Tag: Benzodiazepines

Benzodiazepines Linked to Suicide, Study Finds

A new study finds that benzodiazepines—alprazolam (Xanax), lorazepam (Ativan), and diazepam (Valium)—are associated with an increased risk of suicidal events.

Psych Drugs May Increase Likelihood of Death in Schizophrenia

The drugs, especially benzos and high doses of antipsychotics, led to an increased risk of death within five years. Antidepressants also did not reduce mortality.

Long-Term Benzo Use Linked to Increased Disability

Despite guidance that the drugs should only be used short-term, about a third of patients indicated long-term benzo use.

Prolonged Negative Impacts of Benzodiazepine Use Revealed in New Study

Researchers find that adverse effects often last over a year, with many users experiencing substantial life changes.

Antidepressants, Antipsychotics, and Benzos All Increase Suicide Attempts in New Study

In a study of people with borderline personality disorder, only ADHD stimulants were associated with a decrease in suicide.

Global Survey Leads to New Recommendations for Deprescribing Psychiatric Drugs

Growing rates of long-term psychiatric drug prescriptions and documented issues with withdrawal demonstrate a need for safe deprescribing practices.

Research Explores the Experience of Benzodiazepine Withdrawal

A new study reveals many benzodiazepine users are misinformed about the risks of withdrawal and experience devastating consequences.

What Helps Long-Term Users of Benzodiazepines and Z-Drugs Discontinue?

Current long-term users of benzodiazepines and Z-drugs identify barriers and facilitators for discontinuation.

Renee Schuls-Jacobson – Psychiatrized: Waking up After a Decade of Bad...

We interview Renee Schuls-Jacobson about her book Psychiatrized: Waking up After a Decade of Bad Medicine which details Renee's experiences being prescribed the benzodiazepine clonazepam (Klonopin) for seven years.

Beyond Benzos: Jordan B. Peterson’s Trip to Hell and Back

I am thankful "Beyond Order" exists; if only because it serves as a cautionary tale for anyone looking to modify their mood using psychiatry’s plethora of pills.

Exploring Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal: A Town Hall Discussion Series

Our new discussion series aims to explore what we do and don’t know about safe withdrawal from antidepressants, antipsychotics, benzodiazepines and stimulants.

New FDA Study Shows Benzodiazepines Can Cause Long-Term Injury

The FDA has finally acknowledged the adverse effects of benzodiazepines, the dangers of withdrawal, and that the current packaging does not sufficiently warn of these harms.

How 1 Panic Attack Led to 15 Years of Psychiatric Drugs 

My brain zaps—symptoms of benzo withdrawal—were like having a mini seizure on a daily basis. But my doctor kept telling me that my “underlying” anxiety was causing all my distress.

World Benzodiazepine Awareness Day 2020

This week on MIA Radio, we present the second part of our podcast to join in the events for World Benzodiazepine Awareness Day 2020...

Review Documents Severe Withdrawal Effects of Psychiatric Drugs

Researchers find that most psychiatric drugs cause severe withdrawal despite attempt s to gradually decrease the dosage.

Benzodiazepines Linked to More Emergency Department Visits

Recent research implicates benzodiazepines as being involved in a high rate of emergency department visits in the US.

25% of Older Adults Prescribed Benzos Go On to Long-Term Use

From Scienmag: "On average, the patients were 78 years old when they received their first benzodiazepine prescription — an advanced age for use of the...

Teen Xanax Abuse Is Surging

From The Pew Charitable Trusts: "Teen drug use during the summer often goes unnoticed. It’s when school starts and students nod off in class, exchange...

New Clinical Guidelines on Deprescribing Benzodiazepines

New guidelines recommend deprescribing benzodiazepine receptor agonists for adults.

Xanax: Children As Young As 11 Taking Anxiety Drug

From BBC: The abuse of the anti-anxiety drug Xanax is becoming widespread among children and adolescents as young as 11 years old. "To gain an idea of the...

Online Communities for Drug Withdrawal: What Can We Learn?

From Psychiatric Times: Patients are increasingly turning to the internet as a source of information and support for antidepressant and benzodiazepine withdrawal due to the psychiatric...

Xanax Nation

In this blog post, Andy White highlights the role Xanax plays in silencing political dissent and keeping the public complacent. Instead of expressing anger...

A Quiet Drug Problem Among the Elderly

From The New York Times: Use of benzodiazepines has risen among seniors despite their increased vulnerability to the drugs' adverse effects. "'Set aside the opioid issue,'...

Benzodiazepines: Our Other Prescription Drug Epidemic

From STAT: Although benzodiazepines are some of the most commonly prescribed psychiatric medications in the U.S., few people realize how dangerous and addictive these drugs can be. "Highly...

Confirmed: Las Vegas Shooter on Benzos

A Las Vegas newspaper has released the autopsy blood toxicology report for Stephen Paddock. Three metabolites (breakdown products) of Valium were found in his blood: nordiazepam, oxazepam, and temazepam. Paddock’s autopsy report confirms he was a regular user of Valium, at least in the days leading up to the shootings.