Tag: racism
Reflections on the Cruel and Subtle Costs of Racism and Bigotry
In this essay for the Psychiatric Times, Dr. Edward Khantzian reflects on the pain and grief caused by all forms of racism and bigotry, from...
The Real Opioid Emergency
From The New York Times: In recent years, politicians have shown increased awareness of the opioid epidemic and have made statements about the need for treatment,...
Can the Science of Purpose Help Explain White Supremacy?
From Greater Good Magazine: Having a sense of purpose can help people improve their psychological well-being, weather hardships and trauma, and accomplish their goals. However,...
Psychologists Surveyed Hundreds of Alt-Right Supporters
From Vox: Recently, psychologists Patrick Forscher and Nour Kteily surveyed members of the alt-right to build the first psychological profile of their movement. Compared to the...
Division 32 APA Response to Racism & Violence in Charlottesville
It is not hate that kills, as much as it is silence. That is why Division 32 of the American Psychological Association is encouraging...
Mental Health is Different for People of Color in These 3...
In this piece for Rest for Resistance, Dom Chatterjee discusses the white-centricism of mental health as well as the specific ways that the mental health system...
Racism Linked to Poor Health Outcomes in Children
New study finds children who have been exposed to discrimination show higher likelihood of anxiety, depression, and ADHD.
Racism as a Public Health Threat
From Medical Xpress: Racism is a major public health issue that is correlated with physical and mental health problems including depression, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, breast...
Black man Labeled with Schizophrenia Boiled to Death
From the Miami New Times: On June 23rd, 2012, four corrections officers at Dade Correctional Institution kept Darren Rainey, a black man labeled with schizophrenia,...
Medical Students’ Racial Biases Lead to Failure to Adequately Treat Patients
False beliefs about biological differences between races are associated with a failure to provide recommended pain treatments to Black people.
A Racist Movement Cannot Move
Our movement is just as racist (and sexist, and classist, and transphobic, etc.) as any other. There are many reasons why this remains so, yet all of it co-exists alongside the fact that people of color are substantially more likely to be given what are seen as the harshest psychiatric labels, subjected to force, and injured or killed.
In a Post-Trump Election World: What is Insanity?
Insanity is often the result of chronic oppression, trauma, and a sense of injustice and hopelessness. Is it possible we are in the midst of a collective psychosis?
It’s Time for a Revolution Within the Revolution: Coming Out of...
If we are to demand justice for our brothers and sisters in hospitals, jails and community-based programs, then we must demand justice for women, Blacks and other POC who are being discriminated against. We cannot continue to be silent while 50% of us are regulated to the back, and not allowed space at the table. Our fellow community members are wounded by the silence. We expect and are now demanding to be treated better.
Mental Health in Black and White
When I looked through my mountains of medical records, I saw that the providers who listed my race as black applied diagnoses like major depressive disorder and PTSD. The providers who saw me as white preferred diagnoses of panic disorder and borderline personality disorder. Of course, my experiences are just anecdotal. But if racial bias due to subjective experiences of practitioners can play such a large role in mental health diagnostics, how is this even considered a scientific discipline?
Doctor O’s Adventures in Wonderland
I am a female physician who survived my own suicide attempt. I had managed to fly under the radar as a very progressive family MD for twenty years. And when I stumbled and bled, the sharks were there ready to devour the carcass. Do I believe that racism and sexism influenced charges being filed against me? I certainly do.
New York State’s Assisted Out-Patient Treatment Program: Racial Myths & Other...
New York State’s out-patient commitment program, termed Assisted Out-Patient Treatment (AOT), was instituted in 1999 to protect the general public from treatment non-compliant and...
A Post-Racial Public Mental Health System: If Not Now, When?
In answer to the question posed in the title to this article, probably not for a long, long time. Or perhaps more accurately, when...
The “I Am Not The Butcher” Speech
On Thursday I had an interaction with a psychologist where I basically said, "I am not sure I want to attend a workshop you...