Editorâs Note: Over the next several months, Mad in America will publish a serialized version of Sami Timimiâs book, Insane Medicine. Part 1 of Chapter 3 was published last week. In Part 2, he discusses the lack of findings for a genetic basis or a neurobiological basis for ADHD, and explores the effect of stimulant drugs. Each Monday, a new section of the book will be published, and all chapters will be archived here.
Let me then look at the evidence supporting that ADHD is a âthingâ that comes into being through genetics and brain problems.
ADHD genetics: Has the null hypothesis been disproven?
The claim that ADHD is genetic has been extrapolated mainly from twin studies, because identical twins are more often both diagnosed with ADHD than non-identical twins. In the twin method, it is assumed that when a higher percentage of identical than non-identical twins are diagnosed with the same disorder, this is due to genetics rather than environmental factors. This is because identical twin pairs will share 100% of the genes whereas non-identical twins will share, on average, 50% of their genes.
Researcher Jay Joseph has examined the question of heritability of psychiatric disorders (including ADHD) in great detail in his books and articles, and his critiques illustrate the problems with the evidence supporting ADHD being a disorder with high levels of genetic heritability.
For identical twins to have a greater likelihood of having a disorder because of sharing the same genes, you have to assume that the psychological and social environment is the same for identical and non-identical twins. This is known as the Equal Environment Assumption or EEA for short. It has been long established that EEA doesnât hold when comparing identical and non-identical twins. Identical twins are often treated more similarly (e.g. dressed in same clothes) and experience a unique psychological environment (e.g. swapping roles to confuse others).
Being one of identical twins is a different experience from being one of non-identical twins, and so psychological and social factors could by themselves be responsible for greater behavioural or emotional similarity in identical compared to non-identical twins. This means the twin study method cannot disentangle genetic from environmental factors for psychiatric presentations, and so estimates of the genetic contribution to ADHD cannot be arrived at from this method.
There are other methods used to estimate genetic heritability, such as family studies (looking at prevalence of ADHD symptoms in family trees) that also cannot disentangle environmental from genetic contributions. Another approach, which is more challenging logistically to carry out, is adoption studies. An ADHD adoption study would involve comparing rates of ADHD in adoptive parentsâ families with rates in the biological families of children who have been adopted and subsequently diagnosed with ADHD.
There have been no true adoption studies in ADHD. Methodological problems have been numerous in adoption studies anyway, from the fact that most adoptees have already spent considerable time in biological families of origin or in foster care placements prior to adoption, to the differences parents of adoptees as a group may have from the average parent.
Adoption studies, like family studies, then are not capable of distinguishing environmental from genetic contributions, and so none of these methods used to estimate heritability can on their own or together disprove the null hypothesis that there is no characteristic genetic abnormality or difference associated with those who get an ADHD label.
The only way to reliably evidence a specific genetic contribution to ADHD is through molecular genetic studies. Since faster and cheaper whole genome scans have become available, the molecular genetic evidence has been accumulating. This increasingly large volume of ADHD genetic research is not showing any particular findings, whether in relation to abnormal genes or consistent genetic associations. This has not stopped unscrupulous researchers making claims to the contrary.
In 2010 a study was published in the medical journal The Lancet claiming to have found concrete molecular genetic evidence that ADHD is a genetic disorder. This study has been, and continues to be, referenced as the preeminent study that demonstrates the certainty with which we can call ADHD genetic. In the press release at the time the research team lead, Professor Anita Thapar, left little room for doubt, saying âNow we can say with confidence that ADHD is a genetic disease and that the brains of children with this condition develop differently to those of other children.â This is what they really found:
The study involved the comparison of whole genome scans of 366 children âwith ADHDâ with those of 1047 ânon-ADHDâ control children, looking for something called copy number variants (CNVs). CNVs are abnormal bits of genetic code that are repeated where they shouldnât be or deleted where they should be.
Researchers found 15.6% (57) of the children with ADHD had CNVs compared with 7.5% (78) of the non-ADHD controls. This leaves an excess of 8% in the ADHD group, hardly a significant figure. If we are to accept standard âmainstreamâ quoted prevalence for ADHD, it also means that if you come across a young person who has CNVs they are more likely not to have an ADHD diagnosis than have it.
The deceit doesnât end there, however. The average recorded IQ (a psychological measure of intelligence level used to assess level of learning, including level of learning difficulties) of the children with ADHD was 86, 14 points below the general population average of 100. Furthermore, when 33 intellectually impaired ADHD children (IQ lower than 70) were excluded from the ADHD group, only 11.4% of the remaining 333 children had CNVs (now only 4% above the non-ADHD control group). 39% (13) of the 33 children with ADHD and an intellectual impairment had CNVs.
This evidence is more suggestive of a relationship between the presence of CNVs and intellectual disability (39%) than CNVs and ADHD (11.4%). The authors of this study should therefore have controlled for IQ given its disproportionate impact on the likelihood of having CNVs, but chose not to.
As mentioned, the average IQ in the ADHD group was significantly lower than the control group (whom we can assume would have a population average IQ of 100). The authors should have chosen a subgroup from their ADHD patients who had an average IQ of 100. This would then have made for a more legitimate comparison group to their control group. I canât help wondering whether they did that, because I suspect they may have been left with no or a tiny difference and so chose not to publicise this. This sort of high profile and media attention grabbing publication is worse than junk science, as the authors have misled the medical community and general public in their conclusions.
Since then there has been an explosion in well-funded genetic research into ADHD. Thousands of those diagnosed with ADHD have had their entire genome scanned to detect what is known as âDNA variantsââbits of DNA that are different in persons with a condition compared to those without. These studies are called genome-wide association studies (GWAS).
