Tag: meditation

Inside a Forensic Psychiatry Unit: Cultivating the Superpower of Equanimity

In the detention center, there is really no better tool to overcome the constant threat of death than equanimity. Meditation was my antidote to hopelessness.

False Positives in Brain Imaging, Unpublished and Missing Trials, and Conflicts...

In our Science News podcast, Peter Simons reports on false positives in brain imaging, unpublished and missing trials, conflicts of interest and more.

Meditation Triggered My Psychosis; Reiki Healed It

James and I started talking about how we each fell on the path as seekers. He told me that he was a reiki master. A seed was planted within me. Even though my previous meditation practice did not work out, I still had spiritual longings and wanted to try again.

How Does Mindfulness Work?

A new study explores how mindfulness impacts self-compassion and meaning in life to increase mental health and wellbeing.

Third Eye by Katarina Bucic

A secret city exists in your mind, whereĀ left brain and right brain bind. In the center of your eyes, but hidden behind, whereĀ your consciousness is aligned. The source of awareness for mankind

Study Explores Extreme States Associated with Meditation

Biomedical and alternative discourses frame peopleā€™s experiences of extreme mental states associated with meditation in different ways.

A Healing Journey: Leaving Psychiatry Behind

The world calls what was "wrong" with me "bipolar." I prefer the notion that I went through a birth process to become the healer that I am today. I can't be silent because I know there are people like I was who are trapped and may not realize it yet. When they begin to see the prison bars that surround them, I want to be there for them as others were for me.

Catching My Breath After A Panicked Journey

$24,000 later and no one knew what was wrong with me. They sent me home with a bag of pills. After being in the hospital, I developed a fear and mistrust of doctors. My general practitioner suggestedĀ antidepressants. More pills. It was all they could recommend. I wouldnā€™t take them. My anxiety worsened. I was obsessed with the idea that if I slept, I would die. So, I stayed awake as much as I could. For an entire year, this was how I lived.

Does Meditation Work?

From Aeon:Ā "Confirmation bias is difficult to overcome. Journals rely on reviewers to spot them, but because some of these biases have become standard practice...

New Meta-Analysis: Mindfulness Interventions Effective for Psychiatric Disorders

A meta-analysis of mindfulness-based interventions shows efficacy for treating depression, physical pain, smoking, and addictive disorders.

Mindfulness Intervention Can Prevent Depression, Study Finds

A combined mindfulness and behavioral activation intervention is shown to reduce depressive symptoms and serve as a preventative factor for major depressive disorder.

The Side Effect of Meditation I Didn’t Expect

In this pieceĀ forĀ The Elephant Journal, Flavia Simas shares how meditation not only helped reduce her depression and anxiety but also improved her self-esteem. "It helps...

Cognitive Enhancement With Yoga

FromĀ Psychiatric Times: A recent study suggests that Kundalini yoga may be at least as effective asĀ memory training in improvingĀ cognitive resilience in older adults with...

What Meditation can do for us, and What it Can’t

In recent years, American scholars and thinkers have increasingly argued for the secularization and modernization of Buddhism, proposing meditation as a fully secular form...

Yoga and Meditation Can Change Your Genes, Study Says

FromĀ TIME: A new scientific review suggests that yoga, meditation, and other mindfulness activities can reverse stress-related changes in genes linked to health problems and...

New Data on the Adverse Effects of Meditation and Mindfulness

Study reports on the less-examined findings of difficult and painful meditation-related experiences.

A Standing Meditation for Self-Care

In this piece forĀ On Being, Sharon Salzberg discusses the importance of self-care and describes a meditation technique that can help increase self-love and self-compassion.

This is the Fastest way to Calm Down

FromĀ TIME: A recent study suggestsĀ a neurological explanation for why deep breathing can be so effective in reducing stress and anxiety. Article ā†’Ā­

Into the Woods: A Path Through Anxiety

As individuals, psychiatrists are undoubtedly well-intentioned. But the Prozac paradigm undermines the path of acceptance by its very agenda to ā€œget rid ofā€ or ā€œfixā€ anxiety. It is by its nature a resistance ā€” and what you resist, tends to persist.

Your Brain as Laboratory: The Science of Meditation

In this guest blogĀ forĀ Scientific American, John Yates explores the ways that many meditation practices qualify as science. "In the history of meditation practices that qualify...

Surviving and Thriving After a Diagnosis of Schizophrenia

I have wanted to go public with my story ever since I started getting so dramatically better via holistic means, but I consistently chickened out. It wasnā€™t until I hopped on a plane to Boston to meet other psychiatric survivors at the Mad in America Film Festival in 2014 that I found the community and forum to do so.

What is Holistic Psychiatry?

Holistic psychiatry teaches that within each and every one of us there are great and latent powers, which are beyond the ordinary life. Daily progress in self-development is not the result of accident or chance, rather it comes from a steady practice of working on yourself.

Using Breathing-Based Meditation to Treat Depression

Study reveals data suggesting yogic breathing may be helpful in treating depression for patients who have not respond to antidepressants

Study Finds Meditation Can Reduce Trauma Symptoms for Inmates

Researchers found that Transcendental Meditation could significantly decrease anxiety and depression, among others symptoms.

ā€œCan Personality Traits Affect Use of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction?ā€

A new article in The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine finds that MBSR, which combines yoga, meditation, and body scanning, may be especially...