naivete became apparent when the next day “all hell broke loose.” I had a “reverse reaction” (meaning that gabapentin actually CAUSED the symptoms it is intended to treat). My skin began to burn so intensely, I felt like someone had poured acid all over my entire body! My heart was racing and I was dealing with other adverse symptoms. I was deathly afraid because I knew that I now had to get off of this medication and it was not an easy one to stop.

Though my successful taper off of gabapentin from a higher dose had occurred over a period of years, I now planned a 3-week taper to get off as quickly as I felt I could. I used clonazepam to help relieve the burning—which made it more tolerable.

Coincidentally, my first appointment with the new psychiatrist had been moved up and was scheduled for the very next day. I was relieved since I thought he might have some answers and be able to offer help. But I had a lot to learn about the poor training of doctors in regard to gabapentin.

When I met with Dr. F the next day, he was convinced that my symptoms were a result of taking clonazepam and would not believe my account of gabapentin causing my adverse reactions. He told me I could stay on gabapentin as long as I wanted but set up a taper off clonazepam.

I followed his directions to get off clonazepam even though I’d used it for less than 3 weeks. I realize getting off the benzo was probably a good thing now that I’m more educated on that drug, but I was left with no effective relief from my incessant burning and anxiety. Dr. F praised me for how easily I discontinued clonazepam. (I was off clonazepam in less than two weeks.)

But every time I tapered down on gabapentin, new symptoms appeared, and the burning spread. Now, not only were my limbs and chest burning, but my neck, face, hands, and feet were affected. After an emergency room visit to check out why my heart was beating wildly and my airway felt constricted, I was convinced by the ER doctor to stop my taper (which I’d gotten down to 100mg 3x/day).

As is true for most other sufferers of gabapentin adverse reactions and withdrawal, tests showed nothing, and after receiving a muscle relaxant and some Benadryl, I was sent home. Dr. F and his nurses were convinced that once off the gabapentin (and already off the benzo), my symptoms would improve dramatically. They did not.

I endured anxiety, sweating, heart palpitations, panic attacks, akathisia (I paced constantly), digestive issues (and severe abdominal pain), insomnia, breathing difficulties (I felt like I had a vise around my chest cinched up tightly while breathing through a narrow straw), nerve excitement (burning, itching, tingling, etc). My mouth, esophagus, throat, and tongue burned. I had a super-sensitive startle response and terrible fear. My sense of smell was so profound, the scent of a light perfume was abhorrent! My hearing was also over-sensitized. The sound of a lawnmower was more than I wanted to tolerate, but even gentle music that would have typically been soothing was just another very stressful irritation.

Living was unbearable. I could hardly stand to get through 60 seconds, let alone an hour or a day. Every 90-120 minutes at night, electric shocks jolted me awake accompanied by an intense hot flash and surge in skin burning sensation. Needless to say, I was terrified.

My husband paid for ladies to come over to my house to stay with me. They adjusted my ice packs to give a hint of relief to the incessant skin burning. I lost weight. I missed my son’s wedding. I couldn’t go anywhere or be involved in anything except trying to survive.

This went on for months until I finally attempted suicide. It is a miracle I survived.

Doctors Told Me I Was “Delusional”

When I awoke and realized that I would still be faced with the suffering, I was very distraught. But the suicide attempt amazingly helped some things. I’m not sure if it was because of the blood transfusion I was given that could have helped flush my system, but a few symptoms finally let up. I was no longer jolted awake at night with electric shocks and I did not have the compulsion to pace. I also could eat a little bit without as much nausea and stress to my digestive system. And I no longer had a “pins and needles” feeling in my feet.

After my recovery from the attempt, I was transferred to a mental health hospital. But I was now to be faced with a new trauma. I was continually told my symptoms could not possibly be from gabapentin since it would have been long out of my system by then. (It had been four months since its discontinuation.) I was diagnosed as severely depressed and was threatened with being compelled to take antidepressants. Out of fear of being held down and forced to take the medication, I conceded to take Cymbalta, but when I reported the burning surging even more, I was told I was delusional.

I decided to accept a prescription of BuSpar, but a weird thing started to happen. My feet started to go numb. Each time I took another pill, the numbness incorporated more of my foot and started to move up my leg. I had not anticipated that at all and was discouraged since I really had hoped that med might give me some relief. But my doctor was now more convinced than ever that I was a hypochondriac.

