Better Sleep Helps With ADHD; Medications Worsen Sleep

"Sleep-focused treatment improves mood and quality of life in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder," reports Psychiatric News, covering a presention by Dalhousie University researcher Penny...

Antidepressants Linked to Risk of Adult-Onset Diabetes

A meta-analysis of studies of 168,435 adults who were free of diabetes at baseline found that those who used antidepressant medication were 68% more...

Common Benzodiazepine Sedatives May Induce Aggression

Benzodiazepine medications that are commonly used for calming or sedating people can sometimes apparently cause violent or aggressive responses in some people, according to...
Girl, looking confused, holding pill bottle

Official Guidelines on Antidepressant Discontinuation Fail Practitioners and Patients

A review of clinical practice guidelines for antidepressant discontinuation from across the English-speaking world reveals major pitfalls.

New Analysis: Antidepressants Still Linked to Suicide

“This is remarkable for drugs that are used to treat depressive symptoms,” write the researchers.

Systematic Review Finds Antidepressants Double the Risk for Agitation and Violence in Healthy Volunteers

The Nordic Cochrane Center conducted a systematic review of existing research trials on antidepressants and found that the drugs doubled the risk of feelings...

Acute Respiratory Failure More Likely in COPD Patients Prescribed Antipsychotics

Researchers recommend that healthcare professionals be vigilant regarding the signs of respiratory failure among patients with COPD who are receiving antipsychotics, especially during the initial treatment phase.

Legal Journal Says Antidepressants Can Cause Violence and Suicide

Antidepressants have been reported to cause a state called “akathisia,” where people feel extremely agitated and restless and may become preoccupied with thoughts of...

Anticonvulsant Implicated in Birth Defects in up to 4,100 Children, French Study Finds

Between 2,150 and 4,100 children suffered from severe malformations connected to valproate prescription.

Fava: Antidepressants in Severe Cases, Short Duration Only

Giovanni Fava has published an integrative analysis of the different sources of scientific research into antidepressants in Psychotherapy and Somatics. “The use of antidepressant...

Antidepressant is Toxic to Fungus

Zoloft isn't just for depression any more; it also kills fungal meningitis. Researchers from Texas A&M find that "The problem for many current antifungal...

Multiple Medications Associated With Poorer Outcomes

Research from Germany finds that people with schizophrenia or schizoaffective diagnoses given multiple medications - an antipsychotic plus a benzodiazepine or more than one...

Stimulants, But Not Cannabis, Predict Readmission for Psychosis

Prior admissions with stimulant disorder, but not a prior cannabis disorder diagnosis, are a negative prognostic sign in first-episode psychosis according to new research...

Internet Forum for Tapering Psychiatric Drugs Provides Novel Insights

After 15 years, the founder of, Adele Framer, shares what she has learned about the science of withdrawing from psychiatric drugs.
VA Secretary Robert Wilkie

An Open Letter to VA Secretary Robert Wilkie: A Plan for Deprescribing Veteran Suicides

Through my research and experiences, I've found that what the Veterans Administration has been doing to fight the veteran suicide epidemic isn't working and appears to be unintentionally exacerbating it. These problems are fixable. But I need your help.

Atypicals Associated with Diabetes in Adults Without Schizophrenia or Bipolar Diagnoses

Writing in Evidence Based Mental Health, researchers from Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital found that use of medication for diabetes was significantly...
Man closely examing instructions on prescription medications

Antidepressant-Induced Serotonin Syndrome a Danger for the Elderly

Researchers found that 25% of elderly patients taking antidepressants had serotonin syndrome, which is potentially life-threatening.

Benzodiazepines Linked to Increased Risk of Alzheimer’s: Causation or Not?

According to a study in the British Medical Journal, benzodiazepine use is associated with a significantly increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. Some experts...

Psychiatric Medication Use Associated with Triple the Risk of Stroke

Common psychiatric medications double the risk of heart attack and triple the risk of stroke, according to research presented at the Canadian Cardiovascular Congress...

About 1 in 100 Children Treated with Ritalin Experience a Serious Adverse Event

A recent Cochrane review has found that serious adverse events occur for about 1% of children and adolescents treated with Ritalin.

Behavioral Therapy (Including Parents) More Effective for ADHD than Drugs

Stimulant medication does not improve the academic performance or test scores of the 9% of all children in the U.S. diagnosed with ADHD, according to...

Psychiatric Drugs, Especially Antipsychotics, Contribute to Increasing Drug Costs

Antipsychotics have overtaken antidepressants as the most costly class of psychiatric medication in England, according to a study by Stephen Ilyas and Joanna Moncrieff...

British Journal of Psychiatry Editorial Urges Rethinking the Use of Antipsychotics

The August issue of the British Journal of Psychiatry offers an editorial stating that, as "mental health services appear to have overestimated the strength...

Stuart Shipko – SSRI Withdrawal: Shooting the Odds

We interview Dr. Stuart Shipko, a psychiatrist and author who has a particular interest in the side effects and withdrawal effects of SSRI antidepressants and the need for informed consent when prescribing.

Researchers Question Add-On Treatment for ‘Schizophrenia’

A common practice when antipsychotics are found to be ineffective for schizophrenia is to prescribe a second, additional psychoactive medication. Now, a new study suggests that this practice is not supported by the research.