Tag: suicide

Husband of UK Royal Took own Life After ā€˜Adverse Effects of...

From The Guardian:Ā The son-in-law of Prince and Princess Michael of Kent killed himself after suffering adverse side-effects from antidepressants prescribed by a Buckingham Palace...

Preventing Suicide Among Older Adults

In an ideal world, the goal would be to have interconnected, trauma-informed, ā€œhelpingā€ communities to prevent suicide in older adults.

Desperate Measures: Ghaemiā€™s Response to Our Review of Lithium and Suicide...

Ghaemiā€™s article is more of a rant than a scientific commentary.

When Darkness Traps People, Consider The System

EDITORā€™S CORNER If youā€™ve been following the news over the last week or so, youā€™ve likely read of Zoraya ter Beek, the young Dutch woman...

Antidepressant Use Tightly Correlates with Increased Suicide Rates

While the study canā€™t confirm causality, it does contradict the notion that antidepressants reduce suicide at the population level.

Antidepressants Increase Suicide Attempts in Youth; No Preventative Effect

Researchers find that SSRIs increase suicide attempts up to age 24, and have no preventative effect at any age, even for those at high risk of suicide.

My Sister Lucy’s Death and Life: Picturing an Alternate Timeline of...

Iā€™ll never forget standing beside my sister Lucy as she was strapped to a gurney during a midnight admission to an E.R. in Cambridge, Mass.

Antidepressants, Antipsychotics, and Benzos All Increase Suicide Attempts in New Study

In a study of people with borderline personality disorder, only ADHD stimulants were associated with a decrease in suicide.

The ā€œSā€ Word: How the Culture of Fear Has Failed Youth...

I learned at a young age that my suicidal thoughts and feelings would be met with panic and punishment from adults.

Antidepressant Withdrawal Linked to Suicide Attempt in Case Study

Researchers suggest that antidepressant withdrawal can be a possible precipitant of suicide.

RIP: Ed White – Advocate, Researcher and Supporter

It is with great sadness that we write about the loss of one of our colleagues from the psychiatric drug withdrawal community; Doctor Ed White.

I Set Up a Suicide Crisis Centre to Provide the Opposite...

Our approach is to openly care about our clients and empower them as much as possible. It's vital that clients know we care about their survival.

Psychiatric Drugs Increase Suicide. CAMPP’s Film ā€œPrescripticideā€ Exposes the Harms

ā€œPrescripticideā€: The purpose of this informational video is to raise public awareness of this association between psychiatric drugs and violence/suicide.

No, the FDAā€™s Black Box Warning Did not Increase Suicides

Researchers again debunk the claim that the FDA black box warnings on antidepressants led to more suicides.

Antidepressants Still Linked to Increased Suicide Risk

Bias and financial conflicts in antidepressant trials ā€œcontribute to systematic underestimation of risk in the published literature.ā€

Book Review: “Prescription for Sorrow” by Patrick D. Hahn

There are quite a few books published about the lack of benefit and harm caused by so-called "antidepressants." Prescription for Sorrow, by Patrick Hahn, is simply the best one I have read.

Suicide: Shhhhhh

When we have a strong urge to live, it must be very difficult to understand another personā€™s wish to die. So far, no one has been willing or able to ā€œgo thereā€ with me.

Suicide Rates Did Not Decrease When Antidepressant Drugs Were Introduced

Researchers investigate the claim that the introduction of antidepressant drugs led to decreases in suicide rates internationally.

The Smoldering Wick: Suicide and Faith

Some suicidal people may only benefit from the extraordinary selflessness and profound empathy demonstrated by St. Paul to his jailer.Ā Credentials donā€™t measure for that.

Suicidal Thoughts, Psychiatric Diagnosis, and What Really Helps: Part Two

This piece is the second of a two-part essay about suicide, diagnosis, what doesn't help, and what does help. This part is about barriers to seeking help and about the ways we actually can be of help to people who are considering suicide.

Suicidal Thoughts, Psychiatric Diagnosis, and What Really Helps: Part One

This piece is the first of a two-part essay about suicide, diagnosis, what doesn't help, and what does help. This part is about suicide, diagnosis, and some of what fails to help.

Stuart Shipko – SSRI Withdrawal: Shooting the Odds

We interview Dr. Stuart Shipko, a psychiatrist and author who has a particular interest in the side effects and withdrawal effects of SSRI antidepressants and the need for informed consent when prescribing.

The Year I Lost Everything, Psychiatry Offered Nothing

After a failed suicide attempt following my son's death, New York State incarcerated me in a mental institution for 21 days. The environment was degrading, stultifying, and downright depressing.

Suicide & Candy Corn: The Utility and Challenges of Risk Assessments

Researchers admit their suicide risk assessments work only about as well as random guessing, and they can lead to harm. We can instead focus on finding new ways to form connections that might help tether someone to this world.

Black Suicidality and Mental Health #BlackLivesMatter

Suicides in Black communities can be understood to be caused by an institutionalized inequality that requires Black folks to negotiate their quality of life with life itself.