Mental Health First Aid: Another Psychiatric Expansionist Tool


On December 25, 2016, the Baltimore Sun published an excellent article titled Drug companies prey on children, by Patrick D. Hahn, PhD.  Dr. Hahn is an affiliate professor of biology at Loyola University, Maryland.  Here are some quotes:

“I recently attended Youth Mental Health First Aid Training at a local public school. It was an eye-opening experience.”

“Youth Mental Health First Aid Training, sponsored by the National Council for Behavioral Health, is intended to enable teachers, parents and others in contact with young people to identify potential ‘mental illnesses’ in order to facilitate early detection and treatment by our mental health care system. My fellow attendees were surprisingly open about their own experiences with that system. One mentioned that her son became manic after being diagnosed for ADHD. Another said that both she and her roommate became bipolar after being diagnosed for depression. Neither our facilitators nor anyone else present pointed out that mania and bipolar disorder are toxic effects of medications commonly prescribed for ADHD and depression.”

“Our training manual didn’t say anything about this either, although it did claim that depression is caused by a deficiency of serotonin — a fable that by now has become as discredited as the phlogiston theory of chemistry. It also stated that mental health interventions are ‘evidence-based’ and ‘scientifically tested’ — neglecting to mention that much of that evidence is put forth by drug companies who have a fiduciary duty to do everything they can to maximize sales of their products.”

“So is all this a scheme to push more drugs to more kids? The 2013/2014 annual report for the National Council for Behavioral Health, titled ‘A Legacy of Excellence and Impact,’ gives us a hint. It lists the organization’s supporters as including the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) along with no fewer than 12 different drug companies. Would these folks be ponying up the cash if they weren’t confident this program would increase sales? And do the parents and teachers who attend the council’s training program — no doubt with the best intentions in the world — realize that they are essentially sitting through an eight-hour infomercial bought and paid for by the drugmakers?”

“One out of 13 American children between the ages of 6 and 17 has taken a psychotropic medication within the last six months, according to the Centers for Disease Control. Meanwhile, youth suicide rates are at their peak going back at least as far back as 1999, while the number of children receiving disability benefits for mental illness is at an all-time high.”

Please take a look at Dr. Hahn’s article, and pass it on.  Mental Health First Aid is not a good thing.  Rather, it is just another psychiatric expansionist tool.

Mental Health First Aid

For readers who are not familiar with the term, Mental Health First Aid, according to its own website, is “…an 8-hour course that teaches you how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental illnesses and substance use disorders.”

From its FAQ page:

“The evidence behind the program demonstrates that it does build mental health literacy, helping the public identify, understand, and respond to signs of mental illness.”

Incidentally, I Googled the term “mental health literacy” and got 28.8 million results!  There’s also a Wikipedia article on mental health literacy.  Here’s a quote from the opening paragraph:

Mental health literacy has been defined as ‘knowledge and beliefs about mental disorders which aid their recognition, management or prevention. Mental health literacy includes the ability to recognize specific disorders; knowing how to seek mental health information; knowledge of risk factors and causes, of self-treatments, and of professional help available; and attitudes that promote recognition and appropriate help-seeking.1‘”

So mental health literacy doesn’t just mean the acquisition of some information and skills; it also means accepting the psychiatric hoax: “attitudes that promote recognition and appropriate help-seeking.”  The goal is not just the dissemination of psychiatry-friendly information, but also the active conversion of skeptics to the psychiatric cause.

Reference # 1 in the above quote refers to Jorm et al “Mental health literacy”: a survey of the public’s ability to recognise mental disorders and their beliefs about the effectiveness of treatment, Med J Aust. 1997 Feb 17;166(4):182-6.  The survey in question was conducted in Australia in 1995 and sheds particular light on the present discussion.  Here’s the abstract of the article:

To assess the public’s recognition of mental disorders and their beliefs about the effectiveness of various treatments (‘mental health literacy’).

A cross-sectional survey, in 1995, with structured interviews using vignettes of a person with either depression or schizophrenia.

A representative national sample of 2031 individuals aged 18-74 years; 1010 participants were questioned about the depression vignette and 1021 about the schizophrenia vignette.

Most of the participants recognised the presence of some sort of mental disorder: 72% for the depression vignette (correctly labelled as depression by 39%) and 84% for the schizophrenia vignette (correctly labelled by 27%). When various people were rated as likely to be helpful or harmful for the person described in the vignette for depression, general practitioners (83%) and counsellors (74%) were most often rated as helpful, with psychiatrists (51%) and psychologists (49%) less so. Corresponding data for the schizophrenia vignette were: counsellors (81%), GPs (74%), psychiatrists (71%) and psychologists (62%). Many standard psychiatric treatments (antidepressants, antipsychotics, electroconvulsive therapy, admission to a psychiatric ward) were more often rated as harmful than helpful, and some nonstandard treatments were rated highly (increased physical or social activity, relaxation and stress management, reading about people with similar problems). Vitamins and special diets were more often rated as helpful than were antidepressants and antipsychotics.

