Tag: side-effects
Replacing Pain with Pain: Hazards of Antidepressant Use for Chronic Pain...
The paradox of relieving chronic pain with an antidepressant (and a new set of symptoms).
Researchers Find Inadequate Reporting of the Dangers of Ketamine Treatment for...
Researchers report that dangerous side effects are not being adequately reported in the trials of ketamine for depression.
Study Shows Clozapine Can Result in Serious Gastrointestinal Complications
A large observational study published in CNS Drugs sheds light on serious adverse effects of the ‘gold standard’ antipsychotic Clozapine.
New Review Highlights Dangers of Electroconvulsive Therapy
Data shows that over a third of users experience permanent memory loss and that approximately half report not receiving adequate information about the risks from their doctors.
New Data Show Lack of Efficacy for Antidepressants
An article published this month in the journal BMC Psychiatry suggests that there is a lack of efficacy for SSRIs and that they significantly increase the risk of serious side effects.
How Big Pharma and the Medical Doctors Killed my Father
When the nurses tried to give him other medications, my father refused. They accused him of being “combative” and “uncooperative,” and they injected him with the highly toxic, incredibly dangerous, mind-bending antipsychotic HALDOL.
“Some Drugs Won’t Help Most of Those Who Take Them”
“It’s the biggest secret in medicine,” said F. Perry Wilson, a researcher and physician at Yale University School of Medicine. “For the vast majority of...
“Medicine’s ‘Biggest Secret’: Number-Needed-to-Treat”
From MinnPost: “It’s Disney World versus the real world,” Dr. David Juurlink, a professor of medicine at the University of Toronto who studies drug safety,...
Mental Health Nurses Do Not Routinely Assess for Effects of Antipsychotic...
Researchers believe that side-effect monitoring is critical because of the increase in the use of antipsychotics
Taking Placebos Knowingly Helps in the Reduction of Chronic Back Pain
A new study finds that individuals being treated with open-label placebos showed significant reductions in pain and disability, even when compared to individuals receiving treatment as usual.
Antidepressant Use Linked to Dementia
A new study finds that elderly individuals using antidepressants are at significantly higher risk for dementia compared to depressed individuals who did not take the drugs.
Clinical Trials Underreport Harms of Antidepressant Medications
A group of researchers recently found serious bias in the reporting of harm due to adverse events in antidepressant medication clinical trials. They report...
Review Calls for Critical look at Prescribing Antidepressant Drugs
The August issue of Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics published a review conducted by André F. Carvalho and colleagues regarding the literature around the long-term use...
Off-Label Prescribing Increases Risk of Adverse Effects
The first systematic investigation of the adverse effects associated with prescribing drugs “off-label” found that the common practice of using drugs for conditions for which they are not approved increases the risk of adverse effects.
“Drugs, Greed and a Dead Boy”
New York Times columnist, Nicholas Kristof, relates the story of Andrew Francesco, a boy who began taking Ritalin at age five and died from complications with Seroquel when he was fifteen. His father, a former pharmaceutical industry executive, reveals the industry’s greed in his memoir “Overmedicated and Undertreated.” Now the industry is pushing for a first-amendment right to market its drugs for off-label uses.
RxISK Adds Prescription Withdrawal Resource
This week the drug monitoring and patients' rights website, RxISK, launched the Centre for Medication Withdrawal, a page dedicated to establishing what causes dependence and how to treat it.
“Controversial ‘Female Viagra’ Hits the Market, New Questions Arise”
Despite concerns about the drug’s necessity, effectiveness, and side-effects, Flibanserin (Addyi) has come to market as the first drug designed to increase sexual desire in women
“Dulling Pain May Also Reduce Empathy”
Seeing others in pain may engage some of the same neural pathways as experiencing pain yourself, according to a new study covered by ScienceNow.
Summary of Recent Antidepressant Meta-Analyses
On his own website, clinical psychologist Kenneth Pope has summarized 60 meta-analyses of antidepressants published between 2013-2015. The studies contain information on antidepressants “uses,...
Meta-Analysis Ties Gray Matter Loss to Antipsychotic Dose
Antipsychotics are currently the predominant treatment for individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia, but there is an accumulating body of research that links the use of these drugs to structural abnormalities in the brain. A recent meta-analysis suggests that gray matter loss in the brain may depend on the dose and class of the antipsychotic.