She became so angry with my reporting of symptoms, Dr. P diagnosed me with cluster B personality disorder. (Cluster B includes Borderline, Histrionic, Antisocial, and Narcissistic personality disorders. The ironic thing is that the heartless physician displayed several of those very traits.) She also discontinued the antidepressant medication even though I begged her not to since I had decided to stick out the symptoms in hopes the med would work in time. I also knew my body wouldn’t tolerate more stops and starts of psych meds without more adverse reactions. (She did that to me two times—the second time with Remeron).

I was transferred to a hospital closer to my home, but the medical staff there were just as uninformed about gabapentin. I had already educated myself and understood a little about gabapentin withdrawal, but I was totally disregarded. They kept trying to “teach” me about how depression can cause people to imagine physical symptoms. I agreed to take an antidepressant, but I knew that it had always taken 7 weeks for any antidepressant I’d ever taken to work. I did again get increased burning in my feet, but it was tolerable.

But something amazing happened about two weeks into my stay at the second hospital (and over 5 months since my last gabapentin pill). Though I still had the burning, hot flashes, and anxiety, they were becoming manageable. My breathing was improving. The withdrawal was easing up!

However, the doctor did not want to release me. He claimed that despite my “mood” improving, I was still “imagining” a skin burning sensation—though I reported it was now tolerable. My husband had to intervene before I could get out.

I still have sensitivities to caffeine, sugar, and even a vitamin/supplement I’d taken for several years as prescribed by my optometrist to help prevent macular degeneration, I am now able to enjoy my life again. The hot flashes continue even 13 years after the 2007 gabapentin cold turkey, but I can deal with them. I had a sensitivity to the sun that lasted for about 1.5 years, and the skin burning sensation gradually faded to nothing after about two years off gabapentin.

Gabapentin: The Facts

This is what I have since learned about the drug: Stanford University did a study on gabapentin in 2009 and found that it prevents the formation of new synapses in the brain. Many who take it long-term eventually develop cognitive impairment and short-term memory loss. Gabapentin affects GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid—a “calming” element) in the body. When taking the drug, one’s body will adjust to the artificially induced GABA and start to produce less of its own. (That fact is similar to benzodiazepines except that gabapentin affects GABA through calcium receptors rather than GABA receptors.)

Though not technically addictive, dependency can happen very quickly. If taken incorrectly, stopped abruptly, or tapered too quickly or the wrong way (or if one has developed a tolerance), before the body can rebuild GABA, lots of “uncalm” things can happen (insomnia, anxiety, sweating, heart palpitations, panic attacks, muscle tightness & pain, twitching, akathisia, digestive issues, breathing difficulties, nerve excitement—burning, itching, tingling, numbness, etc.) because there is not enough naturally produced GABA available.

In my case, I had built up a tolerance—called “kindling”—to the drug through going off and on several times. It takes much longer than most people expect for the body to rebuild GABA, which is why a slow taper off is so important. Gabapentin has a half-life of five to seven hours and should be taken three or four times per day in equal amounts. People who take it once or twice per day can develop inter-dose withdrawal over time, and that is when negative effects often start to appear. (Also, many report teeth crumbling and loss from gabapentin, among many other adverse reactions or events.) It can take a while for the body to reset after discontinuing the drug—especially if not done properly.

Dr. Heather Ashton developed a method for tapering psychopharmaceuticals approximately two decades ago. Though her work was mainly with benzodiazepine users, her methods have been found to be the safest for all psych drugs. But I am amazed at how many doctors do not follow her advice. Most typically recommend a too-fast taper or even a cold turkey. The rule of thumb on most gabapentin sites is no more than a 10% drop every two weeks or more. When one gets to the lower doses, the drug has more efficacy, so many only taper 5%. Those who taper correctly the first time and never reinstate gabapentin have the best long-term results.


Mad in America hosts blogs by a diverse group of writers. These posts are designed to serve as a public forum for a discussion—broadly speaking—of psychiatry and its treatments. The opinions expressed are the writers’ own.


  1. The solution is always more drugs. Develop a new symptom while taking a drug and you get another drug. One antidepressant doesn’t work so they try another one with the same supposed mechanism of action. When you go off the drugs withdrawal is used as evidence that you need more drugs when it really is proof the drugs harmed you. This type of behavior is what drug cartels do.
    I’m currently going through antipsychotic withdrawal (I was coerced on it with an injection). The first month and a half of tapering was fine but I went down another level. This drop and withdrawal paradoxically has worsened my akinesia (restlessness, agitation etc). I tried Benadryl (anticholigeneric) because it is supposed to help with akinesia but I found it worsened my akinesia while making me drowsy. I’m of the theory that all the benefit of anticholgentics for akinesia is due to active placebo effect and sedation. A study found B6 helps with akinesia so I’m eating lots of peas, spinach, and bananas.
    I remind myself that withdrawal does even if very slowly get better over time. That withdrawal is evidence the drug does harm. That using the drugs only worsens my life even if I suffer withdrawal. But I can’t shake the fear that the drug induced damage will be with me forever.

