Tag: youth

Call for Teen Art in All Media!

MIA's Family Resources and Arts sections are co-sponsoring an online teen multimedia art exhibition with the theme “Beyond Labels and Meds: What It Feels Like to Be Me.”

Rates of Opioid Use Remain High Among US Adolescents

Researchers investigate trends in opioid use, prescriptions, misuse, and access reported by adolescents and young adults.

Researchers Challenge Evidence for Antidepressants in Youth

Researchers shed light on the precarious nature of evidence from efficacy trials of antidepressant medication to treat symptoms of major depressive disorder in children and adolescents.

School-Based Mindfulness Leads to Stress Reduction, Study Finds

Researchers find improvements in stress-related outcomes among middle school students exposed to a school-based mindfulness training program.

Adding Fluoxetine to Therapy Not Superior to Therapy Alone in Depressed...

The addition of fluoxetine to CBT did not further reduce depressive symptoms in young people with moderate-to-severe depression.

Are Mental Health Screenings for Youth Worth the Risk?

Researchers shed light on the limitations of mental health screening instruments for youth that are increasingly being used in schools and medical settings.

Yoga and Mindfulness Benefit Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder

A new review finds preliminary evidence for yoga and mindfulness-based interventions for youth diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

Current Immigration Policies Create Mental Health Vulnerabilities for Families

Researchers investigate the impact of immigration policies on the mental health of arriving Mexican and Central American immigrants.

Teen Mental Health Crisis Magnified by Demise of Creative Subjects

From The Conversation: "To thrive emotionally, young people need their own time and space, that is not explicitly directed at particular outcomes. This should...

Call to Monitor Adverse Effects of Antipsychotics in Youth

Researchers point to the risks of using antipsychotics with youth and caution against the practice.

Study Shows Poor Outcomes for the Treatment for Childhood Anxiety

New research identifies poor long-term outcomes for both CBT and medications for treating anxiety disorders in childhood.

Chosen Name Use in Transgender Youth Linked to Reduced Depression and...

The ability of transgender youth to use their chosen name is connected to reduced depressive symptoms and suicidal thoughts/behaviors.

Study Finds Heavy Metal Music Beneficial to Mental Health

A new study highlights the role heavy metal music plays in the mental health of adolescents facing adversity.

Study Investigates Long-Term Effects of Social and Emotional Learning Programs

Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) programs have gained popularity in U.S. schools in recent years. A new study examines the nature and longevity of their impact on students.

Marijuana and Suicide

A new three-part series from Parents Opposed to Pot explores the link between marijuana and suicide. Part 1: Marijuana and Suicide, a Growing Risk for Our...

Evidence for Chile’s School-Based Mental Health Program

Chile’s Skills for Life (SFL) program, the largest school-based psychosocial intervention program in the world, has demonstrated improved behavioral and academic outcomes for elementary students identified as “at risk.” A team of Chilean and U.S. researchers assessed the SFL program and will publish their results in the October issue of the Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry (JAACAP).

Here’s the Real Data: No Increase in Suicide Attempts Following Black...

A British Medical Journal study led by Harvard Medical School's Christine Lu suggested that black box warnings about increased suicidality in youth who take antidepressants actually led to increases in adolescent suicide attempts. However, the latest in a stream of critics of that conclusion are the authors of one of the key studies cited by Lu in support of her team's analysis.

The Algorithmic Managing of ‘At-risk’ Children

Part two of a Mad In America investigation into the expansion of psychological screening and electronic surveillance of children and youth. Experts point to mounting evidence that scientifically dubious mental health screening programs are just one part of an international governance shift towards creating all-pervasive surveillance systems for diagnosing 'pre-crime' and managing 'at-risk' children and youth. And not only is this not helping kids, critics argue, it’s demonstrably harming them.