An Alternative Perspective on Psychotherapy: It is Not a ‘Cure’

Kev Harding argues against conceptualizations of therapy as a ‘cure’ to an ‘illness’ and instead offers alternative approaches.

The Genetics of Schizophrenia: A Left Brain Theory about a Right Brain Deficit in...

In recent months, two teams of researchers in the UK and the US published complementary findings about the epigenetic origins of schizophrenia that have scientific communities who indulge in ‘genetic conspiracy theories’ abuzz. While these results are intriguing, and no doubt involve pathbreaking research methodologies, this line of thought represents a decontextualized understanding both of the symptoms that are typically associated with schizophrenia, and their causes.

Review Questions Long Term Use of Antipsychotics

Patients who recover from a single episode of psychosis are often prescribed antipsychotics long-term, despite a lack of evidence for this practice

Busting 7 Myths About the Practice of Psychotherapy

All in all, it is not enough that public policy pundits push for greater access to mental health services. Alongside improving access, there needs to be renewed focus on the quantity and quality of psychotherapy the average American currently receives. Health insurers need to reexamine their false assumptions about the effectiveness of short-term, quick-fix therapies.

Non-Pharmacological Interventions More Effective For Health in Schizophrenia

Review compares the effectiveness of pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions for improving physical health outcomes in people diagnosed with schizophrenia.
yellow wood therapy

Two Roads Diverged in a Yellow Wood: A Tale of Psychotherapy

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, and not knowing which one to take, I stood straight, watching my life pass me by. But in therapy, I began to feel the knots of my life come alive inside me. The point is not just to talk, it is to feel your story inside, to hear your silences, and to realize who you are… and who you can be.

Study Highlights Mental Health Consequences of Parent Emotion Suppression

New research suggests that when parents model emotion suppression strategies in social interactions, their children’s approaches to social engagement may suffer.

Correcting Misconceptions of Trauma-informed Care with Survivor Perspectives

Trauma-informed approaches have the potential to promote recovery but must involve survivors and service-users to prevent the experience of retraumatization within psychiatric and mental health services.

Therapy Gets More Effective Over Time While Antidepressants Decrease in Effectiveness

New review of long-term depression data finds psychotherapy more effective over time whereas antidepressants decrease in effectiveness.

“New Course on ‘Making Sense’ of Trauma, Creating a Coherent Narrative”

PsychAlive is releasing a new blog and e-course on “Making Sense of Your Life,” with psychologists Lisa Firestone and Dan Siegel. They draw upon the...

Integrating Indigenous Healing Practices and Psychotherapy for Global Mental Health

As the Global Mental Health Movement attempts to address cross-cultural mental health disparities, a new article encourages integrating traditional healing practices with psychotherapy.

Alternative Therapies for Adolescent Depression as Effective as CBT, Study Finds

Brief psychodynamic and psychosocial interventions help maintain reduced depressive symptoms
medicalization of conversation

The Medicalization of Conversation

Language, and how we use it, are important to counselling’s conversational work. As a counsellor, my language for understanding and addressing client concerns often fits poorly with the diagnostic and treatment language used to manage services within that system.

Psychologists Push For New Approaches to Psychosis: Part 1

Psychologists and people with experience of psychotic symptoms publish a report on new ways of understanding psychosis.

How to Promote Community Inclusion in Mental Health Practice

Practitioners and public leaders identify methods and barriers for integrating those diagnosed with mental health issues into community life.

BPS Releases Review of Alternatives to Antipsychotics

BPS releases report encouraging behavioral interventions for people with dementia, rather than antipsychotics
Howard Stern psychotherapy talk therapy

An Open Letter to Howard Stern, the “Poster Boy for Psychotherapy”

Dear Howard Stern: What may come as a surprise to you is that the quality of talk therapy that was available to you—time-intensive, in-depth sharing of feelings, exploring childhood traumas, examining and changing difficult personality traits—is steadily becoming unavailable to the average American.

Rethinking Madness and Medication: Researcher Discusses Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal and Survivor Movements

New understandings of medication and withdrawal experiences warrant rethinking conceptualizations of health and “madness."

Pilot Study Adapts Open Dialogue for US Health Care

In an article for Psychiatric Services, psychiatrist Christopher Gordon and his colleagues report on the results of a one-year feasibility study attempting to implement...

Study Finds No Correlation between Personality at 14 and 77

This result calls into question popular notions about the correlations between personality and later-life achievement and health outcomes.

Researchers Make a Case for a “Theory of Nothing” in Psychology

What meaning do psychological constructs really hold, and how are they operationalized and statistically modeled within psychology research?

Publication Bias Inflates Perceived Efficacy of Depression Treatments, Study Finds

Researchers report the cumulative effects of major biases on the apparent efficacy of antidepressant and psychotherapy treatments.

What is Contributory Injustice in Psychiatry?

An article on contributory injustice describes the clinical and ethical imperative that clinicians listen to service users experiences.

“Maybe You Need Meds”: From Passive Patient to Finding My Voice

I made journaling non-negotiable. I started sitting in nature and running trails. I practiced being present and prioritized sleep. These things are often seen as what you do if your problems aren’t really that bad. But to me, these are the things I do to save myself every day.

JAMA Article Challenges CBT as Gold Standard for Psychotherapy

A review of CBT research findings raises questions about its status as the “evidence-based” psychotherapy of choice.