Rethinking Psychiatry/Medical Model

Philosophers Challenge Psychiatry and its Search for Mechanisms of Disorder

Attempting to locate the mechanisms of psychiatric disorder is a step in the wrong direction and fails to challenge potentially unjust social practices.

Combining Art Therapy and Mindfulness for Refugees

A new article, published in The Arts in Psychotherapy, describes the ways art therapy and mindfulness have benefitted refugees and asylum seekers in Hong Kong.

Multiple Researchers Examining the Same Data Find Very Different Results

A new study demonstrates how the choice of statistical techniques when examining data plays a large role in scientific outcomes.

International Research Team Proposes a New Taxonomy of Mental Disorders

New data interpreted to suggest a hierarchical, dimensional system of mental disorders will aid future research efforts and improve mental health care.

New Evidence for Brain-Gut Link in Depression and Quality of Life

The first ever population-level study of the brain-gut connection in humans finds evidence for a link between gut bacteria and mental health.

Treating Metabolic Conditions May Resolve Some Depressive Symptoms

New research suggests that treatable metabolic abnormalities underlie some treatment-resistant cases of depression—and treating the metabolic condition has the possibility of dramatically reducing depressive symptoms

It is Time to Abandon the Candidate-Gene Approach to Depression

The candidate-gene approach to depression goes unsupported and is likely based on bad science, new research finds.

German Psychologists Declare “the Drugs Don’t Work”

JĂźrgen Margraf and Silvia Schneider, both well-known psychologists at the University of Bochum in Germany, claim that psychotropic drugs are no solution to mental...

A Social Psychiatry Manifesto that Takes Social Context Seriously

A re-visioned approach to social psychiatry aims to understand the broad influence of social life on mental health.

Antidepressant Use Linked to Longer, More Frequent Psychiatric Rehospitalization

New study finds that antidepressants may negatively impact recovery after psychiatric hospitalization.

Opening Doors in the Borderlands: An Interview with Liberation Psychologist Mary Watkins

MIA’s Micah Ingle interviews Mary Watkins about reorienting psychology toward liberation and social justice.

7 Years Off Psych Drugs: A Message to Those Labeled by Psychiatry (video)

Seven years ago, I completed a six-year process of withdrawing from six psychiatric drugs. That process was the impetus to start speaking up about what is happening in psychiatry with far too many of us being gravely harmed.

Time to Abolish Psychiatric Diagnosis?

‘Diagnosing’ someone with a devastating label such as ‘schizophrenia’ or ‘personality disorder’ is one of the most damaging things one human being can do to another. Re-defining someone’s reality for them is the most insidious and the most devastating form of power we can use. It may be done with the best of intentions, but it is wrong - scientifically, professionally, and ethically. The DSM debate presents us with a unique opportunity to put some of this right, by working with service users towards a more helpful understanding of how and why they come to experience extreme forms of emotional distress.

Lancet Psychiatry’s Controversial ADHD Study: Errors, Criticism, and Responses

Amid calls for a retraction, Lancet Psychiatry publishes articles criticizing the original finding and a response from the authors.

Study Finds Improved Functioning for ‘Schizophrenia’ Without Antipsychotics

Long-term treatment with antipsychotic drugs is currently considered the standard treatment for patients diagnosed with ‘schizophrenia.’ A new study challenges this practice, however. The...

Psychosocial Explanations of Psychosis Reduce Stigma, Study Finds

A review of mental health anti-stigma campaigns finds psychosocial models are effective in reducing stigma, while biogenetic models often worsen attitudes.

Psychotherapy is Less Effective and Less Accessible for Those in Poverty

A special issue explores the connection between poverty, mental health, and psychotherapy.

Fear and Belief in “Chemical Imbalance” Prevent People from Coming Off Antidepressants

Researchers interviewed people who were given medical advice to discontinue antidepressants.

Western ‘Depression’ is Not Universal

Derek Summerfield, consultant psychiatrist at South London and Maudsley National Health Service Foundation Trust, challenges the assumption that Western depression is a universal condition.

Psychology Needs New Concepts and Healing Models for Racial Trauma

Contemporary empirical research explores new ways to conceptualize and heal racial trauma through anticolonial and sociohistorical lenses.

Constructing Alternatives to the DSM: An Interview with Dr. Jonathan Raskin

Dr. Raskin discusses psychotherapists’ dissatisfaction with current psychiatric diagnostic systems and explores alternatives.

Curing Schizophrenia via Intensive Psychotherapy

I believe that an Intensive Psychotherapy can lead to healing and, often, a cure of psychotic states. By cure I mean the cessation of delusions and hallucinations, and a gradual titration off of antipsychotic medication, with the cure lasting—even without continuing psychotherapy.

The Role of Intergenerational Trauma in the Perpetuation of Childhood Maltreatment

A new study examines the role parent borderline pathology plays in the perpetuation of childhood maltreatment.

Researchers Argue that ‘ADHD’ Doesn’t Meet DSM Definition of a Disorder

New research questions whether the diagnosis of ADHD even meets the criteria for a disorder, as set out in the manuals used by the medical and psychiatric fields.

The Paradox of White Americans’ Mental Health

Are White Americans’ poor mental health outcomes caused by Whiteness?