Prenatal Antidepressant Exposure Raises Risk to Newborn of Pulmonary Hypertension

Researchers from Canada find the risk of persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn is increased for infants exposed to SSRIs in late pregnancy. Results...

Suicide Attempts Similar With Various Antidepressants for Children

Researchers from Vanderbilt University and the University of Alabama found, in a retrospective study of increased suicidal behavior among 36,842 children who were new...

SSRIs Cause Epilepsy in Rats

Researchers from Australia find that chronic treatment with SSRIs significantly increases the rate of epileptogenesis in rats.  Although SSRIs are commonly prescribed to people...

Antidepressants & Sexual Function

Two studies of the effects of antidepressants on sexual function - one on the relative effects across classes of antidepressants on men, the other...

U.K.’s Guardian Survey: “Your Experiences of Antidepressants”

The U.K. newspaper The Guardian asked readers of five newspapers in the U.K., Germany, France, Spain and Italy to talk about their experiences of...

Risk of Bone Fractures With SSRIs Greater Than Thought

Researchers from McMaster University's Department of Medicine, presenting at this year's American Society for Bone and Mineral Research's annual meeting, found that the magnitude...

Int’l Task Force Doesn’t Endorse Antidepressants for Bipolar

Noting a "striking incongruity between the wide use of and the weak evidence base for the efficacy and safety of antidepressant drugs in bipolar,"...

Antidepressants and Diabetes Risk

A meta-analysis by researchers from the U.K. finds an association between antidepressant use and a modestly increased risk of diabetes. “Our research shows that...

Short-Term SSRI Use Associated With Gastrointestinal Bleeding

Researchers find, through a review of records from the Taiwanese National Health Insurance Database from 1998 to 2009, that short-term (7-28 day) use of...

No Support for Antidepressants Over Benzodiazepines for Anxiety

A review of all the relevant research comparing benzodiazepines (BDZ) to antidepressants (AD) for the treatment of anxiety was published Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics this Friday....

SSRIs Impair Learning From Negative Feedback

A study comparing the effects on cognition of major depression (MDD) vs. SSRIs finds that healthy subjects learn significantly better from positive feedback than...

2X Risk of Postpartum Hemorrhage Antidepressants

A study of 106,000 pregnant women with a diagnosis of mood or anxiety disorder, by researchers from Harvard, Duke, Michigan State and the university...

Turmeric as Effective as Prozac, With no Side-Effects

A randomized, controlled study by the Department of Pharmacology of Government Medical College in Bhavnagar, Gujarat, India found that in a study of 60...

CBT More Cost-Effective Than SSRI for Panic Disorder

A two-year study of 150 panic-disorder patients found that the societal cost of cognitive-behavioral was less than that of CBT plus SSRI or SSRI...

SSRIs Can Impair New Learning About Anxiety

Researchers from Columbia University and the New York State Psychiatric Institute test the behavioral effects of SSRIs on Pavlovian fear conditioning in rats, and...

SSRIs Increase Post-Surgical Complications

A study of 530,000 patients who underwent surgery at 375 U.S. hospitals found a 10% increased risk of post-operative complications including bleeding, transfusion, hospital...

Autism Linked to Antidepressants During Pregancy

A study of the Swedish medical birth registry, conducted by researchers from Sweden, the U.K., and the U.S.A., found a 3.3X greater risk of...

Internet Data Mining Reveals Unreported Side Effect

Scientists at Microsoft, Stanford and Columbia University, using automated software to mine data from 82 million internet searches for information related to, found a...

Antidepressants Linked to Heart Arrhythmias

Researchers from the Mass General and Brigham & Women's Hospitals and the Mt. Sinai School of Medicine find, using data from electronic health records...

Majority of Anorexia Patients are Prescribed Psychotropics Despite Lack of Data

Research from the medical schools of Harvard University and the University of Melbourne, reported in the December International Journal of Eating Disorders, found that...

Genetic Markers do not Predict Response to Antidepressants

Researchers from 11 nations in Europe and North America find, in the largest study to date of possible links between genetic markers and antidepressant...

SSRIs Increase Risk of Brain Hemorrhage

Canadian researchers, publishing in Neurology, find in a meta-analysis of controlled observational studies comparing SSRI therapy with a control group that SSRI exposure increased...

The Putative Neurobiology of SSRIs and Aggression

“It’s hap­pening," said researchers at Northeastern University, "Kids are becoming irri­tated, aggres­sive, impul­sive, agi­tated, hos­tile. So you ask the ques­tion: Why?” They found (through study...

Antidepressants Linked to Risk of Adult-Onset Diabetes

A meta-analysis of studies of 168,435 adults who were free of diabetes at baseline found that those who used antidepressant medication were 68% more...

Antidepressants Associated With Increased Driving Risk

Researchers from the Taiwan and the United States find through a study of 5,183 subjects with motor vehicle accidents (MVAs) and 31,093 matched controls...