Certain Antidepressants, Sleep Aids Associated with Higher Dementia Risk

Greater cumulative doses of drugs that are anticholinergic or block the neurotransmitter acetylcholine are associated with significant increases in dementia and Alzheimer's.

Antipsychotic Use in Nursing Homes Causing Many Adverse Effects in Elderly

A literature review found that the extensive off-label use of antipsychotic medications in nursing homes is causing many adverse effects and providing limited benefits.

Ritalin Used to be “Grandma’s Little Helper”

Eugene Raikhel reveals ads from 1966 where Ritalin, now prescribed largely for ADHD, was marketed as a “kind of mind antidepressant for housewives.”  “I...

Lack of Face-to-Face Contact Doubles Depression Risk for Older Adults

New research suggests that more frequent in-person contact lessens the risk of depression in older adults. The study, published in this month’s issue of the Journal of the American Geriatric Society, found that in Americans over fifty the more face-to-face contact they had with children, family and friends, the less likely they were to develop depressive symptoms.

5 Steps to Personalize Deprescribing Practices

Researchers identify simple ways for clinicians to begin deprescribing conversations.

For-Profit Medicine Incentivizes Overmedicating Our Elderly

From NBC: According to human rights investigators, anti-psychotic drugs are often administered to nursing home residents to address behavioral issues. Our nation's lack of funding...

Antidepressant Use May Increase Risk of Hip Fractures in Older Adults

Study finds antidepressant use is linked to increase in hip fractures in community-dwelling older adults with and without Alzheimer’s disease.

A Quiet Drug Problem Among the Elderly

From The New York Times: Use of benzodiazepines has risen among seniors despite their increased vulnerability to the drugs' adverse effects. "'Set aside the opioid issue,'...

Care Homes Over-Prescribing Drugs for Residents with Dementia

From The Guardian: According to a new Human Rights Watch report, U.S. nursing homes are inappropriately prescribing antipsychotics to an estimated 179,000 residents with dementia each...

People With Dementia Press for More Rights

From STAT: People with dementia are coming together to fight for the right to make their own decisions, to have a voice in public policy, and to...

How Loneliness Affects Our Health

From The New York Times: The potentially harmful impact of loneliness and isolation on our health and well-being have been well documented over the past...

Deprescribing: How to be on Less Medication for Healthier Aging

In this post for Better Health While Aging, Dr. Leslie Kernisan discusses the importance of making sure that older adults are taking the minimum amount...

The Never-Ending Misuse of Antipsychotics in Nursing Homes

From Health Affairs: Although the problem of antipsychotic misuse in nursing homes has been raised to policymakers numerous times over the past six decades, the...

Radical Disabled Americans Bringing Direct Action to Your Town

From Pacific Standard: ADAPT, a national direct action disability rights group, recently staged a protest to fight provisions in the GOP's health care plan that will...

Pharma-linked Panel Advises Wider Use of Statins Even as Drugs’ Links to Dementia Re-affirmed

People who take statins are at “significantly greater” risk of memory impairment than those who don’t take the popular cholesterol-lowering drugs, according to research...

Antipsychotics Even Riskier For The Elderly Than Previously Thought

Antipsychotic medications that are commonly being used to help control behaviors in elderly people with dementia seem to be causing premature deaths at high rates.

Evidence Strengthening that Common Benzodiazepine Sedatives May Cause Dementia

A meta-analysis of studies found that the risk of dementia increased 22% for every additional twenty daily doses of benzodiazepine medications annually.

Call to Ban “Low Testosterone” Ads as “Disease-mongering”

An editorial in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society has called for a ban on advertisements about testosterone replacement therapy, and the FDA has issued warnings about the practice.

Older Patients Being Prescribed Risky Anticholinergic Drugs

From MinnPost: A new University of Minnesota study has found that anticholinergic drugs, including antidepressants, continue to be prescribed to millions of older Americans despite...

PTSD and Psychiatric Medication Linked to Dementia in Older Veterans

Veterans diagnosed with PTSD and taking SSRIs, novel antidepressants, or atypical antipsychotics are more likely to develop dementia.

Study Finds No Correlation between Personality at 14 and 77

This result calls into question popular notions about the correlations between personality and later-life achievement and health outcomes.

Polypharmacy Associated with Cognitive Decline in Elderly Patients

Study finds that elderly patients taking at least 5 medications were at increased risk of mild cognitive impairment and dementia.

Baycrest Creates First Canadian Brain Health Food Guide

From Medical Xpress: Baycrest scientists have developed the first Canadian Brain Health Food Guide, which provides older adults with guidelines and advice on maintaining a healthy...

Benzodiazepine Prescriptions Increase with Overdose Deaths

A recent article in the American Journal of Public Health calls for policy level interventions to reduce the use of benzodiazepines, drugs commonly prescribed...

“It Might Not Be Dementia—How Pharma for Seniors Can Go Seriously Wrong”

For Alternet, Martha Rosenberg discusses the dangers of overmedicating seniors and older adults. She interviews Dr. Harry Haroutunian about his new book, “Not As...