‘Restraint and Seclusion’ Harms Kids. So Why Is It Used in Schools?
From The Washington Post: What if you went five days a week to a school that regularly locked you up or physically held you down? Most of us would walk in ready for a fight, not to learn.
Arizona Farm Gives Refuge From Pain, for Man and Beast Alike
From AP News: There is no talk at Selah Carefarm of ending the pain of loss, just of building the emotional muscle to handle it.
The Wisdom of the Symptom Bearer: It’s Always the ‘Crazy’ One Who Knows the...
From Medium/Rev. Sheri Heller, LCSW: The 'symptom bearer' or 'identified patient' is the scapegoat who carries the evidence of the familial dysfunction.
Interview with Robert Whitaker – How Psychiatry Lost Its Way
From Witt-Doerring Psychiatry: Robert Whitaker and Dr. Josef Witt-Doerring discuss what is wrong with the way psychiatry is practiced today, why there are so many problems and why they haven't been fixed.
How Emotional Neglect Can Leave You Feeling Deeply Flawed | Jonice Webb, PhD
From Psychology Today: Being raised in an emotionally neglectful family sets you up to have an estranged relationship with your own emotions, which sets you apart from others and yourself.
To Prevent Mass Shootings, Stop Relying on the Myth of Motive; Start Doing Forensic...
From PACEs Connection: The right question is: What happened to this person? What happened to a beautiful baby boy to turn him into an 18-year-old killer spouting racist screed?
Why Are So Many Girls on SSRIs?
From Girls/Freya India: We are kidding ourselves if we think condensing every emotion into something diagnosable and solvable with consumption isn’t doing profound psychological damage to Gen Z.
Singer Camila Cabello & CA Surgeon General Discuss ‘Public Health Crisis’ of Childhood Trauma
From Billboard: Cabello's conversation with Dr. Nadine Burke Harris is part of a national campaign to raise awareness about the negative effects of traumatic childhood experiences.
Is ADHD Diagnosis Flawed? Younger Classmates More Likely to Be Diagnosed
From Sociology Lens: If ADHD is a genetically determined neurobiological disorder, a child’s birthdate, gender and other factors should have no bearing on their chances of ‘having’ it.
More Parents Seek ADHD Diagnosis and Drugs for Kids to Manage Remote Learning
From NBC News: "I'm watching kids who used to love school become unenthused and unmotivated," said one Michigan-based pediatrician.
Are Violent Teens Suffering ‘the Rage of the Unparented’? | Gabor Maté, MD
From Dr. Gabor Maté: We need to look at the lives of today’s children and adolescents and, above all, at what’s missing in their lives.
Crisis Hotlines, Like Canada’s New 988, Promise Confidentiality. So Why Do So Many Trace...
In commentary for the Globe and Mail, Rob Wipond, MIA contributor and author of Your Consent Is Not Required: The Rise in Psychiatric Detentions,...
CT Sen. Chris Murphy Calls for Restrictions of Restraint and Seclusion in U.S. Schools
From CT Insider: "It's hard to believe, but there are thousands of kids who are being put in solitary confinement or having their hands bound as punishment for misbehavior at school," said Murphy.
Facebook Documents Show How Toxic Instagram Is for Teens, WSJ Reports
From CNBC: Facebook has repeatedly found that its Instagram app is harmful to a number of young people - the demographic that makes up over 40% of its user base. The company is also working on a version of Instagram for kids.
The Pandemic Will Haunt Today’s Children Forever
From The Washington Post: Stress during this vulnerable period can be especially damaging to children who already have accumulated trauma in their lives.
The Hidden Epidemic of Sexual Dysfunction Experts Are Blaming on SSRI Antidepressants
From The Daily Mail: Patients on antidepressants are not being warned of the risk that the pills could permanently ruin their sex lives, experts say.
Eating Disorders Among Teens More Severe Than Ever
From NBC News: Since the pandemic, people are experiencing eating disorders at younger ages and in more serious condition, with both mental and physical symptoms appearing more urgent.
Discussing the ‘Obsession’ With Childhood Disorder Labelling
From Sociology Lens Insights: In recent decades, we have too often passed the buck of social problems to children who lack the power to say no to stigmatizing psychiatric labels.
Experts Urge Caution as AAP Calls for Mental Health Screenings for Newborns to 21-Year-Olds
From Children's Health Defense: With warnings of a mental health crisis among young people, the recommendation may appear sound and reasonable—but depression screening can be dangerous, some experts say.
By Tracing Addiction (and More) to Childhood Trauma, Can We Find Compassion?
From YES! Magazine: "Trauma is an overwhelming threat that you don’t know how to deal with," says Dr. Gabor Maté. "Our job, as human beings, is to learn from our suffering."
Infancy and Early Childhood Matter So Much Because of Attachment
From The Conversation: What we learn throughout infancy and childhood are a set of behaviours and ways of thinking and feeling about ourselves and others, or what psychologists call a working model of the world.