Tag: mental health

‘It Was a Joint Effort’: Deborah Kasdan on Bringing Her Late...

Author Deborah Kasdan discusses her memoir of her late sister, "Roll Back The World."

Australia’s Billion-Dollar Question: Why Is Mental Health Not Improving With Better...

Amid growing mental health crisis, research raises questions about the mass rollout of brief psychotherapies in Australia.

Researchers Seek Standardized and Safe Antidepressant Tapering Protocol

A new study promotes the use of a standardized approach to antidepressant tapering.

Art and Transformation: Creating Justice in Mental Health

An upcoming conference focuses on the perspective of artists and activists in answering what it means to have a just mental health care system: Who decides who is labelled as mad?

The Failings of “Mental Health”: How a Seemingly Benign Concept Might...

MIA’s Ayurdhi Dhar interviews Bruce Cohen about dismissive psychiatrists, pervasive psychiatry, and the field's ties to neoliberal capitalism.

The Role of Love in Mental Health

The one core ingredient on which any recovery from emotional distress depends is the one that never makes an appearance in any medical handbook or psychiatric diagnostic manual—that is, love.

Insane Medicine, Chapter 10: The Paradigm Shift Is Inevitable

We must advocate for policies that create environments that are more nurturing for us all in a society that helps provide people with meaning, a sense of community, and a sense of civic duty.

The Lessons of Music: Nurturing Mental Health in Cultures Around the...

Music is an ancient and omnipresent tool for wellness, a carrier of peace for individuals, and a bonding agent for communities throughout history and the world.

Mainstream Mental Health Is Hazardous for Your Mental Health

"Mental health" going mainstream has not actually translated into more connection and healing. Instead, what is mainstream is an individual, isolating notion of "disease."

New Research Questions Safety of Esketamine for Depression

An analysis of FDA adverse event reports related to esketamine shows the potential for negative effects such as suicidal and self-injurious ideation.

Professional Mental Health Leaders: Experts in Humanity or in Marketing?

A lot of people, perhaps especially Americans, like a quick fix. Unfortunately, for those of us who get the “help” of the mental health system, the results can be disastrous.

Snakes and Ladders: How Psychiatry Took Away My Choices

The psychiatric system takes away all choices and freedom and calls the resulting state "mental illness." Psychiatry justifies alienation rather than repairing it.

Is It Time to Rethink Mental Illness in Light of the...

Now that so many are experiencing distress because of the coronavirus, can we not appreciate that many who have been labeled mentally ill have long experienced these kinds of hardships?

Exercise for Youth Mental Health in the Lockdown: Interview with Psychologist...

School Psychologist Scott Greenspan discusses how to promote exercise and mental wellbeing for adolescents stuck indoors during the pandemic.

We Are All in This Together

We need a new narrative of shared distress to replace the failed one of individual disorders. We need human connection and mutual support. We can learn to manage our feelings in a way that helps us through the crisis and gives us the energy to make much-needed social and environmental changes afterwards. The usual dividing lines melt away in the face of global emergency. We really are all in this together.

Psychology is Not What You Think: An Interview with Critical Psychologist...

MIA’s Ayurdhi Dhar interviews Ian Parker about critical psychology, discourse and political action, and whether psychology has anything left to offer.

Can Psychiatry Respond to Mad Activism?

Psychiatrist Mohammed Abouelleil Rashed explores a way forward for psychiatry in responding to the Mad activism of service users.

Why is the Field of Psychotherapy Still Fractured into Different Approaches?

Psychotherapy is dominated by contradicting schools of thought, exhibits a gap between research and practice, and repackages old ideas rather than finding clinical consensus.

Young Adult Food Insecurity Linked to Poor Mental Health

A new study identifies significant links between food insecurity and sleep, anxiety, depression, and compromised wellbeing among young people in the United States

Involuntary Hospitalization More Likely With Psychosis Diagnoses and Few Resources

New study links involuntary hospitalization with psychotic diagnosis, previous involuntary hospitalization, and economic deprivation.

Parachute NYC Peer Support Program Presents Challenges and Opportunities

Anthropologists study Parachute NYC to identify challenges and opportunities for implementing peer support and Open Dialogue practices.

Dehumanization Linked to Poorer Mental and Physical Health

A new review finds that dehumanizing language, including self-dehumanization, is connected to anxiety, depression, and disordered eating.

A Social Psychiatry Manifesto that Takes Social Context Seriously

A re-visioned approach to social psychiatry aims to understand the broad influence of social life on mental health.

Discrimination Leads to Mental Distress for Gender Diverse People

Researchers seek to identify adaptive coping responses to discrimination for the transgender and gender diverse community.

Non-Gender Affirmative Treatment Detrimental to Mental Health

Gender identity conversion efforts impact psychological distress and lifetime suicidality in transgender people.