In GWAS, each person gives a sample of DNA, from which the millions of genetic codes each person carries are read, looking for a gene that occurs more frequently in people with a condition than those without. If a gene is found more commonly in people with the condition, it is said to be associated with that condition. GWA studies investigate the entire genome, which makes them fundamentally different from methods that start with a hypothesis that a particular gene could be associated with (in this case) ADHD.
A hypothesis-based approach puts forward a theory that a particular gene or set of genes that code, for example, for the neurotransmitter dopamine or its receptors in nerve cells, is abnormal, and then compares these genes in people with a diagnosis and in non-ADHD controls. This latter type of study was the dominant way of investigating molecular genetic abnormalities or differences in ADHD, but drew a blank.
GWA studies are not hypothesis driven and are more data fishing exercises. They may lead to hypotheses that can be further investigated if they reveal regions that may be of interest and seem relevant to the condition being studied. But on their own, they tell you more about whatâs not relevant than what is, particularly if the genes occurring more often than chance are spread across many different parts of the genome.
The numbers studied here are particularly important to understand. The initial GWA studies of ADHD did not discover any DNA variants that achieved genome-wide significance, even when most of these samples were combined in a meta-analysis including over three thousand patients with an ADHD diagnosis and/or their parents.
Later, using even larger samples going into tens of thousands, GWA studies showed ADHD to be associated with a large number of common variants, each having tiny effects, that are spread across the genome, cross over with other so-called psychiatric diagnoses (like autism, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder) and often with no control for the effects of learning difficulties.
What this means is that in order to pick up genes that occur very, very slightly more than chance in those with ADHD compared to healthy controls, you have to have a very large sample size (of at least ten thousand). Most of those with an ADHD diagnosis donât have any of the individual genetic differences picked up in the massive GWAS samples, nor do we have any reasonable biological theory to test what is being picked up from these tiny, barely relevant findings.
Genetic aetiology enthusiasts have referred to the failure to find reliable molecular genetic abnormalities or differences as a conundrum they refer to as âthe missing heritability.â Because they assume ADHD must be genetic, they imagine the genetic problems must be there somewhere; itâs just that we havenât found it yet. The most likely reason for the âmissing heritabilityâ is, of course, that it was never there in the first place.
Scientifically speaking, we have to assume then that with regards to genetics, the cupboard is empty and the null hypothesis stands: There is no characteristic identifiable genetic abnormality/profile associated with ADHD.
ADHD brain imaging studies: Has the null hypothesis been disproven?
As with genetics, ADHD brain imaging studies have not uncovered any specific or characteristic abnormality. The picture that emerges is of consistently inconsistent findings, which are statistical deviations (the brains would not be recognised by radiologists as being clinically abnormal), come from small sample size studies, donât always accurately match for age (and youâll see why this important when I comment on birthdate research below) and typically donât control for IQ level, or for the possible effects of medication. One research team finds one bit of the brain smaller than âhealthyâ controls and the next one doesnât, or even finds that bit is a little larger.
But, as I have been explaining, the science should not get in the way of the dedicated scientismist! In 2017, The Lancet Psychiatry published a study that the authors claimed provided definitive evidence that young people with ADHD have different and smaller brains compared to their healthy peers.
As with the genetics junk science, the lead researcher, Dr Hoogman, made bold claims stating, in a press release that was covered by mainstream media, âThe results from our study confirm that people with ADHD have differences in their brain structure and therefore suggest that ADHD is a disorder of the brain.â A careful analysis of their findings show how their research reveals more about the desperation of the authors to find something than their ability to conduct a proper scientific examination of their findings.
The authors call their study a âmega-analysisâ as they took data from a large number of previous research projects and ânumber crunchedâ all the different sitesâ findings as if they were all just one big study. This process is sometimes illuminating, but can also make incidental findings look more significant than they are.
In total they had data from the brain scans of 1713 patients diagnosed with ADHD and 1529 individuals who did not have this diagnosis, gathered from 23 research teams around the world. They claim that they found what amounts to tiny differences in some (not all) particular brain structures that become statistically significant when they add all the available recorded volumes for a particular structure in the ADHD when compared to non-ADHD groups.
Using certain measures of statistical variance enables them to make this claim on differences that are so tiny they are of no clinical relevance. This method enables them to hide the consistently inconsistent findings.
For example, the largest difference was found for a tiny brain structure called the nucleus accumbens (NA). This mega-analysis thus makes the claim that children with ADHD have a smaller NA than non-ADHD children. However, if you look at the data by site you find 10 sites that found an average smaller NA in the ADHD group, 4 sites that found an average larger NA in the ADHD group, and 6 sites that found no difference.
This is the picture for the structure with the largest difference in the study. Staying with the NA, you can also see that there are major technical issues with interpreting the scans, arising out of the different machinery and/or analytic algorithms the different research groups used. For example, individuals in Bergen Norway have an average NA volume of 758 mm3 v 805 mm3 (ADHD v control), whereas in Wuzberg, Germany they have an average NA volume of 462 mm3 v 449 mm3 (ADHD v control).
Perhaps Norwegian children have amazing NAs compared to German children, whom by this standard must all have raging ADHD to contend with. However, given the Norwegian group is one of the groups where the controls have larger volumes, whereas the ADHD group has larger volumes in the German centre, this huge variationâwhich is larger between centres than withinâfurther biases the findings if (as is the case) those with larger total volumes lay more in the group that had differences in favour of controls having larger NAs.
