Study Explores Sexual and Intimate Partner Violence in College Women with Disabilities
A new study explores sexual violence and intimate partner violence in college women with mental health related disabilities.
MHE Launches New Video on Article 27 of the UN CRPD
Mental Health Europe has launched a new animated video explaining Article 27 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Article 27...
Restricting Pharma Reps Contact with Docs Decreases Prescriptions
Implementing policies that regulate pharmaceutical sales representatives’ interaction with physicians may reduce prescription of promoted drugs.
One in Five Truck Drivers Experience Mental Health Issues
From ABC News: According to the Transport Workers' Union, one in five truck drivers report having experienced mental health issues due to the economic pressures...
Why Social Media can Never Fill the Void in our Depressing Lives
From VICE: According to Marcus Gilroy-Ware, author of Filling the Void: Emotion, Capitalism & Social Media, society's widespread use of social media stems from and is exploited...
Providing Trauma Informed Brief Counseling to College Students
Recommendations on how to provide trauma-informed, short-term counseling to college students who have experienced sexual assault and interpersonal violence.
Physical Activity Predicts Fewer Symptoms of Depression in Children
An article published in Pediatrics is the first to examine the relationship between physical activity and depression in middle childhood (years 6 to 10) longitudinally.
Precarious Jobs Scar Employees’ Mental Health: Survey
From the Toronto Star: According to a new survey of more than 4,000 workers by the Ontario Federation of Labor, precarious jobs can have a significant...
Medical Students’ Racial Biases Lead to Failure to Adequately Treat Patients
False beliefs about biological differences between races are associated with a failure to provide recommended pain treatments to Black people.
Bill Would let Employers Demand Workers’ Genetic Test Results
From STAT: Last week, the House approved a bill that will grant employers access to employees' genetic test results and other health information.
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Collaborative Care Effective for Older Adults with Depressive Symptoms
A new study suggests that depressive symptoms in older adults can be improved with non-invasive behavioral activation techniques. These approaches appear to have a preventative effect, serving to prevent further depressive symptoms from developing.
Workplace Bullying may be Linked to Long-Term Health Issues
From Psychological Science: A recent study shows that workplace bullying is associated with significant mental health and physical health problems for employees, including longer sick leaves...
Study Links Working Long Hours With Poorer Mental Health
From MinnPost: A recent study found that working more than 39 hours per week can lead to significant mental health risks.
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Youngest Children in Class More Likely to get ‘ADHD’ Drugs
The researchers suggest that developmental immaturity is mislabelled as a mental disorder and unnecessarily treated with stimulant medication
Many Patient Advocacy Organizations Are Funded By Industry
New research investigates the financial conflicts of interest (FCOI) of patient advocacy organizations (PAOs) in the United States.
The Effects of Practicing Psychotherapy on Therapists’ Personal Lives
A new study, published in Psychotherapy Research, explores how having a career in psychotherapy affects therapists’ personal lives.
“Gottesfeld Indicted for Alleged Cyber Attack on Hospital”
Martin Gottesfeld was charged in October in relation to the hacking of Boston Children’s Hospital in 2014 following the alleged mistreatment of one of...
“Should You Tell Work About Your Mental Health Condition?”
For Vice, Hannah Ewens explores how employers react to depression and anxiety in their employees. “In a fair world, employers wouldn't judge you for...
“Rutgers Professor Taken for Pysch Evaluation by NYPD After Political Tweets”
“According to Allred's tweets from Tuesday night, the New York Police Department visited him at home to investigate ‘political statements’ he made ‘on campus...
Clinton Releases Mental Health Plan
Today, Hillary Clinton’s campaign released their plan for addressing mental health care in the United States. The plan calls for a full integration of...
“Why are Doctors Plagued by Depression and Suicide?”
For STAT news, Judith Graham reports on the escalating crisis of depression, burnout, and suicide among physicians. “Male doctors are 1.4 times more likely to kill...
Yogurt Cooperative in Spain Provides a Different Form of Help: Meaningful Work
Every one of the Fageda Cooperative’s 300 workers - from milking shed to packing plant - will tell you that this cooperative makes the finest yogurt in all Spain, if not in the world. Last year, they made 1.4 million yogurts every week. In Catalonia, only Nestle and Danone sell more. But Fageda isn’t in business to make yogurt. For over 30 years, its sole mission has been to provide fully-paid, flexible employment to anyone from the region diagnosed with a mental health problem but who still wants to work.
Do We Really Need Mental Health Professionals?
Professionals across the Western world, from a range of disciplines, earn their livings by offering services to reduce the misery and suffering of the people who seek their help. Do these paid helpers represent a fundamental force for healing, facilitating the recovery journeys of people with mental health problems, or are they a substantial part of the problem by maintaining our modestly effective and often damaging system?
“The Torturing of Mentally Ill Prisoners”
This week’s issue of the New Yorker examines the treatment of people diagnosed with mental health issues in Florida’s prisons. The horrifying stories of...
Doctor O’s Adventures in Wonderland
I am a female physician who survived my own suicide attempt. I had managed to fly under the radar as a very progressive family MD for twenty years. And when I stumbled and bled, the sharks were there ready to devour the carcass. Do I believe that racism and sexism influenced charges being filed against me? I certainly do.