SSRIs Cause Epilepsy in Rats

Researchers from Australia find that chronic treatment with SSRIs significantly increases the rate of epileptogenesis in rats.  Although SSRIs are commonly prescribed to people...

SSRIs and Benzodiazepines Associated with Problems in Infants

Infants exposed to SSRIs and benzodiazepines during pregnancy show impaired neurologic functioning in the first month after birth, according to a new study published in the American Journal of Psychiatry. While infants exposed SSRIs alone showed neurobehavioral effects throughout the first month, those exposed to an SSRI and a benzodiazepine had more significant problems.

Adolescent Suicide and The Black Box Warning: STAT Gets It All Wrong

STAT recently published an opinion piece arguing that the black box warning on antidepressants has led to an increase in adolescent suicide. It is easily debunked, and reveals once again how our society is regularly misled about research findings related to psychiatric drugs. STAT has lent its good name to a false story that, unfortunately, will resonate loudly with the public.

The Putative Neurobiology of SSRIs and Aggression

“It’s hap­pening," said researchers at Northeastern University, "Kids are becoming irri­tated, aggres­sive, impul­sive, agi­tated, hos­tile. So you ask the ques­tion: Why?” They found (through study...

Antidepressants Do Not Prevent Suicides, May Increase Risk

When the CDC released data revealing an increasing suicide rate in the US, some experts, speaking to major media outlets, speculated that the increase...

Antidepressants During Pregnancy Do Not Appear To Reduce Relapses And Hospitalizations

Continuing to take antidepressants during pregnancy was associated with higher rates of depressive relapses and hospitalizations than discontinuing.

Antidepressant Use Linked to Sexual Dysfunction, Why Aren’t Prescribers Discussing It?

Research sheds light on the impact of antidepressants on sexual dysfunction, emphasizing the need for patient-physician communication.

Negative Antidepressant Trials Still Unlikely to Be Published

Antidepressant trials with negative results are still more likely than not to either be misleadingly spun as positive or unpublished.

Does Active Placebo Response Explain Antidepressant Results?

A new study investigated whether participants guessing if they have an antidepressant or placebo affects response rates.

Researcher Critiques Misleading Claims About Antidepressants

Recent claims about antidepressant effectiveness have been based on misleading statements and misunderstandings of the science.

Antidepressants Blunt Ability to Feel Empathy

A new study suggests that taking antidepressants impairs empathy, while the experience of depression itself does not.
Man closely examing instructions on prescription medications

Antidepressant-Induced Serotonin Syndrome a Danger for the Elderly

Researchers found that 25% of elderly patients taking antidepressants had serotonin syndrome, which is potentially life-threatening.

SSRIs Impair Learning From Negative Feedback

A study comparing the effects on cognition of major depression (MDD) vs. SSRIs finds that healthy subjects learn significantly better from positive feedback than...

Stuart Shipko – SSRI Withdrawal: Shooting the Odds

We interview Dr. Stuart Shipko, a psychiatrist and author who has a particular interest in the side effects and withdrawal effects of SSRI antidepressants and the need for informed consent when prescribing.

Exposure to Antidepressants in the Womb Linked to Autism

Researchers, publishing in Toxicology Research, review the evidence that antidepressant exposure in the womb is linked to autism spectrum disorders (ASD) in humans.

Antidepressant Use May Increase Risk of Hip Fractures in Older Adults

Study finds antidepressant use is linked to increase in hip fractures in community-dwelling older adults with and without Alzheimer’s disease.

Increasing Antidepressant Dose Does Not Improve Outcomes

A systematic review of literature and meta-analysis indicates that there is no clinically or statistically significant effect of antidepressant dose increase after nonresponse to initial treatment.

Antidepressants and Advertising: Psychopharmaceuticals in Crisis

An article by written by faculty of the Harvard History of Science Department and the Program in Placebo Studies explores how "drug marketing portrays...

Antidepressants Linked to Doubling of Failure of Dental Implants

People who take SSRI antidepressants are twice as likely to have their dental implants fail, according to McGill University researchers. In a press release,...

Antidepressants During Pregnancy Increase Risk of Psychiatric Diagnosis in Children

New research, based on data from almost a million children in Denmark, suggests that children of mothers who use antidepressants during pregnancy are more likely to be diagnosed with autism and psychiatric disorders.

New Algorithms Fail to Predict Antidepressant Treatment Outcomes

Researchers suggest that because most antidepressant “success” is due to the placebo effect, they may never find a way to predict outcomes.
Image of a young girl looking at a handful of antidepressants.

Antidepressants Do Not Improve Quality of Life

A new study found that taking antidepressants did not improve quality of life.

Discontinuing Psychotropics Reduces Falls in Elderly

Australian researchers look at the literature on the effect of psychotropics on falls in the elderly; largest effect of any randomized trial was achieved...

Internet Data Mining Reveals Unreported Side Effect

Scientists at Microsoft, Stanford and Columbia University, using automated software to mine data from 82 million internet searches for information related to, found a...

Increased Antidepressant Use Does Not Decrease Depression Prevalence in Older Adults

The use of antidepressants has risen quickly among older adults but the rate of depressive symptoms in this population has not declined as a result.