Finally, here is yet another study that does not control for IQ differences. Associations between brain volume and IQ have been shown across a range of studies with adults and children. When the authors of this study published the correct IQ table (embarrassingly they had originally published an incorrect version), a separate group reanalysed their data, taking into account the potential effects of IQ, and concluded that there was no significant difference between individuals with ADHD and those in the control group in any of the investigated areas of the brain once IQ difference is controlled for.
Here too then, as far as the science is concerned, the cupboard is also empty. No one has come near to finding a characteristic abnormality and, as a result, there is no biological marker or brain scan used to diagnose ADHD. The null hypothesis standsâthere is no characteristic brain abnormality associated with ADHD.
ADHD caused by a chemical imbalance: Has the null hypothesis been disproven?
There is no shortage of âexpertsâ prepared to claim that ADHD is related to a chemical lack or imbalance of the neurotransmitter âdopamine.â This idea is based solely on the perceived finding that drugs (like Ritalin) that act to stimulate the release of dopamine, and therefore increase its levels in brain synapses, appear to improve the âsymptomsâ of ADHD (more on that later).
Decades ago, studies found that if you take stimulants, regardless of diagnosis, it improves your ability, in the short term at least, to maintain concentration on a task. However, as no one had yet demonstrated whether there was a lack of dopamineâor notâin individuals diagnosed with ADHD, the chemical imbalance theory was able to spread alongside aggressive marketing from manufacturers of drugs that increase the levels of these chemicals in the brain.
Every now then a study comes along that challenges the accepted wisdom and so gets limited publicity. One such study was published in 2013. Its findings questioned âprevious suggestions that attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the result of fundamental abnormalities in dopamine transmission.â The researchers found that administering methylphenidate (more commonly known by the brand name Ritalin) to healthy adult volunteers, as well as those who exhibit symptoms of ADHD, led to similar increases of the chemical dopamine in their brain. Both groups also had equivalent levels of improvements as a result of the drug when tested on their ability to concentrate.
We should not be surprised by this finding. Stimulants like Ritalin act on the nervous system in almost identical ways to cocaine. Most stimulant medications are analogues of amphetamine and indeed some are amphetamine derivatives. Amphetamines are widely used illegally because they give you a kind of a tunnel vision, making you highly absorbed in what you are doing; thus, as well as taking them for their recreational effects, they are also used as exam study aids as they increase concentration and keep you awake. Like all other drugs we use in psychiatry, they have general effects on everybody. They do not correct any disease based âchemical imbalances.â
Here too then, the cupboard is also empty. The null hypothesis standsâthere is no characteristic chemical imbalance associated with ADHD.
Children young for their class are more likely to âcatchâ ADHD
Several studies conducted in different countries have found that the youngest children in a class year have a significantly increased risk (compared to oldest children in a class year) of being diagnosed with ADHD and/or receiving medication for ADHD. These studies have found that whether you are in country that has high rates of diagnosing or prescribing (like USA) or low rates (like Finland), this pattern is still evident.
Such a pattern of identifying ADHD is strongly suggestive of the notion that relative immaturity to your peers is a significant risk factor for receiving this label (i.e. for adults noting and problematising a childâs ability to concentrate and their levels of activityâtheir âboisterousnessâ). Whether itâs over 6% of children (in the Icelandic study) who get prescribed stimulants or less than 1% (in the Finnish study), the pattern still holds. Whatever, the cultural norms for problematising these behaviours are, relative immaturity in the class keeps emerging as a risk factor.
Of course, children mature at different rates, raising an important question of whether a diagnosis of ADHD even for children who are older in the class might also be reflective of their relative slower developmental trajectory. Remember this is a diagnosis mainly given to boys, and males on average develop slower than females.
For a while now, I have thought that the growth of pseudo-diagnoses like ADHD is a reflection of Western neoliberal intolerance of diversity amongst children, where from an early age children are given messages that they are valued for what they do (for their âperformanceâ) rather than for just being. These findings lend further support to my concern that the prevalence of diagnoses like ADHD acts like a barometer of how intolerant of children and childishness we are in modern culture.
ADHD treatment: Convincing parents their children need to take cocaine-like substances
In the 1970s, â80s, and â90s, ADHD as a concept had taken off, aided in large part by the growth in the use of amphetamine derivatives. This group of substances are referred to as âstimulantsâ as they increase the release of certain neurotransmitters (i.e. stimulate the nervous system), most notably dopamine. Ritalin was the most recognisable brand name of these drugs and became a best seller, making huge profits for Novartis Pharmaceuticals. Other companies soon realised the enormous potential that comes from medicalising childrenâs behaviours, particularly those that stress out parents and teachers, and so a variety of short- and long-acting preparations are now available.
Labelling childrenâs irritating, worrying, or distressing behaviours with a pseudo-medical label opens huge potential markets, so whilst the prescribing of dangerous and addictive stimulants to kids started out and stayed for a couple of decades as an almost solely US phenomena, it has since spread globally and numbers being medicated continue to rise.
This trend has not been without controversy. After all, amphetamines, like cocaine, are known to be highly addictive, with a marked potential for physical and psychological dependence and many serious health risks. As central nervous system stimulants, they elevate life functions, such as blood pressure, body temperature, and heart rate. Those using amphetamines will generally need less sleep, have less of an appetite, and have greater focus. How could we possibly justify giving to kids a substance we warn adults about taking because of the terrible long-term effects we know this can have on the body, brain, and so many aspects of a personâs everyday life?
