Loneliness Increases Risk of Severe ‘Common Mental Disorders’

Loneliness was found to both predict and be reinforced by severe common mental disorders.

A Suicide Therapist’s Secret Past

In this piece for The New York Times, suicidologist and psychotherapist Stacey Freedenthal tells her story of having struggled with suicidality and discusses the importance...

Discrimination Leads to Mental Distress for Gender Diverse People

Researchers seek to identify adaptive coping responses to discrimination for the transgender and gender diverse community.

New York Times Issues Correction on RAISE Study Report

Last Tuesday, The New York Times and several other outlets (including Mad In America) reported on the highly-touted results of a study on psychosocial treatment for patients diagnosed with schizophrenia. Now, claims made about the study, which the ‘Times called “the most rigorous trial to date,” are coming under increased scrutiny.

Study Finds Improved Functioning for ‘Schizophrenia’ Without Antipsychotics

Long-term treatment with antipsychotic drugs is currently considered the standard treatment for patients diagnosed with ‘schizophrenia.’ A new study challenges this practice, however. The...
suzuki book zen buddhism

Searching for Zen and Finding a Cow

If I had a clinical problem, why was something as ancient and simple as meditation helping me? And if normal positive human habits could be so profoundly useful, why the heck was the field marketing pills and “clinical” coping mechanisms to me instead? This frustration helped me jump ship from the medical mindset and hop into the world of humanity.

The Link Between Poor Mental Health and Low Income

From Metro: Poverty can have a dramatic effect on people's mental and physical health, as it can impact diet, healthcare access, sleep, and socialization. "There are plenty...

Being Bullied by Age Eight Linked to Depression in Adulthood

There is a growing body of evidence suggesting that being exposed to bullying in childhood can contribute to mental health problems later in life. In a new study, published in JAMA Psychiatry, the researchers found that children who reported being bullied at age eight were significantly more likely to seek treatment for mental health problems by age twenty-nine.

The First “Working To Recovery” Camp: June, 2015

About a year ago, my partner Ron Coleman said to me "let's have a recovery camp." I said "what’s one of those?" and he said "I'm not sure, but let's invent it." And so, from June 7th to 12th 2015, we created a community of recovery for a week. The next step is to create communities of recovery around the world — not just as temporary camps, but long-lasting oases within our communities.

The Effect of Psychiatric Diagnosis on Young People’s Sense of Self and Social Identity

A new review highlights the effects that psychiatric diagnosis has on children and adolescents’ social relationships and views of self.

“Why So Many Smart People Aren’t Happy”

The Atlantic interviews Raj Raghunathan about his new book, If You’re So Smart, Why Aren’t You Happy? “If you were to go back to the...

Married Individuals with Schizophrenia Show Better Outcomes, Study Finds

14-year study of a rural sample in China shows those who were married had higher rates of remission from schizophrenia.

Researchers Present Structural Competency Training Model for Psychiatrists

Researchers argue that a structural competency and social determinants of health approach must be made central to psychiatry training.

Study of Online Antidepressant Forums Reveals Long Lasting Withdrawal Effects

Effects of discontinuing SSRIs and SNRIs reported on an online forum indicate significant and long-lasting withdrawal symptoms.

Lay Health Worker Intervention Effective at Decreasing Symptoms

Compared with standard care, results of a lay health worker intervention in Zimbabwe suggest that this is effective for reduction of common mental health symptoms

New Medications Fail to Show Efficacy for Alzheimer’s Disease

Three phase III clinical trials assessing the efficacy of Lundbeck’s investigational drug idalopirdine for Alzheimer’s disease have failed

Using the Power Threat Meaning Framework in Mental Health Nurse Education

Scholars call for international mental health nurse curriculum to shift to a rights-based approach and teach the Power Threat Meaning Framework.

Doing It Alone Together: Core Issues In Dutch Self-Managed Residential Programs

For the last six years we, a group of researchers, social work students, peer experts, and social professionals associated with the Amsterdam University for Applied Sciences, have been studying and facilitating the development of self-managed programs in homelessness and mental health care in the Netherlands. With our research we want to contribute to the development of new and existing programs through critical reflection. With this blog, I hope to share some of our findings, to give back to the respites from which we learned so much.

Correcting Misconceptions of Trauma-informed Care with Survivor Perspectives

Trauma-informed approaches have the potential to promote recovery but must involve survivors and service-users to prevent the experience of retraumatization within psychiatric and mental health services.

Study Explores Sexual and Intimate Partner Violence in College Women with Disabilities

A new study explores sexual violence and intimate partner violence in college women with mental health related disabilities.

“Researchers Confront an Epidemic of Loneliness”

Katie Hafner, writing in the ‘Times, describes how loneliness has become a major public health issue. “The profound effects of loneliness on health and...

New Collaborative and Feedback-Informed Family Therapy Approach

Attempts to bridge the gap between research and practice result in a family therapy approach which employs clients as co-researchers.

Einstein, Social Justice and The New Relativity

To create his theory of relativity, Einstein had to see things differently. He used imagination and empathy to come to know a new 'reality' of existence. In this essay, we delve deeply into the nature of human experiences that lead to public concern and discover ourselves in a whole new realm.

New Findings Suggest Masculinity is a Risk Factor for Suicidal Thinking

Men who report being self-reliant may be at greater risk of suicidal thinking.

School-Based Program for Anxiety and Depression Shows Promise

Researchers evaluate the impact of a school-based prevention program on anxious and depressive symptoms.