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    • I know this is 2 years old, I’m tapering as of now. I learned a lot reading your experiences. Mine are almost identical. Same medications. Same sequence of events. I appreciate it. I know what to look for and prepare for better than what my psychiatrist told me.

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    • I have been upset with myself because when my family found out I was on Gabapentin they encourage me to go off. I took it for 3 weeks only. And I went against my doctors wishes. I guess based on this article I made the right decision?

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  2. Thanks Linda,

    You’ve really been through the wringer – but you made it!

    You had to figure it out for yourself. I remember a doctor friend of mine telling me that these drugs are one of the most dangerous drugs a person can take (we were discussing Ketogenic diet and epilepsy).

    This article is very informative and very helpful.

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  3. Thanks Linda.
    Since neither psychiatry or big pharma or even doctors have “drug knowledge”, we cannot rely on them for information.
    That is why the availability of user information is so beneficial.
    Not so long ago, a guy with a script pad simply said that everything you experience is exaggerated.
    Now it has become frustrating for the scripters, because the evidence is against them and their drugs and the only thing left in their arsenal is to get the patient alone with a bunch of them, and harass us that way.
    But even that tactic is becoming known and I believe more lawyers will eventually be interested in how to make more money.
    Perhaps one day lawyers will beg for a job.

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  4. Thank you so much for sharing your story. Every time I read one such as yours at MiA, I feel great compassion and also anger / frustration that people are so gravely harmed by the doctors and professions that are supposed to heal. Your story mirrors my own in many ways, especially as relates to more drugs being piled on to deal with side effects of original drug. The drugs caused so many more issues and horrors than anything I was dealing with before being put on them. I am so sorry for all that you have been through and glad to hear that you are healing.

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  5. First of all, 4800mg is way over the maximum daily dose, which is 3600 in divided doses. So, whoever put you on that was giving you a dose that was much too high. Secondly, it calmed you down because one of the main side effects of neurontin is drowsiness. Yes, side effects can also include tripping over words and some memory problems. These are all listed under “common side effects”, and I am sure included in the handout that came with the pills when you received them.

    All drugs have side effects and they are prescribed because generally the benefits outweigh the drawbacks or side effects.
    I have been on neurontin for 5 years due to nerve pain from a stroke. I am a relatively young woman (early 60’s), and I can tell you that I have had to taper up over the years due to developing a natural tolerance.

    My final thought is that I would not be able to stop crying or walk if it were not for neurontin. So, don’t bash a drug that benefits a lot of people. Doctors prescribe, but you also have a responsibility to read about the drugs you elect to take, and to read about the benefits and the possible side effects.

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  6. Thank you so much for sharing your story Linda. My mum had the same zapping from Paxil and has recently used Gabapentin for various reasons, so this article is a real and direct help, for so many more reasons than just that though.

    The effects of memory loss and cognitive impairment are so subtle… we blame things… we dissociate from it and blow it off. By the very nature of experiencing it we disregard or forget its symptoms and impacts. If there is one thing that is the most under reported, acknowledged and identified in terms of side effects, i would say that is it although it can be a lot easier to deal with in some cases than other side effects. I would venture to guess as a culture we would be much more productive and even good willed if impacts to cognition were taken more seriously and measured in a stricter manner.

    Most doctors are self important dirtbags as well, unopen to learning and accepting that inevitably the ideas of others will be much better than their own. So they value their own thoughts and opinions above all others, let alone the patients that know themselves far greater than a doctor could ever hope to.

    I hope you feel better and find peace, best wishes.

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  7. Horrific to read glad you are getting better. I was prescribed GABA for a trapped nerve in my neck thankfully a fantastic physiotherapist fixed me up and I stopped taking it before things got too bad
    Carry on healing positive thoughts to you

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    • Bekki,

      I believe Gabapentin is indicated for Neurological pain, seizures, and convulsions. Gabapentin is not indicated as a psych drug, however since it slows neurological activity doctors are using it for that. Peter Gotzsche’s book ‘Deadly Medicines and Organized Crime’ details how rampant the off label use of drugs has become. So while in your case it may be being used correctly… if it is being used as a psych drug it means it has not been tested for such use and has no scientific basis for that type of use, so it is simply doctors experimenting on their patients.