This is where a chemical imbalance theory was needed. ADHD medication enthusiasts spun a myth, based not on evidence, but as a way of justifying what they were advocating. The argument was that those with ADHD react in a different way to stimulants than those without, because in ADHD there is a deficiency of dopamineâtherefore, stimulants are just replacing what wasnât there in the first place. This means itâs a corrective and not something that will lead to all the known terrible effects. Therefore, stimulants are dangerous if you donât have ADHD, but safe and maybe vital for ânormalâ functioning if you do.
Or so the enthusiastsâ argument goes. As discussed earlier, the null hypothesis on a chemical imbalance in ADHD has yet to be disproved and therefore, that theory is unsupportable.
Like most medications used in psychiatry, its use was based on anecdote and had started before studies to show that they were safe and effective had been done. The assumption was that because stimulants appeared to calm these children down, it must be working in a different way to those who used it recreationally, who seemed more energised. When it was studied in the 1980s, though, it was found that actually it does have similar effects regardless of the diagnosis.
Its main effect in the doses prescribed is to create a kind of psychological tunnel vision, so you get absorbed in what you are doing. The apparent calming effect is related to this effect of increased focus. When you see your child sitting down, apparently concentrating on school work, and following instructions in a way they werenât doing before, it can seem like this is a transformative treatment.
But this is a general short-term effect of a stimulant. It will do this for most children who take it, regardless of the label they have. The studies that supported the use of stimulants as a treatment were nearly all conducted by pharmaceutical companies, lasted for just a few weeks or months, and concentrated on rating ADHD âsymptomsâ rather than other quality of life measures. However, once children are prescribed a stimulant, the prescription isnât for a few weeks or months, but usually for many years. This is where we need the evidence. What happens after several years?
Given that amphetamines are highly addictive, physical tolerance is likely to occur. Like many systems in the body the nerve synapses (the connections between nerve cells) have homeostatic properties. This means they like to keep their chemical messengers in a narrow range for optimal functioning. If there is more than the usual amount of dopamine (for example) being released as a result of taking an amphetamine regularly, the synapse will start switching off dopamine receptors to, in effect, reduce the overall amount of dopamine back to within its usual narrow range. This is why cocaine addicts who take a certain amount regularly find that in order to get the same hit, they have to take more cocaineâas the amount that used to give them that high is not doing so anymore.
Because of this homeostatic mechanism, after a while the problem behaviours start emerging in the child again as that increased focus effect the stimulant was having starts to wear off. This is what we call becoming âtolerantâ to the dose of amphetamine. It means the synapses have switched off some of the dopamine receptors so you no longer get the same effect.
If you stop the amphetamine now however, you will get withdrawal effects, as the nerve cells will now get too little dopamine because of the reduced number of working receptors. The state of agitation that sudden or too-fast withdrawal of the stimulant can induce will look like the âADHDâ coming back with a vengeance, convincing all, including the doctorsâfew of whom seem to understand the above processâthat the child really does need the amphetamine for more ânormalâ functioning.
Now, therefore, the dose will be increased and set in motion will be a process of increasing physical (in the child) and psychological (in parent and teacher) dependence that leads to gradual increases in the dose over time with temporary periods of improvement, which eventually wear offâleading to another dose increaseâalongside a solidifying of the idea that the child has a brain-based condition called ADHD and that it requires amphetamines to keep it in control.
Interference with sleep often means that a sleeping aid will be added (like melatonin) and continuing behaviour difficulties often result, at some point, with the very heavy-end âantipsychoticâ medication being added too. Itâs not unusual, therefore, after several years to find ADHD-labelled young people who are taking several medications, often at high doses, and the problems keep coming back or never quite go away.
But what does the research evidence say about long-term outcomes?Â
In 1999 a famous American study of âtreatmentâ for ADHD was published. By then, prescribing of stimulant medication in the US was widespread. When this study was published it received extensive public and professional coverage. I remember attending our Faculty of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (in the UK Royal College of Psychiatrists) annual conference in the year 2000 and listening to the then-chair of the faculty explain to the audience of UK child psychiatrists that the implications of this study were that we would have to prescribe stimulants for anyone diagnosed with ADHD, and that probably (given resource limitations) prescribed stimulants alone would be sufficient for most.
So what did this famous study find? This study, referred to as the âMTAâ study (Multimodal Treatment of Children with ADHD), was a 14-month multi-centre trial where young patients were randomised to 4 treatment groups: Medication (stimulants) only, behaviour therapy only, combined medication and behaviour therapy, and routine community care.
The authors concluded that after 14 months of treatment, there was more reduction of ADHD symptoms in the medication only and combined medication and behaviour therapy groups than the behavioural therapy only group, who in turn had better outcomes than the routine community care group.
As you might predict, there were considerable problems associated with the study that made such a conclusion questionable. For example, two-thirds of the routine community care group were also on the same medication as the medication arm of the study, yet had the poorest outcomes. Furthermore, the behavioural treatment arm consisted of an intensive 6-week course that was completed at any time during the 14 months, so that by the time of the 14 month evaluation, some of the families receiving the behavioural therapy intervention had completed it up to 9 months before the 14-month assessments, whilst the medication arm included regular appointments right up to 14 months.
This raises the distinct possibility of a placebo response being the main reason for better outcomes in the medication and combined treatment arms. At that time, conflict of interest statements were not mandatory in most journals. Predictably, when these were made known, many of the lead authors had long lists of pharmaceutical company connections.
The 14-month MTA study quickly became the most quoted study for ADHD treatments, regularly referred to in the treatment guidelines of many countries. Based on what is still quoted as best available evidence, you would have thought that the MTA study ended there and there was no more to say. But even if you accept the findings at face value, 14 months does not equate with the many years most end up being prescribed medication for. So the MTA study still couldnât address the issue of what happens to those prescribed stimulants long term. Or could it?
