Blaming Climate Change Inaction on Psychological Barriers Misses the Point

Researchers argue that blaming climate change inaction on psychological barriers ignores the effects of neoliberal capitalism and social structures.

Decontextualized Depression and PTSD Diagnoses Fail Indigenous Communities

A case analysis of an American Indian woman illustrates how the DSM diagnostic criteria misrepresent the lives of indigenous people.

Green Space in Childhood May Protect Against Adult Mental Health Issues

A new study suggests proximity to green space as a child is linked to lower rates of mental health issues in adulthood.

Increasing Prevalence of Mood Disorders Among Teens and Young Adults

Depression, serious psychological distress, and suicide attempts have risen substantially since the early 2000s among young adults – what’s changed?

More Follow Up Needed for Drugs Granted Accelerated FDA Approval

Drugs to treat serious or life-threatening conditions can receive accelerated FDA approval, but may expose patients to increased safety risks and reduced efficacy.

Training Health Workers in Therapy Leads to Improvements and Less Medication Use

A Nigerian study finds that more than three-quarters of patients improved, even when only 13% were prescribed medication.

America’s Opioid Crisis Proves the Limits of Capitalism

In this piece for RT, Slavoj ŽiŞek discusses the impact of capitalism on America's opioid crisis, exploring the factors that have driven people to use drugs...

European Expert Group Calls for Investment in Community Based Services

In Europe, millions of people live in segregated institutional settings, excluded from mainstream society. Without adequate, person-centered support in the community, institutionalisation will sadly continue.

The Empire Dreamt Back: Britain’s Use of Psychoanalysis

From Aeon: In the early 20th-century Age of Empire, officials in the British Empire sought to better understand their colonial subjects through the use of...

Western ‘Depression’ is Not Universal

Derek Summerfield, consultant psychiatrist at South London and Maudsley National Health Service Foundation Trust, challenges the assumption that Western depression is a universal condition.

Nunavut Declares Suicide Epidemic a State of Emergency

Nunavut, Canada’s largest and northernmost territory, is suffering from a suicide rate that is 10 times the national average. “In the case of Inuit boys 15 to 19,” CBC News reports, “the suicide rate is 40 times higher than those of their peers in the rest of Canada.”

Understanding Psychosis and Schizophrenia? What About Black People?

In many respects it is difficult to fault the report Understanding Psychosis and Schizophrenia, recently published by the British Psychological Society (BPS) and the Division of Clinical Psychology (DCP)[i]; indeed, as recent posts on Mad in America have observed, there is much to admire in it. Whilst not overtly attacking biomedical interpretations of psychosis, it rightly draws attention to the limitations and problems of this model, and points instead to the importance of contexts of adversity, oppression and abuse in understanding psychosis. But the report makes only scant, fleeting references to the role of cultural differences and the complex relationships that are apparent between such differences and individual experiences of psychosis.

Current Immigration Policies Create Mental Health Vulnerabilities for Families

Researchers investigate the impact of immigration policies on the mental health of arriving Mexican and Central American immigrants.

Married Individuals with Schizophrenia Show Better Outcomes, Study Finds

14-year study of a rural sample in China shows those who were married had higher rates of remission from schizophrenia.

Large German Anti-Stigma Campaign Shows Little Effect on Attitudes

“Overall, this study showed that the information and awareness campaign had almost no significant effects on the general public's attitudes toward people affected by either schizophrenia or depression,” the researchers, led by German medical sociologist Anna Makowski, wrote. “One could assume that deeply rooted convictions cannot be modified by rather time-limited and general activities targeted at the public.”

“Pharmaceutical Prosthesis and White Racial Rescue in the Prescription Opioid ‘Epidemic’”

Critical psychiatry researcher, anthropologist and NYU professor Helena Hansen writes: “Opioid maintenance acts as a kind of pharmaceutical prosthesis which promises to return white ‘addicts’ to regaining their status as full human persons and middle-class consumers. Meanwhile, black and brown users are not deemed as persons to be rescued, but rather dangerous subjects to be pharmaceutically contained within the public discipline of the state.”

International Study Examines Environmental Factors Associated with Psychosis

Study finds the incidence of “psychosis” to vary by person and place, corresponding to factors such as race, ethnicity, age, and environment.

Belief in a Favorable Future May Undermine that Future

People who are more likely to believe that others’ views will change to match their own over time are less likely to engage in actions to facilitate that change

Researchers Critique WHO Mental Health Technology

Researchers critically examine the underlying assumptions and implications of a new WHO mental health technology designed to streamline psychiatric assessment internationally.

Integrating Indigenous Healing Practices and Psychotherapy for Global Mental Health

As the Global Mental Health Movement attempts to address cross-cultural mental health disparities, a new article encourages integrating traditional healing practices with psychotherapy.

New Review Finds Lancet Global Mental Health Report Misguided

A new critical review of the latest Lancet global mental health report finds that while the movement claims to take a public health approach in its rhetoric it continues to focus on culturally inappropriate individual-level interventions.