Psychologists Push For New Approaches to Psychosis: Part 2

The authors of the report expand upon the traumatic and sociopolitical factors underlying presentations of psychosis and “schizophrenia.”

Psychologists Push For New Approaches to Psychosis: Part 1

Psychologists and people with experience of psychotic symptoms publish a report on new ways of understanding psychosis.
child abuse

Child Abuse, Mental Health and Mental Illness

Psychiatrists and medical doctors don’t ask who was hitting who and how often in your family. These questions would largely put them out of business and invalidate their industries. These questions would make a mockery of their many years of schooling and many prescription pad options. But these questions would also heal.

School Culture May Contribute to Overdiagnosis, Study Finds

Officials at a school that was more focused on ADHD diagnoses described children’s behavior in terms of individual illnesses, taking children out of the context of their social interactions, race, gender, and socioeconomic status.

Childhood Victimization Connected with Experiences of Psychosis

Childhood victimization associated with experiences of psychosis later in life, and in persons without childhood victimization, there is a bidirectional association between psychosis and adult victimization.

Self-Compassion Course Supports College Students to Support Themselves

New research on a brief self-compassion focused course aimed at the college students.

Study Finds Increasing Minimum Wage can Decrease Child Maltreatment

Increasing the minimum wage - even modestly - can lead to less cases of child abuse in the home.

Study Investigates Long-Term Effects of Social and Emotional Learning Programs

Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) programs have gained popularity in U.S. schools in recent years. A new study examines the nature and longevity of their impact on students.

First Systematic Review of Leading School-Based Mental Health Programs

Results reflect moderate to strong evidence in support of the non-pharmacological school-based interventions reviewed in the study.

Researchers Question the “Adequacy and Legitimacy” of ADHD Diagnosis

A new article, just published online in the journal Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties, presents research suggesting that the diagnosis of ADHD is philosophically inadequate.

Loneliness as Lethal: Researchers Name Social Isolation a ‘Public Health Threat’

Researchers present loneliness as a health threat facing a growing number of Americans.

Ethical Failings in Experimental Drug Safety Trials

Leading human subjects ethics researcher questions exploitation of uninsured minorities in experimental drug trials.

ADHD Diagnosis Based on “Illogical Rhetoric,” Analysis Claims

In a philosophically rigorous article, Spanish researcher Marino Pérez-Álvarez examines the logic of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Study Finds Recalling Experiences of Violence Impairs Cognitive Functioning

Recalling past exposure to violence worsens short-term memory and cognitive control.

Researchers Argue that ‘ADHD’ Doesn’t Meet DSM Definition of a Disorder

New research questions whether the diagnosis of ADHD even meets the criteria for a disorder, as set out in the manuals used by the medical and psychiatric fields.

Social Prescribing May Improve Self-Esteem and Mental Well-Being

Systematic review suggests social prescribing benefits individuals with mental and physical health issues, but more program evaluations are needed.

New Collaborative and Feedback-Informed Family Therapy Approach

Attempts to bridge the gap between research and practice result in a family therapy approach which employs clients as co-researchers.

Providing Social Welfare Can Save Billions of Dollars, Researchers Say

Researchers suggest that treatment is more effective and healthcare costs are reduced when contextual care is implemented that addresses social and economic needs.

Study Finds Mistreatment and Psychological Distress Among LGBT Prisoners in the US

The rate of incarceration for lesbian, gay, and bisexual individuals is roughly three times that of the general population and they experience significantly higher rates of victimization and mistreatment in prison.

Brief Trauma-Focused Psychotherapies Effective for Children with PTSD

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy and Cognitive Behavioral Writing Therapy both reduce PTSD symptoms in children who experienced a single traumatic event.

Researchers Discuss the Strengths of Children who Face Adversity

Experiencing adversity may result in the development of unique strengths and abilities that are often overlooked.

African American and Hispanic Youth Discontinue ADHD Treatment at Higher Rates than White Youth

Study examines racial and ethnic disparities in the quality of care for Medicaid-enrolled children starting ADHD medication.

Unanswered Questions in New Mental Health Screening Program for Children

An article presents new screening tools for pediatric depression and anxiety—but fails to answer its own questions about efficacy.

Schizophrenia Deconstructed

After a few weeks it became clear to me the complete lack of comprehension that I faced as a person claiming to have been cured of psychosis. Being a schizophrenic claiming to no longer suffer from schizophrenia only made me seem more schizophrenic due to the current culture of psychiatry.

Psychological Research Fails to Capture Human Diversity, Researchers Call for Action

Data demonstrate an overreliance of non-representative and non-diverse sampling biases in psychological research.