Around The Web

Updates on critical psychiatry postings across the Internet.

The Score is Even

From The Hastings Center: Three years ago, a pharmaceutical company created and funded a feminist group called Even the Score to campaign for FDA approval of...

Activists, Suicide Prevention Groups Seek Bans on Conversion Therapy for Minors

From NPR: "Conversion telling somebody that there's something fundamentally broken with them needs to be fixed. That's a lot of trauma."

“I am 16 and the Education System is Destroying my Health”

“This is an article about how our education system is ruining young people’s lives. Nobody is listening to the teachers who say it, so perhaps someone will listen to me,” sixteen-year-old Orli writes in the Guardian. “Nothing is so important that it’s worth risking your health over, not even the piece of paper you get, age 16, to tell you whether or not you’re good enough.”

Hannah Arendt On Standing Up to the Banality of Evil

From Philosophy Break: Do we ever take the time to truly challenge the principles we’ve inherited, to ensure they stand up to our own individual scrutiny?

Alcohol Industry is Misleading Consumers About Cancer Risk

From MinnPost: According to an international team of researchers, the alcohol industry is misleading the public by misrepresenting and downplaying evidence linking alcohol consumption with cancer. "For...

“So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed”

-A review of Jon Ronson's new book exploring the rising power of social media to reinforce social norms.

What Your Therapist Doesn’t Know

From The Atlantic: Using data and analytics to measure the effectiveness of psychotherapy for individual clients can engender openness in the therapist-client relationship and improve mental...

Mental Health Apps Draw New Users as Experts Call for More Oversight

From CNBC: Therapy apps are seeing a flood of new customers, but experts remain divided on the path ahead as privacy and efficacy concerns mount.

Mass. Locked Up People With ‘Mental Illness’ for Decades. Now Advocates Want Their Stories...

From WBUR: "There is no formal statement of what the state schools and...hospitals were or why they came to be, what they were, how they closed," said Alex Green, who is seeking to establish a commission to reckon with the way patients were treated and the abuses they endured.

Ketamine Antidepressant Could Bring Opioid-Like Addiction Risks

From The Independent: "Ketamine-based treatments for severe depression could further fuel the addiction epidemic sweeping the US, researchers have warned, after a new study found the...

“The Miseducation of Frank Waln”

Studies of modern Native Americans have shown that “historical trauma,” the name that social workers give to the perception of historical loss passed down through...

Big Pharma Funds “Independent” Advocacy Groups

From The Intercept: Several seemingly independent advocacy groups have recently published advertisements opposing newly proposed legislation that would lower drug prices. In fact, the organizations have undisclosed...

“Corbyn Creates New Dedicated ‘Minister for Mental Health’”

Newly elected UK Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn, has appointed Luciana Berger to his shadow cabinet as the “Minister for Mental Health,” a new position that has no counterpart in the Conservative government. The Independent reports that Corbyn has devoted considerable attention to mental health issues.

A Mental Health Crisis is the True Cost of University Marketization

From Red Pepper: University students are facing unprecedented rates of mental health crises due to a combination of financial insecurity and ever-increasing academic pressure. "Meanwhile, our futures...

“My Suicide Attempt and My Struggles to Get Help”

Marine corps veteran Thomas Brennan tells of his PTSD, suicide attempt, and entry into the psychiatric system that he describes as "three days that convinced...

What Are the Mental Health Effects of Climate Change?

This MedScape Psychiatry Minute video reviews new research concluding that climate change increases the prevalence of posttraumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety, and substance use disorders....

Overtreatment is Common, Doctors Say

From The New York Times: In a recent study, researchers surveyed 2,106 physicians in various specialities regarding their beliefs about overtreatment. On average, the doctors...

“Legal Marijuana, Antidepressants, and the Danger of not Listening”

Dr. Claudia Gold of comments on the recent research finding that "thoughts of suicide, sexual difficulties and emotional numbness as a result of anti-depressants...

Federal Physician Malpractice Database May Not Work as Intended

From Cairn's/Modern Healthcare: The National Practitioner Data Bank provides a flawed system to prevent doctors with histories of malpractice from skirting accountability, experts say.

Up in Smoke: Speculative Claims about Smoking Cessation Drug

From HealthNewsReview: A recent news release from Florida Atlantic University has urged wider use of Chantix, a prescription medication for smoking cessation. The release made...

The Psychology of Torture

“An ordinary person becomes a torturer with surprising ease. The hard part comes when it’s time to be human again,” neuroscientist Shane O’Mara writes...

Consciousness Goes Deeper Than You Think

From Scientific American: Many articles and papers equate the experience of consciousness with awareness. However, the reality is that it is possible to experience consciousness without...

Waking Blackouts On Sleep Drugs Can Lead to Dangerous Mishaps

In her blog on USC Annenberg's Reporting on Health, journalist Martha Rosenberg reviews some of the quantitative evidence and qualitatively bizarre anecdotal evidence of...

Torture by Another Name: Youth Solitary Confinement in NJ

From Children's Mental Health Network: "In 2011, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture deemed the use of solitary confinement against youth and individuals...

Controversy Over Popular Game: “Psychiatric Ward — Enter if you dare, escape if you...

The Toronto Transit Commission has removed billboards for a popular escape game after The Toronto Star reported on four complaints about its mental health-themed...