The Spin Doctors: “ADHD” Research


We all learned as freshmen that science is objective. But in fact, the evidence base for psychopharmacology and indeed probably most of modern medicine is manufactured and shaped and spun by experts whose interests may not be coextensive with yours or mine. A recent systematic review and meta-analysis on ADHD medications by Joseph Biederman and his colleagues at Harvard University and Massachusetts General Hospital gives us some insight into how this process works.

A favorite rhetorical tactic for proponents of ADHD drugsā€”whether they are writing in the scientific literature or the popular mediaā€”is to cite a long list of negative consequences purported to result from ADHD, begging the question of whether drugging children or adults for this condition reduces the likelihood of any of these bad outcomes. However, this paper by the Biederman group concluded that ADHD medications do indeed reduce frequency of a number of important harms.

Probably no man alive has done more to promote the diagnosis and drugging of children and adults for something called ā€œADHDā€ than Dr. Biederman, so this article is worth examining in some detail.

Letā€™s begin by taking a look at the studies reviewed by Dr. Biederman and his colleagues. Not one of them was a randomized controlled trial. All of them were observational studies relying on data extracted from population-wide databases or large health insurance claim databases, and either compared individuals who were prescribed ADHD medication with those who were not, or else compared data from the same individual when he was adherent to treatment to when he was not. This kind of study is prone to bias, for a couple of reasons.

Firstly, individuals who seek treatment for a given condition are more likely to engage in other health-promoting behaviors than those who are not. This is called the ā€œhealthy user effect.ā€ For example, women who seek hormone replacement therapy (HRT) are more likely to exercise, eat a healthy diet, avoid alcohol, and maintain a healthy weight than those who do not.

Secondly, individuals who adhere to a given treatment also are more likely to engage in other health-promoting behaviors. This is known as the ā€œhealthy adherer effect.ā€ One study found that patients who adhered to statin therapy had lower rates of burns, falls, fractures, motor vehicle accidents, open wounds, poisoning, and workplace accidents than those who did not. Another study, of HRT for women, found that even adherence to placebo was correlated with reduced risk of hip fracture, myocardial infarction, cancer deaths, and all-cause mortality.

Apparently, just being the sort of person who has access to health care, and who takes her medication regularly, can have salubrious consequences, independent of any actual pharmacological effects.

These sources of bias can completely overwhelm the actual drug effects demonstrated in randomized controlled trials. While observational studies found that women who received hormone replacement therapy had one-third the risk of coronary heart disease of those who did not, randomized controlled trials found that hormone replacement actually increases the risk by twenty-nine percent.

Bearing these precautions in mind, letā€™s take a look at the specific findings of the paper. The conclusion as stated in the abstract informs readers:

ā€œThe majority [of articles reviewed] suggest a robust protective effect of ADHD medication treatment on mood disorders, suicidality, criminality, substance use disorders, accidents and injuries, traumatic brain injuries, motor vehicle crashes, and educational outcomes.ā€

That seems like an odd way of spinning the results, given that the purpose of a meta-analysis is to determine what the overall pattern of data is telling you, rather than the sheer number of studies supporting this or that conclusion. In fact, the authorsā€™ own meta-analysis found no significant effect of ADHD medications on suicidality, criminality, substance use disorders, traumatic brain injuries, and motor vehicle crashes. That leaves educational outcomes, mood disorders, and accidents and injuries. How convincing is the evidence that ADHD drugs reduce the likelihood of these bad outcomes?

The conclusion that ADHD medication improves educational outcomes was based on all of two studies. Can you do a ā€œmeta-analysisā€ on just two studies?

Moreover, the authorsā€™ own literature review uncovered three more studies with available continuous data that showed no drug effect.

The conclusion that ADHD medication reduces the likelihood of mood disorders likewise was also based on two studies. One of these had major depression as its endpoint and the other had bipolar disorder. Can you do a ā€œmeta-analysisā€ on two studies with two different endpoints?

The only significant outcome based on more than two studies was accidents and injuriesā€”and the Biederman groupā€™s own meta-analysis showed significant heterogeneity in these studies, which suggest that they may not all have been measuring the same endpoint.

At this point the reader could be forgiven for concluding that all this constitutes a rather puny haul, coming as it does after decades of research, and given the biases inherent in these studies. Arenā€™t there any randomized controlled trials on the subject?

