Civil Rights Advocates Call U.S. Child Welfare System a ‘National Problem’
From The Imprint: A new report says the child welfare system fails to adequately address the needs of families and often harms the very kids it's designed to protect.
Drugs as the New Parents
From Mark Goulston MD/Psychology Today: Do emotionally orphan children turn to drugs to fill the void?
Experts Urge Caution as AAP Calls for Mental Health Screenings for Newborns to 21-Year-Olds
From Children's Health Defense: With warnings of a mental health crisis among young people, the recommendation may appear sound and reasonable—but depression screening can be dangerous, some experts say.
Who Are the New ‘Patient Influencers’ on Social Media?
From HealthDay: 'Patient influencers' are being seen as an increasingly popular direct-to-consumer marketing tool by pharmaceutical companies and medical device manufacturers.
Painful Questions: What Happens When Doctors Uncover ACEs?
From The Imprint: Screening for adverse childhood experiences has been met with growing concern among health researchers and child welfare experts, but the California surgeon general says it’s critical not to wait.
Dialectical Behavior Therapy, or: Play by the Rules, Hysteric!
From Surviving Psychiatry: The idea that the "DBT clinician" is the "master" who holds the authority to assess individuals’ emotions, experiences, and coping strategies, and to "fix" them is, as a premise, utterly disempowering.
Reducing Mental Health Detention of People with Autism and/or Learning Disabilities
From Doughty Street Chambers: People with learning disabilities and/or autism who have experienced and survived institutionalisation often carry the psychological scars for many years.
CDC: More American Young People Dying by Suicide, Homicide
From CBS News: Suicide deaths among 10- to 24-year-olds increased 7% annually from 2013 to 2017, while homicide deaths in this age group rose 18% from 2014 to 2017.
Parents Must Reclaim the Central Role If Growing Crisis Among Children Is to End:...
From Irish Examiner: "Parents must surrender their point of view that there’s something wrong with the child and see that it’s the relationship that’s in trouble and the child’s behaviour is just a function of that," says physician Gabor Maté, who works with patients challenged by drug addiction and mental illness.
The Childhood Origins of Narcissism
From Vital Mind Coaching: The core childhood origin/genesis of the ‘narcissistic personality' occurs when a child is used by the parent(s) to meet the parent(s)' own needs.
The Kids Aren’t All Right
From The Atlantic: The youngest among us will bear the larger burdens of trauma and economic fallout from COVID-19.
Lawsuit Over Teen’s Diagnosis, Treatment Heads to Trial
From AP: The suit was brought against Boston Children's Hospital by the parents of Justina Pelletier, who in 2013 was placed into state custody after a dispute over her diagnosis and put in a psychiatric unit.
What Is ‘Schizophrenia’? Common Myths and Misconceptions
From The Mirror: Even though one in 100 adults in England lives with a 'schizophrenia diagnosis,' the condition continues to be surrounded by myths and misconceptions.
Foster Kids Sent Out of State to Mental Health Facilities Faced Abuse, Neglect
From ProPublica: An investigation found repeated breakdowns in oversight as states failed to protect young people in need of specialized care.
Teenagers Pathologized by Traditional Addiction Treatment
From Filter: Traditional treatment can pathologize normal behaviors of adolescence, thereby reinforcing stigma and existing low self-esteem.
Some Moms Are Microdosing Mushrooms for Anxiety and Depression
From The Washington Post: “There is no magic pill or plant that allows you to bypass the healing of childhood trauma," says therapist Brooke Novick. But "this sacred medicine, when used with intention, respect and care, can powerfully support us on our paths of healing and evolution.”
Failing to Report Child Sex Abuse Should Be Made Illegal: Major British Inquiry
From the BBC: "We heard time and time again how allegations of abuse were ignored, victims were blamed and institutions prioritised their reputations over the protection of children," said inquiry chairwoman Prof. Alexis Jay.
National Survey: Students’ Feelings About High School Are Mostly Negative
From Yale News: Ask a high school student how he or she typically feels at school, and the answer you’ll likely hear is “tired,” closely followed by “stressed” and “bored.”
Jury Says J&J Must Pay $8B in Risperdal Male Breast Growth Case
From ABC News: "Johnson & Johnson and Janssen chose billions over children... [This] is a company which has lost its way," attorneys for the plaintiff said.
A Dreaded Part of Teachers’ Jobs: Restraining and Secluding Students
From NPR: "There's a tension within me of knowing that if I am to restrain a student, then I'm essentially putting forth a situation that's going to create trauma for that student."
ADHD Drugs Are Convenient to Get Online. Maybe Too Convenient
From Bloomberg Businessweek: Backed by SoftBank and promoted by Simone Biles, Cerebral has built the fastest-growing online mental health business. Former employees say the rapid expansion comes at the expense of patient care.
The Roots of Pathology: Authoritarianism Towards Babies | Darcia Narvaez
From Kindred Media: When traumatized early and subjected to existential fear, a child loses their center of gravity, surrenders spontaneity and begins to function as an automaton.
Simplifying Childhood May Protect Against Mental Health Issues
From Raised Good: Suffering with a "cumulative stress reaction" as a result of the snowballing effect of "too much," children develop their own coping strategies to feel safe.
Crisis Hotlines, Like Canada’s New 988, Promise Confidentiality. So Why Do So Many Trace...
In commentary for the Globe and Mail, Rob Wipond, MIA contributor and author of Your Consent Is Not Required: The Rise in Psychiatric Detentions,...
1 in 3 UK Teens Given Antidepressants, Despite Official Guidelines
From Family doctors say a lack of access to effective psychological therapies on the NHS is leading them to over-prescribe medication.