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  8. Thank you for sharing Linda. This was very similar to my own experience. I was only on 200mg twice a day and I had respiratory depression, it slowed my heart rate down, caused anxiety, I was convinced on the last night I took it that I wasn’t going to wake up the next day etc and now ten weeks after the last dose and I’m sensitive to everything, meds, food etc… I can’t take anything that affects neurotransmitters at all not even antihistamines. Your article has reassured me that eventually I will heal and start to feel well again. Thankfully my heart rate is now normal again and my breathing is much improved thou. I remember being aware of every breath and wishing I could stop thinking about it. It’s sad how many people will defend this medication. It also lowered my estrogen and progesterone to post menopausal levels! My doctor says he’s now much more careful with prescribing it and has had a few patients take over a year to recover from taking it.

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  9. This is horrific and I am so sorry you had to endure all this. This is absolutely disgusting and you and your poor family have lost so much time together. I have just started Gabapentin but under a very experienced doctor for treatment of my Mal De Debarquement Syndrome disorder (constant rocking swaying). He has always tapered me off medications over time so I have complete trust at this point. I will however be making note of everything you have mentioned and make sure he doesn’t keep me on it for too long. I am praying it stops my condition.

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  10. Thank you for sharing your story I could not believe that I was reading my story through you, I went exactly through everything you mentioned and I couldn’t understand what was happening with me until reading your story. Now everything makes sense I didn’t know gabapentin is destroying my life, the doctors posting that it was all in my head, the hospital treatments , everything. Ohhh my God I can’t believe this was happening to me because of gabapentin that I have been taking 20 years now. It’s a relief to know but also scary after so many years of struggle. Thank you for sharing now I know my alternatives thanks to you! Wow all along it’s the gabapentin. I I stop taking in the past months half of what I was taking and as difficult it’s I feel much better, the side effects are not as powerful and it’s good to know I am not crazy. Does the noise in the ear ever goes away? Sorry you also went through all it, best wishes Edith

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  11. To be honest your article is page after page of how you decided what drug to take, what amount, when to start/stop/increase/taper. It sounds like a nightmare of self induced suffering.

    Drugs aren’t on a menu you decide from, choose when to start and stop each course, how much to eat and using google to gain a semi understanding of your choices.

    I hope you are better, but this is a lesson in the dangers of effectively self-prescribing and getting completely lost in too many variables.

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    • “Drugs aren’t on a menu you decide from, choose when to start and stop each course, how much to eat and using google to gain a semi understanding of your choices.”

      And “self prescribing”?

      I was encouraged by a pulmunologist to take 2000 mg of gabapentin and 4 clonazapams per day. I guess I should have listened to him huh. BTW, those scripts were for COPD, because as he wrote in my chart (that every caregiver could read) “X should not be having symptoms and if any, just mild”.
      And any doc I tried to see after that read it and tried to overpower me. One pulmo told me that she couldn’t help me if I was going to be “angry”.
      She never saw my anger, lucky her.

      Since my many years of living, never having used the healthcare or psych systems, and the few times I did use it I was minimized and the results were tons of pain and suffering ending in ER surgeries, and so it was starting again with my COPD.

      It has been made very clear to me that I will NEVER be acknowledged, I guess I’m just one of those who never get sick, never suffer, and will live forever.

      You want to blame people for the shit going on? Really?

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      • You haven’t made any tangible points to back up your criticism.

        You said ‘neither psychiatry or big pharma or even doctors have “drug knowledge”, we cannot rely on them for information’

        – So if that’s not promoting the untrained Public to self medicate I don’t know what is !!

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        • It is saying that you can’t trust that the doctors or Big Pharma are going to give you honest information. I don’t think it’s promoting the “untrained public” to “self medicate,” it’s promoting asking questions and doing one’s own research and getting multiple opinions before assuming that the “information” you have been given by the professionals is automatically to be trusted.

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          • Not trusting anyone professional and only trusting yourself – an untrained lay person with an internet connection – is quite ridiculous and leads directly to the sort of muddle shown here.

            NO ONE should decide what to take without professional advice and if they want to check then they should get second opinions it’s easy enough to do.

            There are far too many wrapped up in conspiracy theories about their own health and trying to meddle with it with no knowledge. understanding or qualifications to do so.

