Treatment-Resistant Depression as a Sign of Unconscious Health

In this video, Dr. Elio Frattaroli describes how biological explanations for "treatment-resistant depression" often ignore the meaning and context of a patient's suffering. He...

The Sound of Madness

From Harper's Magazine: People who hear positive, encouraging voices often seen as spiritual guides or messages and people diagnosed with schizophrenia are usually thought of as...

Is Your Job Bullshit? David Graeber on Capitalism’s Busy Work

From In These Times: Over a third of British workers believe their job makes no meaningful contribution to the world. The rising number of people who have...

Study Explores Impact of Urban vs. Rural Upbringing on Stress Response

A new study investigates the relationships between early-home environmental factors and later-life physiological response to psychosocial stressors.

Hopeless But Not Broken: From George Carlin to Protest Music

From CounterPunch: Although people are often pathologized and shamed for feeling hopeless, hopelessness is sometimes a natural reaction to an oppressive political climate. George Carlin...

Minority Groups Found Less Likely to Get Mental Health Care

From California Healthline: Although people of color are much more likely to suffer from severe psychological distress, they are less likely to receive mental health...

Temperamentally Blessed

From Aeon: The finding that only one in five people avoid any kind of mental health problems or psychiatric diagnoses through their lives has prompted...

The Unique Way the Dutch Treat Mentally Ill Prisoners

In this piece for BBC, Melissa Hogenboom reports on the way that people who have been convicted of crimes and diagnosed with mental illness are...

Do Social Network Sites Help or Harm Well Being?

How does social network site use influence well-being? Researchers suggest this depends on the extent to which site use is “connection-promoting."

The 1%’s Mind Games: Psychology Gone Bad

In this piece for CounterPunch, Roy Eidelson explains the psychology of the persuasion and manipulation tactics utilized by the rich and powerful to maintain the oppressive status quo. "Given their...

Antidepressants and Withdrawal: Readers Tell Their Stories

More than 8,000 people responded to the recent New York Times article on antidepressant withdrawal. Here, reporter Benedict Carey describes differences in the way various...

Knowing Patient’s Story Improves Odds of Happy Ending

The American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) has released a toolkit that will help physicians identify and respond to key social determinants impacting their...

A Mental Health Crisis is the True Cost of University Marketization

From Red Pepper: University students are facing unprecedented rates of mental health crises due to a combination of financial insecurity and ever-increasing academic pressure. "Meanwhile, our futures...

Antidepressants and the Problem of Withdrawal

In this episode of WBUR's On Point Radio, Benedict Carey, author of the recent New York Times report on antidepressant withdrawal, discusses the topic of discontinuing...

How Compassion Can Triumph Over Toxic Childhood Trauma

From Medical Xpress: New research findings suggest that when pregnant women who have experienced adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) feel supported by those around them, their...

Social Inclusion and Stipend Enhance Recovery, Study Suggests

A new study explores the benefits of a befriending program in the recovery of those with “enduring mental illness.”

Judi Chamberlin and the Fight Against Institutionalizing Women

In this piece for Rooted in Rights, s.e. smith chronicles the life of Judi Chamberlin and discusses the important role she played at the intersection of...

Chosen Name Use in Transgender Youth Linked to Reduced Depression and Suicide

The ability of transgender youth to use their chosen name is connected to reduced depressive symptoms and suicidal thoughts/behaviors.

Physical Activity and Exercise May Prevent Depression, Study Finds

Everyday exercise, regardless of intensity, can prevent the development of depressive symptoms.

Suffering From Nature Deficit Disorder? Try Forest Bathing

From NPR: People who live in urban areas may experience a poorer quality of life due to spending insufficient time outdoors. In a new book, Forest...

How Babies Learn – And Why Robots Can’t Compete

In this piece for The Guardian, Alex Beard compares robot learning to language acquisition and development in children. While robot learning is abstract and formulaic, learning...

The Industrial Revolution Left Scars That Can Still Be Seen Today

From the Harvard Business Review: While the Industrial Revolution brought about unprecedented technological and economic progress, it has also left a negative psychological impact. Research shows...

How War Gets “Under the Skin”

In this piece, Patrick Larkin explores the impact of war on growth and human development. A study he conducted on Hmong refugees in French Guiana...

The Elephant in the Room

From Discursive of Tunbridge Wells: Psychologist Rufus May speaks about the often overlooked role of racism in the mental health system. People of color are...

The Necessary Transience of Happiness

From openDemocracy: Despite our cultural obsession with happiness and the widespread growth of the happiness industry, few of us are actually more satisfied with our lives....