Tag: coming off psychiatric drugs
Jim van Os and Peter Groot: When Assessing Antidepressant Withdrawal Methods,...
Jim van Os and Peter Groot discuss their paper: “Successful Use of Tapering Strips for Hyperbolic Reduction of Antidepressant Dose: A Cohort Study” published in the journal Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology.
How I Became My Own Psychiatrist
I now am more conversant with the latest literature on the medications I take than my prescriber is. While I consider his opinion and clinical judgment, I no longer accept every word as the Gospel truth.
Stuart Shipko – SSRI Withdrawal: Shooting the Odds
We interview Dr. Stuart Shipko, a psychiatrist and author who has a particular interest in the side effects and withdrawal effects of SSRI antidepressants and the need for informed consent when prescribing.
Psychological Support for Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal
We discuss the release of guidance which has been specifically written to support UK psychological therapists and their clients in having discussions about taking and withdrawing from psychiatric drugs. The guidance is a collaboration between counsellors, therapists, psychologists, peer support specialists and psychiatrists.
Life After Psych Meds: Laura Delano
How can people come off psychiatric medications in the safest way? What are the key lessons and vital ingredients for leaving psychiatric care? Is there life after meds? Laura Delano spent 14 years as a psychiatric patient before she left behind her psychiatric diagnoses and reclaimed herself. Today she is Director of the Inner Compass Initiative and The Withdrawal Project, working to support drug withdrawal and build community beyond the mental health system.
Experts ‘In Denial’ Over Withdrawal Harm From Prescription Pills
From The Herald: MSP (Member of the Scottish Parliament) Michelle Ballantyne has spoken out about the epidemic of withdrawal effects of prescription pills, critiquing physicians'...
Online Communities for Drug Withdrawal: What Can We Learn?
From Psychiatric Times: Patients are increasingly turning to the internet as a source of information and support for antidepressant and benzodiazepine withdrawal due to the psychiatric...
I’m Withdrawing From Antidepressants After Nearly 20 Years
From The Lily: In light of the recent New York Times article highlighting the effects antidepressant withdrawal, Ashley Abramson shares her personal story of deciding to...
Many People Taking Antidepressants Discover They Cannot Quit
From The New York Times: Global prescription rates and long-term use of antidepressants are rising rapidly. One unanticipated consequence of this trend is that more...
New Programme Supports Withdrawal From Antidepressants
Manasa Ayurveda has launched a new harm reduction based program that will support people in tapering from antidepressant drugs.
"Manasa Ayurveda aims to work collaboratively,...
Royal College of Psychiatrists Accused of Misleading Claims
From The Herald: A group of mental health experts and patients have submitted a formal letter of complaint accusing the Royal College of Psychiatrists of...
Anti-depressants: “I’ve Lost My Identity and Who I Am”
From BBC: Mad in America Radio Host and Program Director James Moore speaks about the impact that antidepressant withdrawal has had on his life.
"The 46-year-old has...
How Online Forums Offered ‘Lifeline’ for Sufferers
From The Times: In an age in which benzodiazepine dependence is increasingly becoming a global problem, online forums serve as a lifeline for numerous benzodiazepine...
Woman Shares How Coming Off Antidepressant Ruined Her Life
From Metro: Originally prescribed the antidepressant Venlafaxine for migraines and persistent low moods, Tabitha Dow shares some of the persistent, debilitating symptoms she continues to...
After a Turbulent Childhood, on a Path to a Healthier Life
In this piece for The New York Times, Emily Palmer describes the life journey thus far of Charles Louis, from being prescribed two psychiatric medications in...
Life Sentence: Life Behind the Bars of the Mental Health System
The minute you sit down in the chair in a mental health professional's office, you’re no longer seen as a person. The mental health system is incapable of seeing past the solid wall of your current label. Their only cure is drugs. "First Do No Harm" are powerful words. It’s unfortunate they don’t apply to psychiatry.
Learning About Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal
We held the first course ever on psychiatric drug withdrawal on 12 June 2017 in Copenhagen. The course was open to patients, relatives, psychologists, doctors and other social and healthcare workers, and 77 people participated.
Dr. David Healy: Seeking a Cure for Protracted, Medication-Related Sexual Dysfunction
An interview with Dr. David Healy, internationally respected psychiatrist, psychopharmacologist, scientist, and author, discussing Post SSRI Sexual Dysfunction (PSSD) and his innovative approach to finding a cure.
Olga Runciman: Moving Beyond Psychiatry
This week on the Mad in America podcast we interview Olga Runciman. Olga is an international trainer and speaker, writer, campaigner, and artist. In this interview, we discuss Olga’s professional and personal experiences of the psychiatric system and how she now helps and supports healing and recovery in others.
What Happens When You Stop Taking Psychiatric Medications
From Pacific Standard: A new study surveyed people who have come off psychiatric medications to come up with information doctors can use to help support their...
Peter Breggin, MD: The Conscience of Psychiatry (part 2)
Dr Beggin tells us about recent developments with the Michelle Carter trial, and we discuss alternatives to psychiatric drugs and the value of the therapeutic relationship.
Bob Fiddaman: Taking on the Pharmaceutical Regulators and the Seroxat Scandal
Today on the MIA podcast we talk to Bobby Fiddaman about his experiences of the mental health system, his research and campaigning over the years and his relationships with the UK and US pharmaceutical regulatory bodies.
Peter Breggin, MD: The Conscience of Psychiatry
On this episode of the MIA Radio podcast, we present part one of an interview with Dr. Peter Breggin about his career, his views on psychiatry and recent developments with the Michelle Carter trial in which he testified as an expert medical witness.
Pratima Singh: Exploring Alternatives to Biological Psychiatry
Pratima Singh, who got her medical degree in India, works at the Maudsley NHS Hospital in London as an adult psychiatrist. She has a deep interest in alternatives to biological approaches to psychiatry and the use of psychotropic medications.
Monica Cassani: Achieving Health in Body, Mind and Spirit
Monica Cassini has seen the mental health system from both sides – as a social worker and as a person whose life was severely ruptured by psychiatric drugs. She writes critically about the system, as well as holistic pathways of healing without medication.