Eating Disorders Among Teens More Severe Than Ever
From NBC News: Since the pandemic, people are experiencing eating disorders at younger ages and in more serious condition, with both mental and physical symptoms appearing more urgent.
More Play and Less Therapy for Students | Peter Gray, PhD
From Psychology Today: Mother nature designed kids to play, explore, and daydream without adult intervention because that is how kids develop the skills, confidence, and attitudes necessary for mental health and overall wellbeing.
How to Raise Emotionally Intelligent Children
From TED: What would it be like if we helped parents unpack their own childhood, so they don’t have to carry that baggage and put it on their children’s shoulders?
Dialectical Behavior Therapy, or: Play by the Rules, Hysteric!
From Surviving Psychiatry: The idea that the "DBT clinician" is the "master" who holds the authority to assess individuals’ emotions, experiences, and coping strategies, and to "fix" them is, as a premise, utterly disempowering.
The Biases of Western Medicine | Gabor Maté, MD
From Sustainable Human: Western medicine has a number of hidden ideological beliefs that hinder our understanding and resolution of illnesses, whether physical or mental.
The Invisible Memories That Shape Our Lives
From PsychAlive/Lisa Firestone, PhD: Implicit memories are unconscious, bodily memories that, when triggered in the present, do not seem like they are coming from the past.
Class of 2020 Students May Face Traumatic Loss Due to Coronavirus
From The Conversation: Emerging adulthood is a critical developmental stage. Combined with the transition into an uncertain future, existential despair can result.
National Survey: Students’ Feelings About High School Are Mostly Negative
From Yale News: Ask a high school student how he or she typically feels at school, and the answer you’ll likely hear is “tired,” closely followed by “stressed” and “bored.”
The Hidden Epidemic of Sexual Dysfunction Experts Are Blaming on SSRI Antidepressants
From The Daily Mail: Patients on antidepressants are not being warned of the risk that the pills could permanently ruin their sex lives, experts say.
I Went Undercover to Expose Abuse at a Mental Health ‘Hospital’
From the BBC: 'Patients' are being locked away, abused, and neglected in the formative years of their lives, as one of the UK's biggest mental health 'hospitals' actually makes them worse.
Childhood: The Unexplored Source of Knowledge | Alice Miller, PhD
From The Natural Child Project: There are many areas where concern with early childhood can represent a liberation from age-old blind alleys.
NC Pays Psychiatric Units That Break Rules Millions to ‘Care’ for Youth
Around the Web: A newspaper investigation discovered that the state continued to pay psychiatric residential treatment facilities millions when they repeatedly broke rules meant to ensure children's safety and well-being.
‘Toxic Culture’ of Abuse at Mental Health ‘Hospital’ Revealed by BBC Secret Filming
From the BBC: Humiliated, abused and isolated for weeks - patients are being harmed due to a 'toxic culture' at one of the UK's biggest mental health 'hospitals.'
Limbic Revision – Love Heals Your Traumatized Brain
From MindKind Mom: We have to undo the encoding of abusive or poor-quality relationships we suffered as kids in order to heal our mental - and often physical - illnesses.
A Dreaded Part of Teachers’ Jobs: Restraining and Secluding Students
From NPR: "There's a tension within me of knowing that if I am to restrain a student, then I'm essentially putting forth a situation that's going to create trauma for that student."
Study: Antidepressants Linked to Higher Gestational Diabetes Risk
From CNN: “Taking antidepressants while pregnant may be associated with an increased risk of gestational diabetes, a new study suggests.
It turned out that the...
Babies Feel Pain More Intensely Than Adults, Brain Imaging Study Finds
From Return to Now: Researchers found that babies are actually four times more sensitive to pain than adults, even though painful procedures are still routinely performed on them with no pain relief.
Crisis Hotlines, Like Canada’s New 988, Promise Confidentiality. So Why Do So Many Trace...
In commentary for the Globe and Mail, Rob Wipond, MIA contributor and author of Your Consent Is Not Required: The Rise in Psychiatric Detentions,...
1 in 3 UK Teens Given Antidepressants, Despite Official Guidelines
From Family doctors say a lack of access to effective psychological therapies on the NHS is leading them to over-prescribe medication.
When I Was 15, a Psychiatric Hospital Nearly Ruined My Life. This Advice Saved...
From The Washington Post: By the time I left the hospital, I was the scattered wreckage of a teenager, and would spend much of my subsequent adult life avoiding people.
The Childhood Origins of Narcissism
From Vital Mind Coaching: The core childhood origin/genesis of the ‘narcissistic personality' occurs when a child is used by the parent(s) to meet the parent(s)' own needs.
Concern as Proportion of Children in England on Antipsychotics Doubles
From The Guardian: Although the overall percentage who were prescribed antipsychotics was relatively small, experts consider it a worrying trend since these powerful drugs carry serious safety risks.
Jury Says J&J Must Pay $8B in Risperdal Male Breast Growth Case
From ABC News: "Johnson & Johnson and Janssen chose billions over children... [This] is a company which has lost its way," attorneys for the plaintiff said.
CT Sen. Chris Murphy Calls for Restrictions of Restraint and Seclusion in U.S. Schools
From CT Insider: "It's hard to believe, but there are thousands of kids who are being put in solitary confinement or having their hands bound as punishment for misbehavior at school," said Murphy.
5 Things to Know as Calif. Starts Screening Children for Toxic Stress
From California Healthline: Starting this year, routine pediatric visits for millions of California children could involve questions about touchy family topics, such as divorce, unstable housing or a parent who struggles with alcoholism.