Indeed there are. By far the most important was the MTA Study, in which nearly six hundred children, all of whom had been diagnosed with ADHD (Combined Type) were randomly assigned to one of four treatment arms: 1) Medication, 2) Medication plus behavioral therapy, 3) Behavioral therapy alone, and 4) Usual community care. This study was far and away the largest and longest of its kind, carried out by eminently credentialed researchers, who gave the drugs every chance to work.

All of the children were started on Ritalin, and doses were carefully titrated to find the optimum for each child. Children who did not respond well to Ritalin were titrated on the following alternative medications, in this order: dextroamphetamine, pemoline, imipramine, and, if necessary, others approved by a cross-site panel. Children attended monthly half-hour medication maintenance visits (as opposed to the standard one or two brief visits per year) with a pharmacotherapist who provided support, encouragement, and practical advice, and who prescribed dose adjustments if necessary. The pharmacotherapist also kept in touch with the childā€™s teacher by means of monthly telephone conversations. Parents were supplied with readings from an approved list in order to educate them about the importance of drug treatment for ADHD. Medication compliance was ā€œfacilitatedā€ by monthly pill counts, saliva measurements of methylphenidate levels, and encouraging families to make up missed visits. The randomization phase lasted fourteen months, at which point all the children were released to ā€œusual community care.ā€

And how did all this work out for the kids? At the eight-year follow-up, there was no significant difference between any of the treatment groups for any of twenty-four outcome variables.

No effect on ADHD symptoms. No effect on oppositional behavior or antisocial behavior. No effect on anxiety or depression. No effect on reading skills, math skills, grade point averages, or grade retention. No effect on social functioning, psychiatric hospitalizations, traffic tickets, or auto accidentsā€”the list goes on and on.

These results were published way back in 2009. Three years ago, the young adult follow-up outcomes of the MTA study were made public. There was still no significant difference between any of the treatment groups in terms of ADHD symptomsā€”but the ā€œconsistently medicatedā€ subjects were nearly two inches shorter than those who had received ā€œnegligibleā€ treatment.

In plain English, the short-term benefits, such as they are, of ADHD medications fade over timeā€”but the growth suppression caused by these drugs is permanent.

Of course, ADHD isnā€™t just for kids anymore. Are there any randomized controlled trials on the effects of medication for ā€œAdult ADHD?ā€

There are. A 2012 study, again far and away the largest and longest of its kind, looked at 410 adults diagnosed with ADHD who were randomized to either the ADHD drug Strattera or placebo. At the six-month mark, the difference between the treatment group and the placebo group on the primary outcome, the Endicott Work Productivity Scale, was a paltry six-tenths of a pointā€”on a scale of zero to one hundred.

Subjects were also assessed via the Clinical Global Improvement Scale. A difference of one point on this scale is deemed the minimum necessary to be noticeable to a treating clinician. In this case, the difference was a mere one-tenth of a pointā€”with the difference favoring placebo.

It seems unlikely that Joseph Biederman and his colleagues at Harvard and Mass General could have been unaware of this studyā€”which was carried out by Joseph Biederman and his colleagues at Harvard and Mass General.

A basic principle of scienceā€”not to mention common senseā€”is that the burden of proof rests on anyone making a claim. These drugs have been on the market for decades. After all this time, can anyone point to any convincing evidence that they produce meaningful long-term benefits for children or adults? The harms, however, are indisputable. Why do doctors continue to prescribe these drugs?

The disclosure statement of the Biederman groupā€™s 2020 paper gives us a hint. Dr. Biederman has accepted research funding from Shire (the maker of the ADHD drugs Vyvanse and Adderall XR) as well as Genentech, Lundbeck, Neurocentria, Pfizer, Roche, and Sunovionā€”although, the reader is assured, Biedermanā€™s interests ā€œare managed by Massachusetts General Hospital and Partners HealthCare in accordance with their conflict of interest policies.ā€

In the past, Dr. Biederman has also been the recipient of largesse from Eli Lilly, maker of Strattera and also of Zyprexa, and from Janssen, the maker of Risperdal. Those latter two nostrums are neuroleptic drugs often given to children diagnosed with bipolar disorderā€”a condition that often follows after children are drugged with stimulants prescribed for ADHD.

