CAUTION: Spin Ahead! There is No Evidence That Psychostimulants Reduce the...

Debunking a recent study on ADHD and COVID-19: It suffers from a series of manipulations and spins that are inappropriate in scientific research that aspires to objectivity and that aims to reveal truths.

What If This Pandemic Is the Best Thing to Happen to...

Families may be worried that the stress of lockdown may aggravate their child’s struggles. Yet, we hear some parents say the situation has changed their child for the better. Why might that be? In this interview, Dr. Nicole Beurkens talks about the impact of “quarantine life” on children with different types of behavioral, emotional, and neurodevelopmental challenges.

Q&A: My Child’s School Is Pressuring Me to Give Him Stimulants

My eight-year-old son has trouble paying attention in school. He's always been very active and easily bored. The school had him evaluated by the school psychologist, who thinks he has ADHD. They are pressuring me to get him on stimulants and threatened to call Child Protective Services if I don’t. I feel very uncomfortable with this, but they seem to think it's the only answer. What should I do?

Despite Claims, EPA Supplement Does Not Improve ADHD Symptoms in Youth

A new study reports that the supplement EPA improved ADHD symptoms but a closer look calls these results into question.

Textbooks Provide Misleading Information on the Neurobiology of ADHD

When it comes to ADHD, some researchers suggest that medical textbooks provide inaccurate and misleading information.

Monarch eTNS Inspires “Stop the Psychiatric Abuse of Children!” (SPAC!)

The FDA approval of the Monarch eTNS device is the latest form of psychiatric-inspired child abuse. If not stopped, it will afflict millions of children in unimaginably damaging ways. It has inspired us to form Stop the Psychiatric Abuse of Children (SPAC!) a new international advocacy organization.

Craig Wiener – ADHD: A Return to Psychology

On MIA Radio this week, Miranda Spencer, Mad in America's Parent Resources editor, interviews Dr. Craig Wiener, a licensed psychologist who specializes in the treatment of children, adolescents, and families. He discusses approaches to helping children with "ADHD" behavior that don't involve drugs and constant monitoring.

Teacher Perspectives on Student ADHD Medication Use

Qualitative study examines patterns in teacher attitudes and knowledge related to medication of students for ADHD-type behaviors.

Why Are the Youngest Children in a Classroom Diagnosed with ADHD?

A new article examines the implications of relative age on the ADHD diagnosis.

Neuroscientists Attempt to Diagnose Leonardo Da Vinci with ADHD

In a short editorial in the scientific journal Brain, neuroscientists Marco Catani and Paolo Mazzarello argued that Da Vinci had ADHD.

Study Reveals Inconsistency in ADHD Diagnostic Determinations

Researchers compare differences between research and clinical diagnoses of ADHD and explore the consistency of clinical determinations over time

No Brain Connectivity Differences Between Autism, ADHD, and “Typical Development”

Neuroscience researchers find no differences in brain connectivity between children with diagnoses of autism, ADHD, and those with no diagnoses.

Adderall Use Associated with Increased Risk of Psychosis

Twice as many teenagers with ADHD experienced severe psychosis when taking Adderall, as compared to Ritalin, according to a new study.

“ADHD: A Return to Psychology” Video Series

Most people believe that children diagnosed with ADHD misbehave because they possess an inferior inhibitory system that renders them less able to suppress unacceptable actions. However, this belief has numerous shortcomings. This series of videos challenges these assumptions and offers alternative explanations for why a child may exhibit ADHD behaviors.

Prenatal Valproate Exposure Linked with ADHD Diagnosis in Children

Children who were exposed to anti-seizure drug valproate in utero were 48% more likely to develop ADHD, according to a new study.

Q&A: May I Take My Foster Child Off Her Drug Cocktail?

I recently became the foster parent of a 10-year-old girl. She is on a cocktail of several medications prescribed to treat behavioral problems, according to her social worker. They don't really seem to help her. What are the considerations involved with withdrawing her from the meds, and what power do I have to influence this decision?

7 Tips to Help a Distracted Child

Simple changes such as keeping a calm home environment, limiting media distractions and enrolling your child in sports will help a child who is inattentive or having problems focusing on his or her school work. They are also useful for any child and can even prevent inattentiveness in an ever-more-distracting world.

Growing Evidence for the Link Between ADHD Diagnosis and Age at...

Researchers detect a striking relationship between the month of school enrollment relative to peers and patterns of ADHD diagnoses in a large sample of elementary school students throughout the US.

About 1 in 100 Children Treated with Ritalin Experience a Serious...

A recent Cochrane review has found that serious adverse events occur for about 1% of children and adolescents treated with Ritalin.

Rates of ADHD Diagnosis and Prescription of Stimulants Continue to Rise

Two new articles find that rates of ADHD diagnosis and stimulant prescription continue to rise all over the world.

Hallucinations Reported as Side Effect of ADHD Medication

Hallucinations and other psychotic symptoms have been reported after methylphenidate (Ritalin) treatment for ADHD.

Large Increase in Poison Control Calls for Children Taking ADHD Drugs

New data shows that calls to US poison control centers have increased significantly for children taking stimulant ADHD drugs.

Digital Media Use Linked to Increase in ADHD Symptoms

Increased frequency of digital media use can increase symptoms of ADHD among adolescents, study finds.

Researchers Can’t Predict Whether Childhood ADHD Will Impact Adult Functioning

New research has found that a childhood ADHD diagnosis is not predictive of adult functioning in boys.

What’s New in the International Classification of Diseases?

From Psychology Today: "Most of the initial news coverage of the ICD-11's release focused on its inclusion of a new mental disorder called gaming disorder...However, while gaming disorder...