off meds onto nutrients

What Happened When I Went Off Meds and Onto Nutrients

I remember clearly thinking, ā€œIā€™m done. Iā€™m not putting myself through this again.ā€ I wasnā€™t going to settle for the side effects of a marginally better than placebo treatment again. Here is a brief look into my rollercoaster journey of recovery, returning to work, having my trauma re-triggered, finding a way through, and finally living well.

Community-Driven Healthcare for the Homeless Reduces Hospital Costs

Direct access to care in safe locations is key in reducing healthcare costs and increasing quality of life for homeless populations.

Two-Thirds of Schizophrenia Patients Do Not Remit on Antipsychotics

A new analysis of antipsychotic treatment of schizophrenia (published in Schizophrenia Bulletin) has found that two-thirds of patients treated this way do not experience symptom remission.
provider privilege blocks funding alternatives

What’s Blocking Progress in Behavioral Healthcare?

It's time to stop blocking progress and give peer-run organizations the same access to the funding streams used by Community Mental Health Centers. There is noĀ reason to give more money to the people who have had all the money all along and can't solve the problems. Open up the competition, and then see what kind of amazing developments occur.

DACA has ā€œImmediate and Positiveā€ Impact on Lives of Immigrant Students, Study Finds

New research demonstrates the benefits and complexities for immigrants transitioning from undocumented to DACA status.

New Research on Patient-Centered Deprescribing for Antipsychotics

Researchers review the risks and benefits of deprescribing from antipsychotic drugs and advocate for a patient-centered approach to tapering.

Prolonged Exposure Reduces Dropout Rates and Symptoms for Individuals with Complex Trauma

New study finds that intensive prolonged exposure is a promising treatment option for individuals with multiple trauma experiences.

Can Education Level Predict Prescription Drug Misuse in Young Adults?

A new study examines the extent to which patterns in prescription drug misuse and substance use disorder symptoms can be predicted by education level

Study Shows Success With Reduced Antipsychotic Use

People who reduced antipsychotic use by tapering were doing just as well after five years as those who continued using the drugs.

Mental Health Apps May Lead to Overdiagnosis, Study Finds

A new study finds that mental health apps promote a one-dimensional view of mental health.

What Are Best Practices For Psychosis And What Gets In The Way?

Research investigates cliniciansā€™ perspectives on best care practices and the complicated realities of providing care in the face of agency limitations and mechanized interventions.
psychosis brain healing

Healing From Schizophrenia

My experience is that living in a psychosis forces your brain to "stretch" ā€” you develop extra capacity to handle things. I was pretty much living a normal life, even working some of the time, while having all of my psychotic problems. After the psychoses faded away, I no longer needed to fight monsters, but I still had that extra capacity left. After 11 periods of psychosis, my brain has never worked as well as it does now.
suzuki book zen buddhism

Searching for Zen and Finding a Cow

If I had a clinical problem, why was something as ancient and simple as meditation helping me? And if normal positive human habits could be so profoundly useful, why the heck was the field marketing pills and ā€œclinicalā€ coping mechanisms to me instead? This frustration helped me jump ship from the medical mindset and hop into the world of humanity.

Former Service User Studies the Inpatient Experience

Researcher and former service-user Diana Rose utilizes a participatory research process to examine experiences on inpatient wards.

Early Attention to Life Circumstances and Relationships Improves Outcomes for Psychosis

Coordinated care with employment support and family therapy leads to superior outcomes for those diagnosed with psychotic disorders.

Counter-Messaging Downplays Effectiveness of Exercise for Depression

Counter-messaging and a lack of critical analysis may lead doctors away from suggesting exercise for depression.

Using the Power Threat Meaning Framework in Mental Health Nurse Education

Scholars call for international mental health nurse curriculum to shift to a rights-based approach and teach the Power Threat Meaning Framework.

Psychotherapists Reflect on Lack of Improvement in Therapy

Qualitative research examines the experiences of psychoanalytic therapists in their work with patients whose symptoms either failed to improve or worsened.

Are Students Benefiting From the Growth Mindset Model?

Results from two meta-analyses reveal shortcomings with the growth mindset theory as applied in schools.

High Job Strain Increases Risk of Mental Health Challenges

High job demands, low job control, and high job strain are associated with the development of a mental health issue at age 50.

How to Talk to Somebody Who is Hearing Voices

In this pieceĀ forĀ MetroUK, Lucy Nichol explains how to best support people in "psychosis," emphasizing the need to believe individuals who hear voices and recognize...

We Need to Address the Socioeconomic Causes of Distress

FromĀ The Independent:Ā Over the past several years, mental health awareness has become a high priority. But in order to truly make a difference in people's...

More Evidence That Physical Activity Prevents Depression

Higher levels of physical activity serve as a protective factor for the future development of depression.

Why Lifestyle Tips Won’t Cure the Mounting Stress People Face

FromĀ The Independent: Mental health awareness campaigns inundate us with lifestyle tips for managing stress such as mindfulness, meditation, exercise, and nutrition. But these tips...

Mental Health Industry Should Embrace Choices Beyond Drugs

In this video forĀ NowThis, Yana Jacobs critiques the mental health industry standard of prescribing drugs as the first-line treatment for "mental illness." She emphasizes...