In this country, we now spend over twenty billion dollars a year on treatment for something called ā€œADHD.ā€ For that amount of money, we could pay the mid-career salaries of an extra 365,000 teachers or 827,000 teachersā€™ aides. At what point do we ask whether we wish to continue pouring money down this particular black hole? If not now, when?

Thereā€™s been a lot of concern as of late about something called ā€œscience denialism.ā€ But the commentators wringing their hands over this sort of thing never seem to consider the effect of having the appearance of science and the materials and methods of science being hijacked by those whose sole concern seems to be to sell us all as many drugs as possibleā€”and damn the cost to everyone else.


Mad in America hosts blogs by a diverse group of writers. These posts are designed to serve as a public forum for a discussionā€”broadly speakingā€”of psychiatry and its treatments. The opinions expressed are the writers’ own.


  1. What are we engaging in. It is only ongoing warfare and is absolutely dependent on power.

    The real question remains. Why are children being drugged so they can fit into ONE exact
    education system that was developed not long ago.
    Why is the drugging of children even be seen as a normal activity?

    The world is really a useless pit if this is allowed.

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  2. I notice that these studies make no attempt to find out what’s inducing “ADHD”. In particular, they’re paying no attention to lead intoxication, which closely mimics this aforementioned condition. But that takes work, such as sending hair and serum samples to a laboratory- better to pile on the stimulants, paying no attention to unpleasant thoughts that all your medicating might be in vain. Better to rely on chestnuts like the patient staying hyperactive because (s)he doesn’t want to get well.

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  3. — Biederman’s pupils, supposedly some of the best psychiatrists in the world!

    Biederman should had been locked up many years ago. Instead of ranting for an hour I’ll pull back and just say this; he was caught promising jansen and jansen positive results for a study of risperdal in children if only they’d give him the money for the study (and then some, really) and yet this, among many other things he would be caught for, was totally fine. Federal prosecutors should had been locking him and other psychiatrists easily proven guilty of serious crimes up. Charles Nemeroff, Jeffrey Leiberman, and damn it, I can’t remember the name of the one who had dozens of “scientific articles” retracted because he didn’t even run the studies, yet got 50 million (I think…) tax dollars to run a study on veterans and PTSD. … I don’t remember names well.

    But Biederman’s is one I’ll never forget.

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  4. ‘In this country, we now spend over twenty billion dollars a year on treatment for something called ā€œADHD.ā€ For that amount of money, we could pay the mid-career salaries of an extra 365,000 teachers or 827,000 teachersā€™ aides. At what point do we ask whether we wish to continue pouring money down this particular black hole? If not now, when?’


    Humanity is a race of being who use their taxes to finance the poisoning of their children.
    Money above everything else.

    Corporations have corrupted everything, so that after exploiting the labour, they also exploit their taxes and the body of their children.

    Has anyone seen Alien director’s cut? (its a deleted scene so not really a spoiler)
    At the end of the movie there is a deleted scene where Ripley see a wall covered by an organic matter, and she soon noticed two of her former comrades digested by the wall into alien eggs.

    I have always thought that it is a fitting metaphor of the psychiatry-pharma monstrosity.
    Humans whose value are just their bodies exploited like ressources, swallowed and digested into the callous reproductive system of a predator.

    Now in the movie the swallowed ones were adults.
    In this real (?) world, it is children.

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    • “For that amount of money, we could pay the mid-career salaries of an extra 365,000 teachers or 827,000 teachersā€™ aides”

      And where would we find them? Where are all these bright and talented and passionate people? It’s the same problem with our healthcare system. Good luck finding a doctor who actually gives a damn whether or not you’re still alive in a year.

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    • Well said Exit.
      It is the raping of kids. Inserting chemicals into their mouths and they take
      them innocently since they are told that they have a disorder.
      Not only change forever their brains, but on top of it, for their lives, they
      are looked upon as having something.

      It is the vilest practices of this vile psychiatry. One can expect a lack of
      awareness in a shrink under 30, but after that, there is enough information
      even if one lacks awareness.

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  5. ā€œ’science denialism’ … the commentators wringing their hands over this sort of thing never seem to consider the effect of having the appearance of science and the materials and methods of science being hijacked by those whose sole concern seems to be to sell us all as many drugs as possibleā€”and damn the cost to everyone else.” A wonderful description of psychiatrists.

    Ah, and Mr. Biederman, the man who created the iatrogenic (ADHD drug and antidepressant induced) ‘childhood bipolar epidemic.’ Who believes he is “second only to God,” if I recall correctly?

