Tag: psychotherapy

Mad in Americaā€™s 10 Most Popular Articles in 2024

A roundup of Mad in America's most read blogs and personal stories of 2024 as chosen by our readers.

Stop Using Antidepressants Except for ā€œthe Most Severe Depression,ā€ Experts Say

Experts advocate limiting antidepressant use to only the most severe cases of depression, emphasizing the need for social and psychological interventions.

Australia’s Billion-Dollar Question: Why Is Mental Health Not Improving With Better...

Amid growing mental health crisis, research raises questions about the mass rollout of brief psychotherapies in Australia.

The Social Unconscious and Character Formation in Neoliberal Culture: An Interview...

MIAā€™s Javier Rizo interviews Lynne Layton about social psychoanalysis and how normative unconscious processes can help illuminate how oppressive systems get internalized and reproduced.

Psychotherapy Has an Enduring Effect on Depressionā€”in Contrast to Depression Pills

A meta-analysis published last month showed that psychotherapy has an enduring effect on depressionā€”in contrast to depression pills.

Drowning in Doubts: Why I Think About Leaving Psychiatry

Going into psychiatry as a naĆÆve 25-year-old, I had no idea what I would discover. If I knew then what I know now, I wouldnā€™t have chosen this field.

Mental Health Survival Kit, Chapter 3: Psychotherapy: The Human Approach to...

Through the process of healingā€”whether assisted by psychotherapy or notā€”we learn something important that can be useful if we get in trouble again.

How Therapists Can Help With Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal: An Interview With...

MIA's Richard Sears interviews psychotherapist Anne Guy about working with clients withdrawing from psychiatric drugs.

Giving Up on Mental Health Care

After 34 years, I've concluded that some psychologists/psychiatrists may genuinely want to help people, but they certainly don't have a good toolbox to do it with and, quite likely, never will.

Insane Medicine, Chapter 7: Industrialised Psychotherapy Markets Western Folk Psychology (Part...

Sami Timimi explores the common factors that influence therapyā€™s success, the evidence base for psychotherapy, and the over-promotion of CBT.

Leading Psychology in Existential Times: An Interview with Kirk Schneider

MIAā€™s Justin Karter interviews humanistic-existential psychologist Kirk Schneider about how psychology can play a role in confronting the political, social, and climate crises facing humankind.

ā€œBe Kind to Yourself… For Us!ā€

Ann: "Iā€™ve fallen in love! With my group! And theyā€™re in love with me!" Hugh: "The group and you have an important relationship that youā€™re creating together week after week. This includes breaking down the authoritarian boundaries that keep people in their ā€œplacesā€ so that they canā€™t grow."

Blurring the Line Between “Us” and “Them”

Most, if not all, mental health providers, will face dealing with major ethical issues. In their quest to reach as many consumers as possible, to streamline the process, to be as efficient as possible during this pandemic, was the therapeutic process truly helpful? Were key components of what ā€œshouldā€ happen between both parties still prioritized?

Can Psychiatry Respond to Mad Activism?

Psychiatrist Mohammed Abouelleil Rashed explores a way forward for psychiatry in responding to the Mad activism of service users.

What is the Evidence for Empirically Supported Treatments in Psychology?

New meta-scientific review questions the evidence for the gold standard psychotherapies and empirically supported treatments.

Why is the Field of Psychotherapy Still Fractured into Different Approaches?

Psychotherapy is dominated by contradicting schools of thought, exhibits a gap between research and practice, and repackages old ideas rather than finding clinical consensus.

Psychotherapy Less Effective for People in Poverty and Those on Antidepressants

A new study finds poorer depression and anxiety outcomes in psychotherapy for people in economically deprived neighborhoods and those on antidepressants.

Therapy Gets More Effective Over Time While Antidepressants Decrease in Effectiveness

New review of long-term depression data finds psychotherapy more effective over time whereas antidepressants decrease in effectiveness.

Service-Users Who Found CBT Unhelpful Offer Their Perspectives

Counseling clients in the UK who found CBT unhelpful were interviewed about their experiences.

Effective Therapistsā€™ Skills May be Rooted in Personal Histories

Systematic review differentiates the qualities of effective therapists from those that are less effective and finds that successful therapistsā€™ professional skills are connected to their personal lives.

Psychiatrist Offers Ecological Model for Psychotherapy

Insights from phenomenological philosophy can assist in understanding psychotherapy and psychopathology as ecological rather than individualistic.

Two Roads Diverged in a Yellow Wood: A Tale of Psychotherapy

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, and not knowing which one to take, I stood straight, watching my life pass me by. But in therapy, I began to feel the knots of my life come alive inside me. The point is not just to talk, it is to feel your story inside, to hear your silences, and to realize who you areā€¦ and who you can be.

Introducing Multi-Lens Therapy

How can we restore something as essential to the healing and helping process as knowing what is going on? If your client has an actual biological problem, he needs one sort of help. If he hates his job, he needs another sort of help. It is absurd (and not okay) that a helper would look only at putative ā€œsymptomsā€ and not at whatā€™s going on.

Saving Psychotherapy

Psychotherapy could, and really ought to, promote itself as the best investigative tool around for understanding emotional health and problems in living. That would change its footing, putting it on much more solid ground. Iā€™m calling this redefined version of psychotherapy multi-lens therapy, to put the emphasis on where it ought to have been put all along: investigating.

Developing Alternatives to the DSM for Psychotherapists

A new article suggests counselors and psychotherapists are dissatisfied with current diagnostic systems and outlines some potential alternatives.