The story of the MTA study doesnât in fact end there. At a conference in Phoenix I attended in 2002, I ended up by chance sitting next to someone whom I discovered was a psychologist involved in the evaluations of the MTA trial at one of the centres. He told me that his team there had just completed analysing the data for the 3-year follow.
I remember him saying to me âOnce these findings are published no one will want to have their child take medication anymore.â I was surprised by the clarity and certainty of his conclusion. He explained that in his centre, the children who stayed on medication had grown steadily worse and had lots of adverse effects, while those who had stayed off medication were now doing much better. He told me their results were similar to the other centres and it wouldnât be too long before they were published.
I had to wait another 5 years before the 3-year follow up of the MTA was published in 2007. Unlike the original 1999 study, this publication, published 8 years later (allowing plenty of time for stimulant prescribing advocated by the 1999 paper to become the norm), had little accompanying press or professional coverage. After 14 months, the participants in the study had been free to choose their on-going treatments. It had, in effect, become a naturalistic study, similar to what happens in general outpatient settings.
The 3-year outcomes could not find support for continuing superiority of medication regardless of initial severity of ADHD symptoms. Additionally, those who used more medication during the 3 years were more likely to experience a deterioration in ADHD symptoms, had higher rates of delinquency, and were significantly shorter (by an average of 4 cm) and lighter (by 3 kg) than those who had not taken medication.
By 3 years then, those who continued to take stimulants were doing worse and experiencing more negative effects than those who didnât. It confirmed my earlier hunch that placebo had played a major role in the 14-month findings. What the psychologist told me 5 years earlier was right. Who in their right mind reading this would want to continue giving any child stimulants?
But this (the end of prescribing stimulants to children) is not what happened. Science canât trump marketing in a free market-driven economy. Prescriptions of stimulants hardly blinked after the publication of this follow-up study. The 14-month MTA kept being referred to and the 3-year follow-up ignored. The 3-year MTA follow-up study has similar findings to other long-term follow-up studies.
Other studies also fail to show that long term use of stimulants is associated with any improved outcomes compared to those diagnosed with ADHD who donât take them, and where there are differences itâs often with children on stimulants having worse outcomes than those not taking them: with physical (such as blood pressure), psychiatric (like mood âdisordersâ), and academic problems more common in those on long-term medication.
If these medications had little evidence of harms associated with their use, perhaps we could tolerate the small initial improvement that is sometimes associated with their prescription, even if there is no evidence of improved longer-term outcomes. However, stimulants that are being prescribed are amphetamine or amphetamine-like substances having near identical pharmacological properties to street drugs such as âspeedâ and cocaine that we regularly warn others of the dangers associated with their use.
If these drugs were only prescribed to patients for a year or less it might be possible to put together evidence-based arguments for their use in this limited and controlled manner. Unfortunately, once started, a prescription is likely to continue being given for years. As there are considerable harms associated with the use of such powerful and addictive substances, you really need clear blue water in outcomes between those who receive such medications and those who donât. I canât think of a rational ethical argument (probably because there isnât one) to justify the long term prescribing of stimulants.
If you search for information on the problems associated with stimulants when they are being categorised as drugs of abuse, you will get something like this:
âAll stimulants share a set of side effects that can wreak havoc on a userâs system. Effects include increased heart rate, heightened blood pressure, heightened body temperature, muscle shakes or tremors, agitation. All of these effects are common. No matter how you cut it, stimulant abuse, even in the short term, can have disastrous consequences for the user, resulting in hyperthermia, cardiovascular abnormalities, and sudden death.
When a person abuses stimulants over a long period of time, however, they compound their risks of experiencing a number of other devastating physical and mental health issues, such as hallucinations, delusions, persistent anxiety, paranoia, depression, weight loss, reduced sexual functioning, gastrointestinal problems, muscle deterioration, cardiovascular damage, breathing problems, headaches, strokes, and seizures.
A chronic stimulant user is also at high risk of developing tolerance to, dependence on, and, eventually, addiction to stimulants. Furthermore, dependent individuals may experience a stimulant withdrawal syndrome when use of the drug stops or slows. Withdrawal from stimulant abuse is not a life-threatening process, but it can be uncomfortable. There are physical and psychological aspects of stimulant withdrawal that can be difficult to cope with. Common symptoms of withdrawal from stimulants include mental and physical exhaustion, insomnia, anhedonia (inability to feel pleasure), irritability, anxiety and agitation, excessive sleep, intense hunger. One of the biggest risks with stimulant withdrawal is depression with suicidal thoughts, and the severity can vary by substance. Sometimes, this depression can last beyond the acute withdrawal phase.â
There is no reason to believe that the above warnings arenât just as relevant to legal prescription of stimulants as they are to illegal abuse of them.
The dangers of prescribed stimulants go beyond those described above, as patients may continue to take them for decades with all the potential consequences this has for messing up the chemicals in the brain. For example, in a study that did follow, for several decades, patients who were prescribed stimulants, the researchers found an over 8-fold increase in the likelihood that such patients developed neurological conditions such as Parkinsonâs disease.
Parkinsonâs is an illness that results from patients not having enough of the neurotransmitter dopamine in the nervous system. Itâs highly likely that this finding relates to long term stimulant ingestion, given that stimulants mainly work by stimulating cells to release more than the usual amount of dopamine.