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          • Who said only trusting oneself? Clearly, I’m advising doing scientific research, speaking to other doctors and medical professionals for second opinions, looking at proven alternatives, etc. I’m saying that AUTOMATICALLY trusting that what a doctor is telling you is the truth just because they are a doctor is foolish and dangerous. It’s also bullshit that no one is smart enough to learn on their own a good bit of important information that doctors may or may not share with you. You don’t need qualifications to read scientific studies in many cases, or to simply read the patient handout for any drugs you are prescribed, especially when we’re talking about psychiatry/psychology. Not saying I would determine for myself what drugs (if any) to prescribe, but it’s not that hard to discover that your physician is talking through his/her hat with a little research.

            My dad was taking blood thinners after a heart attack. He went to a doctor, told him all about every drug he was taking, and was given a second prescription. Within a day or two, he was having instant bruising when he put his elbow on the table or pressed his finger into his arm. He looked up the second drug he was prescribed, and it said in BOLD LETTERS: CONTRAINDICATED WITH BLOOD THINNER X. DEATH COULD RESULT. He was hemorrhaging at the slightest touch. A minor car accident or a fall off a chair or small ladder would have certainly killed him on the spot. Yet the doctor knew all his medications and still prescribed this deadly combination. Are you suggesting he wasn’t “qualified” to look up the drug and discover it is contraindicated with the blood thinner he was prescribed, nor to conclude quickly that his subcutaneous bruising was almost certainly caused by the noted negative interaction between these two drugs?

            Every since that time, I NEVER take any drug until I’ve looked it up and examined side effects and contraindications. If my dad had fully trusted that doctor without question, he’d almost certainly have been dead at 40, instead of living until he was 85. Unquestioning trust in doctors is as dangerous as going it alone with no advice. In psychiatry in particular, going it alone may in fact be safer in many cases.

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  12. Steve – I don’t disagree at all, everyone should check the labelling and 40+ years ago things were far less regulated.

    However that’s a far cry from Linda’s article and the CT responses promoting distrust in all medical professionals, self diagnosis and self prescribing. Peoples use of the term ‘Big Pharma’ is utter CT nonsense slang for ‘I haven’t a clue’ which generally fits well with the rest of their opinions.
    Sorry to write in this way but people complaining with very little understanding speaks volumes as to why they are where they are.

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    • So are you saying that large pharmaceutical companies DON’T frequently promote their products by hiding data and lying to the public and overstating the benefits and downplaying the adverse effects of their product? Do you remember Vioxx? The lawsuits they “settle” out of court, like the one for falsely advertising antipsychotics for children? You don’t think that PharmA lobbyists are buying influence in Congress? And I’m not just talking about checking labeling – I’m talking about assuming that doctors are always telling the truth and have your best interests in mind.

      Take the antidepressants as an example. It was a known fact that they caused aggression and suicidality in a small but significant number of recipients, way back in 1987. Prozac was initially banned in Germany for that very reason. But it took until something like 2003 for that warning to get onto the label. Why do you think that happened? Do you think no one NOTICED? Or perhaps they suppressed this information in the interests of making profits? Do you really think they are beyond this? Or that doctors are all above board and honest and well educated when they get a ton of their information from drug reps?
      I don’t think the regulation of the drug industry is any better than it was 40 years ago – in some ways it’s worse! Did you know that you can get a drug approved with just TWO studies that show it’s even marginally better than a placebo, even if there are 80 studies saying it doesn’t work or makes things worse? It used to be three were required. Hardly an improvement in the regulatory system.

      I’m really not sure why you seem to be making this into a black and white issue. The world isn’t divided into those who qualified to interpret medical information and those who are doomed to accept their judgment. I notice you have not acknowledged that an intelligent person CAN personally read scientific research and draw his/her own conclusions without the intervention of a “medical professional.” Do you think that is impossible? Are doctors automatically smarter than I am? Are there no incompetent or corrupt doctors out there who can’t be trusted with my body and my life? If I can’t decide that, who can? And how would I decide if I’m too dumb to do my own research?

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  13. I stumbled upon your story while researching which antidepressants you can take with gabapentin.

    I take gaba for neuropathy, but not sure what can or should be taken for my manic depression. The Seroquel just knocked my out and too many side effects. I didn’t want to feel like a character in “One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest!”

    I have my 2nd psychiatric exam this afternoon for my social security disability determination. The depression has been overwhelming, trying to “live” off of food stamps alone for almost 2 years.

