Tag: stress

The Medicalization of Women’s Suffering: An Interview with Dana Becker

MIAā€™s Ayurdhi Dhar interviews Dana Becker about how therapeutic culture fails to adequately address womenā€™s suffering.

Nutrition Is the Foundation of Resilience

Recent studies show that we are not consuming as healthy a diet as our ancestors did. Would that matter to our brain health? Yes!

The Sisyphus Cycle: How Everyday Stress Leads to Suicide

If you wanted to capture my mindset at the peak of suicidal longings ā€” crushing odds, repeated failures, futility of existence, huge obstacles weighing me down ā€” the story of Sisyphus would be it. After one too many trips around this block, enter suicide: the fail-safe tactic for escaping unbearable pain and suffering.

School-Based Mindfulness Leads to Stress Reduction, Study Finds

Researchers find improvements in stress-related outcomes among middle school students exposed to a school-based mindfulness training program.

Parent Training as Effective for Childhood Anxiety as Therapy

Yale study finds that training parents how to react to child behaviors is as effective at reducing anxiety as providing therapy to the child.

The Role of Intergenerational Trauma in the Perpetuation of Childhood Maltreatment

A new study examines the role parent borderline pathology plays in the perpetuation of childhood maltreatment.

Traumatic Immobility: Depression as a Stress Response

What if we don't have a depression epidemic, but a stress epidemic of traumatic proportions? What if we've been steered away from learning how our minds and bodies actually work, and into believing that our attempts to survive traumatic, threatening real-life circumstances are "symptoms of mental illness"?

International Study Documents Widespread Distress in College Students

An international study of college students reveals ubiquitous social and emotional challenges faced by young adults.

Mindfulness Improves Resiliency to Stress in University Students

New research demonstrates the lasting effects of mindfulness training on stress and wellbeing among university students.

Can Mindfulness Help With Burnout?

A new study investigates the effects of mindfulness-based interventions on employeeā€™s wellbeing across different workplace environments.

What’s Behind the Need to Numb and Seek a Final Escape?

From The Conversation: "It is not clear what exactly drives the demand for the psychoactive substances and what has driven the increase in suicides....

Study Explores Impact of Urban vs. Rural Upbringing on Stress Response

A new study investigates the relationships between early-home environmental factors and later-life physiological response to psychosocial stressors.

How the Human Stress Response Explains Away “Bipolar Disorder”

Here we'll take a look at so-called 'mania.' We'll go through the criteria for a 'manic episode' symptom by symptom so you can see how the stress response is potentially operating. There's practically nothing that happens in human minds and bodies that the stress response doesn't potentially affect.

Playing Up the Benefits of Play at Work

From theĀ Association for Psychological Science: New research has found evidence that play at work is associated with less fatigue, boredom, stress, and burnout in...

What is Brain Fog: The Mental Fatigue That Ruins Your Mood

FromĀ ZME Science: More people than ever before are regularly experiencing "brain fog," a collection of symptoms including fatigue, inability to focus, memory deficiency, confusion,...

Why Having a Bad Job is Worse Than Having No Job

FromĀ Big Think: New research suggests that having a stressful, badly paid, or unstable job may be worse for people's mental health than being unemployed. "Focusing...

PhD Students at Higher Risk of Developing a Psychiatric Disorder

FromĀ Business Insider: According to a new study, PhD students are almost twice as likely to develop symptoms of poor mental health asĀ the highly educated...

The Surprising Science of Fidgeting

In this piece forĀ The Conversation, Harriet Dempsey-Jones provides a variety of possible explanations for why we fidget, as well as the increasing popularity of...

We Must Defeat the Tories for the Sake of Our Mental...

FromĀ The Daily Mirror:Ā According to U.K. academics and mental health groups, five more years of Tory rule would greatly exacerbate people's mental health and cause...

This is the Fastest way to Calm Down

FromĀ TIME: A recent study suggestsĀ a neurological explanation for why deep breathing can be so effective in reducing stress and anxiety. Article ā†’Ā­

Researchers Question Link Between Genetics and Depression

A new study, published in the journal Molecular Psychiatry, found no link between genetics and the occurrence of depressive symptoms.

Precarious Jobs Scar Employees’ Mental Health: Survey

From theĀ Toronto Star:Ā According to a new survey of more than 4,000 workers by the Ontario Federation of Labor, precarious jobs can have a significant...

Into the Woods: A Path Through Anxiety

As individuals, psychiatrists are undoubtedly well-intentioned. But the Prozac paradigm undermines the path of acceptance by its very agenda to ā€œget rid ofā€ or ā€œfixā€ anxiety. It is by its nature a resistance ā€” and what you resist, tends to persist.

Too Much Emotional Intelligence is a bad Thing

FromĀ Scientific American:Ā High levels of emotional intelligence may be associated with increased stress as well as feelings of depression and hopelessness. Article ā†’Ā­

Smartphones are Really Stressing out Americans

FromĀ TIME: A recent reportĀ by the American Psychological Association found that people who constantly check their smartphones experience higher levels of stress compared to people...