ADHD is not a diagnosis and cannot be supported as an evidence based construct
Whatever you might think are the perceived merits of constructing ADHD as a âdiagnosisâ that has biological origins and can be âtreatedâ with medication, the scientific truth is that it cannot be thought of as a valid scientific entity and the current recommendation for its treatment that usually prioritises medication without time limits is not evidence based.
ADHD is an example of the way academic psychiatry got infected with scientism that has likely led to untold harm. Imagining that ADHD is a diagnosis blinds children, parents, teachers, doctors, and other practitioners to a whole variety of context-related factors, including immaturity, learning difficulties, schooling issues, bullying, violence exposure, dietary, lifestyle, lack of family support, lack of confidence in parenting, and so on, that may be relevant.
It also blinds them to the ordinariness of childishness and the capacity of kids to irritate adults. ADHD is more of a commentary on the cultural intolerance we have for the diversities of the ways children grow up, and the pressure we put on them and their parents to perform to the narrow age-dependent standards we set.
As a practising child psychiatrist I have lived through the years of ADHD emerging from a rare condition of limited interest and usually constructed in systemic terms, to it proliferating into the most common childhood condition and constructed in largely biological terms. It reached saturation about 5 years ago when the new kid on the block was gaining unstoppable momentumâautism, the topic of my next chapter.
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A frightening summary of how the mass drugging of children developed. Thanks for the scholarship.
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âNow we can say with confidence that ADHD is a genetic disease and that the brains of children with this condition develop differently to those of other children.â
This is telling all it’s own. Even if this were true, what makes it a “disease”? Being different? So then, to a white supremacist, it’s bonified for them to claim that other races are just “diseased” humans. That argument wouldn’t be any less scientific than this.
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And drugging children for behavior is NEVER okay.
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A dystopian science fiction antagonist once quipped about how humanity is a disease. Psychiatry agrees and has some blue pills for us all.
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Lol, so true.
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Please help do something to make the drugging of children illegal.
Obviously us AP people cannot help.
Are there parents within the Critical psychiatry group?
Can you not enlist lawyers and testify? Can you guys not start approaching the educational system?
Or teach a course to student teachers?
This would not be “anti psychiatry” nor “anti medicine”. It is psychiatry itself
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“…The state of agitation that sudden or too-fast withdrawal of the stimulant can induce will look like the âADHDâ coming back with a vengeance, convincing all, including the doctorsâfew of whom seem to understand the above processâthat the child really does need the amphetamine for more ânormalâ functioning…”
The researchers explain that ârelapseâ of psychotic experiences after discontinuing antipsychotics, especially very soon after stopping the drug, is likely due to withdrawal effects. One strong piece of evidence for this is that people who donât have psychotic experiences but who are given antipsychotics for other, unrelated conditions (like nausea or lactation problems) sometimes end up experiencing psychosis after stopping the drugs…”
Most people “relapse” when they “stop” taking “their medication”.
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“they assume ADHD must be genetic.” Psychiatrists and psychologists do a huge amount of assuming. And, of course, we all know when one assumes, they make and “ass” out of “u” and “me.”
“How could we possibly justify giving to kids a substance we warn adults about taking because of the terrible long-term effects we know this can have on the body, brain, and so many aspects of a personâs everyday life?”
Exactly what I asked myself, once I’d researched into this subject. All I could conclude was those who dreamed up the idea of force feeding millions of children amphetamines is they are evil, beyond my wildest dreams.
“the scientific truth is that [ADHD] cannot be thought of as a valid scientific entity and the current recommendation for its treatment that usually prioritises medication without time limits is not evidence based.”
Thank you for speaking the truth about this horrendous, evil practice, of force psychiatric drugging our children, Sami.
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Thank you Dr. Timimi for speaking truth to power. If this information does not make people recoil in disgust I donât know what will. Sometimes the details of research, studies etc can be hard to understand but this blog explains it very clearly. These researchers who manipulate data to suit their biases and agenda with Big Pharma and do so even when itâs innocent children’s lives they are exploiting and damaging are incredibly corrupt and dangerous.
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An article on ADHD appeared in the NYT last week (is It Possible To Outgrow ADHD, https://www.nytimes.com/2020/11/13/well/family/is-it-possible-to-outgrow-adhd.html). The article, and most of the comments to the article, accept the conventional psychiatric propaganda concerning ADHD, with some commentators being insulted when anyone had a different point of view. I wrote 4 comments to the article (3 were in response to individuals I disagreed with). My comments were posted, then 2 days later were all removed. This experience confirms my belief that itâs going to be very difficult to change the way psychiatry is practiced. It seems to me there are increasing attempts to suppress non-mainstream opinions.
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Marie, the same thing has happened to my comments.
It only shows how desperate psychiatry is.
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Well that is chilling to hear Marie. I just read the article and so many statements made by these professors of psychiatry are appalling, such as this by Dr. Barkley…. âPeople are outgrowing the D.S.M. criteria but not outgrowing their disorder for the most partâ.
So in keeping with the mind set of the hierarchy of psychiatry you don’t even need to have any symptoms to have the “disorder.” What a joke!
I did post a comment on the NYT article and included a link to this blog so will see if it stays up.
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We have seen that the brain and behavior is not plastic at all, and we have “scientific” evidence by the way that psychiatry behaves. If anything, their condition worsens.
I swear that psychiatry does not believe in evolution. ALL of their reasoning seems to be something from another time, long ago. Disguised in language, yet such narrow and biased thinking. Well we really cannot call it thinking. preoccupation with the “other” became obsession, and belonging to cults has never involved thought.
In fact, researchers and psychiatry stop progress.