    I used to be a very gregarious, outgoing person, who would sing and walk everywhere.

    My boyfriend wants the “Old Dee” back – so do I … (heavy sigh)

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  14. Thank you for sharing your story! I too have a horror story from being prescribed gabapentin. I was misdiagnosed bipolar 2 and went through quite a few medicines in a short span because of the side effects. But just like you i wanted to commit suicide after discontinuing gabapentin because of the horrible withdrawal. My Dr told me that was wasn’t possible because just like you i had stopped taking it for months while the symptoms refused to go away. I couldn’t sleep at night, woke up with burning in my toe, i couldnt even walk up the street without feeling a strong pain in the left side of my chest like a heart attack. I went to urgent care and they said i was healthy. Every day was torture for months and what made it worse is that I was told over and over it was in my head. I have pics of me still laying my head down on the table because simply sitting in a chair was too hard of a task. I wish there was a way to warn more people about it because at the time i couldn’t find anything online validating my experience. I think most people that experience this either do kill themselves or end up believing they’re crazy or imagining it. I had called crisis services and they took me to the hospital but not a single person believed gabapentin i took 4 months prior could have caused my symptoms. I was unable to sleep for months on it and I’m sure that played a big role and it is well known that sleep medicine can cause similar issues.

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    • It sucks that they invalidated you like that! Seems like one of the worst things that happens as a result of the labelling process – soon nothing you say can be believed, they can dismiss anything you say as “symptoms.” It’s dehumanizing!

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  15. I Have All The Poster’s Symptoms But Without Gabapentin. The Doctor Tried To Put Me On Gabapentin And Fortunately I Already Knew The Outcomes. I Am Still Living Like This. August 2024. I’ve Spent Years And Untold Thousands In Doctor’s Appointments For Loads Of Testing And No Treatment Because I Have No Answers. Autoimmune Defects But No Inflammatory Markers, Visible Inflammation In Joints And Limbs. Tingling & Hot Flashes, Check. Anxiety And Incredible Fatigue. Lack Of Motivation Bordering On Depression But I’m Not Depressed. Eyes Dry And Swelling, Occasionally I See Like Before I Got Glasses. Something Is Wrong With My Body, And I Can’t Afford Any More Tests And A Naturopathic Doctor, Way Out Of The Question. No More Pills. I’ve Been Off A “Harm Reduction” Opiate Agonist For 2 Years, After Being On It For 12… I’m Assuming That I’ve Ruined My Brain, My Heart, My Lungs, My Joints & Now I’m Overweight. Horrific Tinnitus That Never Ceases, But Does Seem To Be Growing Louder Lately, Accompanied By What Feels Like High Blood Pressure In Only My Head. The Pills Never Help. Who Is To Blame For The Lives Pharmaceuticals Claim?

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  16. Stormie,

    For my own edification I ended up calling this mystifying set of symptoms CNS agitation. I had a similar but a little different set but equally frustrating.

    I ended up getting tremendous relief from prolonged water only fasting. I discussed it with Joseph Witt Doerring here,

    If your interested.

    One reason I caught onto it was because it exists entirely outside of the western medical cluster and one of the other reasons is that I paid attention to the curious feelings I would get to stop eating.

    Sorry to hear about your situation, it’s hard to believe how many of us are out there.

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    • @Michael So sorry to hear this. Knowing that there are so many damaged people I would suggest to start a ‘reporting point’ to start a ‘mass process’. I meet a lot of people who want to start a individual malpractice lawsuit which I completely understand. Actually, I don’t know anyone so far who has managed to achieve success. First step, in my opinion, must be finding a a lawyer specialized in health law who first looks at the strategy and then at the case.
      This is a worlwide problem unfortunately.
      I don’t have time to arrange this, but would like to support it. (As the chairperson of the Dutch Patients Association Tapering Medication)

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  17. This post resonates deeply with my own experiences. It’s alarming how little regard is often given to the long-term effects of medications like Gabapentin. Thank you for shedding light on this issue and encouraging discussions around the often-overlooked consequences of psychiatric medications.

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  18. This post really opened my eyes to the darker side of gabapentin. It’s alarming how many people are affected by side effects that go unreported. Thank you for shedding light on this issue—it’s time for a serious discussion about the safety and regulation of medications like these.

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  19. This post really opened my eyes to the potential dangers of gabapentin. It’s alarming to see how many people have experienced negative effects that aren’t often discussed. Thank you for shedding light on this issue and sharing real stories. It’s crucial that we have these conversations to inform others.

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