    Thank you, Patrick, for speaking and writing about the fraud, and especially the systemic harm of children, which the psychiatric industry – and all those who utilize the “invalid” and “unreliable” DSM disorders – are perpetrating.

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  6. ā€œMeth is horrible and will destroy your brain, ruin your life, and cause a psychotic rage where you commit murder suicide.ā€ -Society.

    ā€œKids who donā€™t sit down and shut up need to get addicted to meth or else they will become drug addict depressed criminals in constant suffering .ā€ -Same exact society.

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    • And then this society locks up and denigrates people with unconventional beliefs, although its belief in psych drug is at least on the same level of quirk. The only difference is that the quirk is conventional and enforced.

      A belief which is dangerous and destructive.

      So we have a society with strange DESTRUCTIVE thoughts which locks up people for their strange thoughts in the name of safety. lol.

      Psychiatrists are the most dangerous madmen who ever walked the earth. They just chose the good delusion.

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  7. There is no greater protection from being labeled “mad”, than there is in labeling others so.
    This is a historical fact of any paradigm that has existed.
    And “madness” has nothing to do with anxiety or depression. Nor with suffering. If they truly wanted to help, if that is their excuse, it would obviously not look ANYTHING like they are offering. And the proof is in the pudding. Why would they hold onto such a paradigm?

    It starts off when a kid, usually a privileged kid, isn’t cut out for much else. By the time they are dating and finding their hierarchy mate, and it just gets so much about saving face, on a personal level more so than the colleague level. It is having to fake a degree, a job, when they know that in reality, their position in life is not at all about anything with honor, or honesty.

    Then there are individuals like Kenneth Blatt MD, who reclaimed who they always were and work confidently, with insight, among the poor saps stuck in their loop de loop cult.

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  8. “These drugs have been on the market for decades. After all this time, can anyone point to any convincing evidence that they produce meaningful long-term benefits for children or adults?”

    Yes, I can.

    There was a doctor in my State who prescribed ADHD drugs to 2075 “patients” over a calendar year. The publication of this data obviously a problem, so the current Minister for Health has dismantled the legislation which allows the public to know about these prescribing practices. If it looks ‘dirty’, make sure the public can’t see it.

    And my “convincing evidence” for “meaningful long term benefits”? The doctor concerned Real Estate portfolio says it all. The benefits have been immense.

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  9. Biederman and company also cherry picked their non-placebo-controlled studies. Studies in Quebec, Australia (Raine Study) and in Finland showed that taking stimulants don’t improve any outcome measured in the “meta-analysis” discussed. Additionally, the OSU Medication Effectiveness Study showed no improvements in any outcome, except for a slight reduction in accidents for “medication” users. This issue has been studied for over 60 years now. If this stuff were so awesome, why aren’t there clear and unambiguous indications of positive results? How many “no result” findings have to happen before we conclude that it simply doesn’t have any long-term benefits?

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  10. “…..indeed probably most of modern medicine is manufactured and shaped and spun by experts….”

    If you factor for, infant mortality infectious disease, and accidents you would probably find life expectancy to be better among basic people, 100 years ago, than it is now.

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  11. Patrick, some important writing you’ve done in this article! Just a few comments:

    (1)Biederman was massively helped in his diagnosing and drugging of children by Johnson & Johnson working with Allen Frances. See

    (2)You mention women taking hormone “replacement therapy” as though it were a healthy thing. You seem not to be aware that taking that kind of hormone has been extremely dangerous for huge numbers of women. I hope you can perhaps edit out that bit of your article so as not to mislead women.

    (3)I wish you had addressed the fact that “ADHD” — see the brilliant work especially by Dr. David Cohen — is an utterly unscientific entity. So all these people who say they studied treatments for “ADHD” are talking about an entity that has no validity.

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  12. Hi Paula:
    Yes, I mentioned Dr. Biederman’s ties to industry. I devote an entire sub-chapter to this in my new book-in-progress.
    I mentioned that women taking hormone therapy had a 29% increase in coronary hear disease. I certainly do not recommend this to any woman.
    I agree that “ADHD” (and all the other so-called “functional disorders” commonly treated by psychiatrists) has no validity. I devote an entire chapter to this point in my new book-in-progress.
    Thanks for reading and commenting.

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