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“During that period psychiatrists began to see heredity as the cause of mental illness, became pessimistic about restoring patients to sanity, and adopted essentially a custodial approach to care that included use of physical restraints. However, recent advances in biological treatments have undercut antipsychiatry and rekindled optimism about recovery that may go far in eliminating stigma.”
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“Outcomes from 351 studies were grouped into 9 major categories: academic, antisocial behavior, driving, non-medicinal drug use/addictive behavior, obesity, occupation, services use, self-esteem, and social function outcomes. The following broad trends emerged: (1) without treatment, people with ADHD had poorer long-term outcomes in all categories compared with people without ADHD, and (2) treatment for ADHD improved long-term outcomes compared with untreated ADHD, although not usually to normal levels.”
“without treatment, people with ADHD…”
I think, therefore, I am. ADHD is defined, acknowedged, studied, prevalent, injurious, reported on, etc. I believe it is proper to say that, “it is.”
Two years may not be long enough to determine the long term outcome of treatment for ADHD.
I recommend personal interviews in addition to the other tools used to measure outcomes.
We now know there is a biochemical basis to ADHD. See Ohad Birk
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There are no long-term outcomes that are improved by “ADHD treatment” with stimulants. This has been shown by Barkley in 1978, by Swanson’s “Review of reviews” in 1993 or so, and by the OHSU comprehensive study of long-term outcomes, which looked at essentially every study ever published on the subject up to somewhere around 2001. There were NO improvement in long-term outcomes for “treated” vs. “untreated” subjects noted in the OHSU study, including academic test scores, high school graduation rates, college enrollment, delinquency rates, teen pregnancy rates, social skills measures, employer satisfaction rates, or even self-esteem. The only variable that was improved is a slight decrease in accident rates. In Barkley’s 1978 review, he said that the improvements in academic test scores were so small that they were easily explainable by reading the questions more carefully. And yes, this is the same Russell Barkley who has become one of the keenest advocates for “treatment” for “ADHD,” so we can hardly blame researcher bias.
Additionally, long-term studies like the Quebec study, the Raine study in Australia, the Finnish comparison study, the long-term follow-ups to the MTA study in the USA, all lead us to the inevitable conclusion that long-term outcomes are not positively affected by stimulant treatment. To claim “we know there is a biochemical basis to ‘ADHD’ is, of course, utter nonsense scientifically. But we are not even at the point where we can say that “treatment” leads to any significant long-term improvements in any significant outcomes.
The small study that is referenced doesn’t even come close to touching any of these long-term effectiveness questions. It ignores the obvious environmental impacts on “ADHD” behavior, including later entry to school, having open classrooms, and the impact of psychosocial stressors on the “diagnosis” (studies have shown “diagnosis” rates of 5-10 times higher in children who have experienced serious abuse or neglect). Nor does it address finding some objective way of even determining who “has” or “does not have” “ADHD.”
Repeating something over and over again doesn’t make it true. From a purely scientific viewpoint, “ADHD” isn’t even something that can be objectively determined to exist, let alone to be a “disorder” or divergence from “normal.” This study barely scratches the surface on questions of etiology, differential “diagnosis,” and long-term effectiveness of proposed “treatments.” It is ridiculous to claim that this proves any kind of “biological basis,” when the condition you have identified hasn’t even been established to exist in all or most or who knows what percentage of “ADHD” diagnosed people, nor the percentage of the people having this variation who may NOT have any “ADHD” symptoms to speak of. And of course, the entire enterprise is called completely into question by an inability to objectively even define who does or does not qualify for the “diagnosis” of “ADHD” in the first place.
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Thanks Steve, well said.
Studies are often flawed. Who can predict what a person would be like in the future, in 10 years, in 20 or until end of life. I personally know a 30 year old friend of my son who is not happy that he was put on drugs.
He knows that he would be someone else if not for those chemicals. It is ridiculous to put kids on chemicals while their brains are growing.
Insanity that it ever took off. There is something wrong alright “mentally”, with the adults who do this to lives. Lives where they know NOT the outcome.
On a rights of children matter, I cannot believe our governments continue to do this. They leave psychiatry to do whatever the hell they please to do TO people, let alone children.
Something very perverse about dabbling with children for their own benefits.
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The quote regarding long term improvements is from PubMed.
Birk and his team have left deniers behind. It is over for this very small but very vocal band of conspiracists. The debate about whether or not ADHD exists based on a biochemical flaw is done. It is finished. And, to pretend that ADHD is still somehow bogus, while simultaneously brutally condemning the parents for it, is beyond absurd. It is insane. “It isn’t real, but the pâarents are to blame for it.” “There is no such thing, but by golly, the parents are the ones responsible for it.”
There is no question that medical intervention conducted by experienced specialists reaps numerous and significant improvements/enhancements in the lives of the war torn.
The vast majority of thinking people recognize ADHD a serious neurological disorder that often requires medical intervention. It is not questioned by most respected, educated health care experts and with this breakthrough research, the few, small vestiges of doubt will vanish for good.
Adult survivors of various kinds of abuse, deprivation and horror are often the best sources to bring awareness to society of the reality of the terror they endured. So too, adult, mature survivors of life before proper treatment will convince the world what a nightmare ADHD has been. Innocent children and fearful adults will no longer be second class disabled citizens, rejected and dismissed, humiliated and scorned. That day is rapidly approaching. Thank you again, Dr. Birk.
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Your comment comes across as extremely arrogant. Neither you nor Dr. Birk has come anything close to explaining why a subjective list of behavior that adults and especially school personnel find annoying is 100% “caused” by a genetic anomaly that is seen in mice.
I am the first to say that kids (and adults) who have a hard time concentrating on the daily drudgery of the average school classroom should not be abused, neglected or treated as second-class citizens. But the problem in my mind is not the kids, it is the school structure itself and the ongoing justification of mistreating children who don’t do well in that structure that is to blame here. I totally allow that there are some kids who are born not being tolerant of boredom and repetition, not liking to sit still, etc. just because they came that way. Two of my three boys who fit that description. Both of them graduated high school with honors and have social lives and have successful jobs and are no less happy and productive than the average person, despite neither of them ever having had a milligram of stimulants in their lives. We did have lots of frustrations, especially with the older one (we learned so much from him that the younger was MUCH easier!) and I’m certain if we’d sent them to “normal” schools with “normal” classrooms, they’d have struggled and probably learned to hate school. So we didn’t do that. We sent them to alternative schools and homeschooled for several years, and spent a lot of time learning creative ways to approach discipline that worked better for their particular personalities. And yes, they COULD and they DID learn how to concentrate when they needed to, how to alter their approach to relationships, to accept losing and failure as learning opportunities, and even how to accommodate arbitrary restrictions an expectations in order to get what they wanted/needed out of life.
I would also add that if YOU find stimulants helpful to YOUR life, I certainly have no objection to your choosing to use them in whatever way seems helpful to you. I do object to your attempts to narrow the discussion to Dr. Birk’s single, small-sample, narrow and unreplicated study as some kind of proof that you have all the answers and that everyone else’s conception of “ADHD” is wrong and that it’s 100% biologically caused and that anyone who acts that way has a “disorder” and that anyone who thinks otherwise is sadly ignorant. There is PLENTY to talk about both philosophically and scientifically that is unresolved, and I am extremely well versed in a wide range of research on this topic, in addition to having personal and professional experience over many years in the area. So please, do not condescend to me and pretend that your single study has proven anything. I hear and understand and agree that there are most likely biological conditions that are ASSOCIATED with “ADHD” symptoms. But that is a tiny, tiny piece of a very large and complex puzzle that involves not only biology, but culture, history, sociology, philosophy, and education, among other variables.
I have not even touched on the very important question of long-term outcomes. There is at this point a pretty solid range of literature showing that stimulant “treatment” alone does nothing overall to improve long-term outcomes like high school graduation rates, college enrollment, academic test scores, delinquency rates, teen pregnancy rates, drug abuse rates, social skills, or even self-esteem (even if they may help one or more of these things in a PARTICULAR person at a particular time). Even if it is absolutely proven that EVERY person who fits the subjective “ADHD” profile has this genetic anomaly, which I hope you are able to acknowledge is NOT claimed nor proven by your Birk study, there is scant evidence that taking stimulants does anything more than temporarily make it a little easier to concentrate (just like it does for most adults, “ADHD”-diagnosed or not – see my other post), which doesn’t even lead to better educational outcomes on more than a short-term basis. So why spend all this time arguing about whether or not “ADHD” is caused by a genetic anomaly while not addressing the major concern that taking or not taking stimulants doesn’t seem to make a big difference in the long term for the “ADHD” sufferer? Maybe we should spend less time on arguing about genetic causation and more on figuring out how to make the school environment more workable for these kids (and for other kids who also find it oppressive but are “genetically” more able to pretend they’re OK with it)? After all, genetic diversity is the key to species survival. Why are we picking on these “ADHD” kids when we know that, for example, putting them in an open classroom environment (that’s what we did for our boys and it worked!) makes such kids virtually indistinguishable from “normal” kids?
I am sorry you have suffered at the hands of the system. It didn’t have to be that way. But I don’t think the evidence suggests a simplistic, biological answer to what is a complex sociological problem.
I’ll leave you with this: a recent experiment took groups of three elementary school kids and gave them three problems to solve in a specified period of time. The experimental group had one “ADHD” diagnosed kid and two “normal” kids, while the control group consisted of three “normals.” They were rated on percentage of time on task as well as on how many problems they were able to solve. Not surprisingly, the groups with the “ADHD” kid in them spent considerably more time “off task” doing and saying things that had nothing to do with solving the problems at hand. The surprising outcome (to the experimenters, though not to me) was that NONE of the groups of “normal” kids were able to solve any of the problems they were presented with, while the “ADHD” groups consistently solved one or more of the problems, despite spending less time focused on finding a solution. Of course, if they’d had groups of three “ADHD” kids vs. three “normals,” the results may have been quite different. But I think the lesson from this study is that people who are off-task, silly, have scanning rather than fixed attentional focus, are ESSENTIAL to the survival of our species. They are the ones that come up with new ideas, that “think outside the box,” the ones not constrained by convention but who can dedicate themselves to finding a way to make things work, regardless of what anyone else thinks of their approach. We need these kids and adults!
Just in case you think I’m making this up: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/freedom-learn/201603/adhd-creativity-and-the-concept-group-intelligence
It has been observed that folks like Edison and Einstein and Gauss and Lincoln and Van Gough and Leonardo Da Vinci might have been diagnosed with “ADHD.” I have to wonder what marvelous contributions to the world might have been lost if these folks had been “properly medicated” in their day? Maybe the world just needs to make more room for people who don’t like to sit at a desk and do as they’re told all day long. Maybe it IS genetic, but why would 10% of the population have this particular genetic inheritance if it didn’t have a purpose in helping our species survive?
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Did they try giving ALL those ADHD people “stimulating” environments according to their likes and dislikes”? No, they opted for the latest gimic of chemicals. On children. On growing kids. It is disgusting on all levels.
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