If mental disorders are to be recognised early in the community and appropriate intervention sought, the level of mental health literacy needs to be raised. Further, public understanding of psychiatric treatments can be considerably improved.”

So, in 1995, the general public in Australia, as represented by the sample of 2031 individuals in this study, had some interesting views concerning psychiatry.

  1. They rated GP’s and counselors as more helpful than psychiatrists and psychologists for problems of “depression” and “schizophrenia.”
  1. They rated many “standard psychiatric treatments” (antidepressants, neuroleptics, electric shocks, and psychiatric wards) harmful, more often than helpful.
  1. They rated some “nonstandard treatments” (increased physical or social activity, relaxation, stress management, reading about people with similar problems) highly.
  1. They rated vitamins and special diets helpful more often than antidepressant and neuroleptic drugs.

At the risk of stating the obvious, those of us on this side of the issue would consider the general public’s beliefs, as reflected in this survey, to be accurate, and grounded in common sense.  But from the aspect of psychiatry – and particularly psychiatry’s expansionist agenda – these findings are cause for particular concern.  And so, as the authors state:  “…the level of mental health literacy needs to be raised…”

Here’s an interesting quote from the study’s Introduction:

“The lifetime risk of developing a mental disorder is so high (nearly 50%)2 that almost the whole population will at some time have direct experience of such a disorder, either in themselves or in someone close. A high public level of mental health literacy would make early recognition of and appropriate intervention in these disorders more likely.”

Incidentally, the survey was conducted by the Australian Bureau of Statistics, presumably at public expense.

Three years later, Dr. Jorm, the lead author, and his wife Betty Kitchener, founded Mental Health First Aid.  According to his biography on the University of Melbourne site, Dr. Jorm is a highly cited mental health researcher whose work “…focuses on building the community’s capacity for prevention and early intervention with mental disorders.”

The MHFA program spread rapidly in Australia, and by 2015, 350,000 people had received the training.

And Dr. Jorm has been busy promoting mental health literacy in other venues.  In 2000, he published a paper in the British Journal of Psychiatry, the stated aims of which were:

“To introduce the concept of mental health literacy to a wider audience, to bring together diverse research relevant to the topic and to identify gaps in the area.”

And in 2012, he and Nicola Reavley published a paper Public recognition of mental disorders and beliefs about treatment: changes in Australia over 16 years, also in the British Journal of Psychiatry.  The conclusions of this paper were:

“Although beliefs about effective medications and interventions have moved closer to those of health professionals since the previous surveys, there is still potential for mental health literacy gains in the areas of recognition and treatment beliefs for mental disorders. This is particularly the case for schizophrenia.”


Here’s another quote from MHFA’s FAQ page:

“Mental Health First Aid is intended for all people and organizations that make up the fabric of a community. The course is presented to chambers of commerce, professional associations, hospitals, nursing homes, rotary clubs, parent organizations, social clubs, and other groups. Professionals who regularly interact with a lot of people (such as police officers, human resource directors, and primary care workers), school and college leadership, faith communities, friends and family of individuals with mental illness or addiction, or anyone interested in learning more about mental illness and addiction should get trained.”

And so the tentacles of psychiatric destruction, disempowerment, and, ultimately, despair, are spread to all parts and segments of our society, and people of all ages and all walks of life are shoveled indiscriminately into the insatiable maw of psychiatric dependency and premature death.

Mental Health First Aid (USA) lists on its website 109 organizations across the US (including 45 NAMI chapters) that offer MHFA training.

MHFA and the APA

Not surprisingly, the APA has enthusiastically endorsed the program.  Here are some quotes from Mental Health First Aid:  Training for Communities and Families, which you can find on the APA website:

“Mental Health Fist Aid (MHFA) is an eight-hour, in-person training that teaches how to help a person struggling with a mental illness or in a crisis. It provides a basic understanding of mental illness and addiction, signs of addiction and mental illness, the impact of mental and substance use disorders, what helps individuals experiencing these challenges get well and local resources for help.”

Note the emphasis on “mental illness” and “mental disorders,” and the notion that individuals “experiencing these challenges” need to “get well” by accessing “local resources for help.”

“Trainees are taught a five-step action plan and how to apply it in a variety of situations such as helping someone experiencing psychosis, engaging with someone who may be suicidal, or assisting an individual who has overdosed. The training uses role play and demonstrations to convey the information.”

“Five-Step Action Plan – ALGEE

  1. Assess for risk of suicide or harm
  2. Listen nonjudgmentally
  3. Give reassurance and Information
  4. Encourage appropriate professional help
  5. Encourage self-help and other support strategies”

Note:  “encourage appropriate professional help,” conveniently ignoring the reality that the most common form of “professional help” (psychiatric drugging) is causally implicated in the creation of the problems.

“More than 250,000 people have been trained in Mental Health First Aid in the U.S. by 5,200 certified instructors. Twenty-one states have legislation to support Mental Health First Aid, and federal grants support training in some communities.”

So American psychiatry has effectively recruited 250,000 volunteer sales reps, and has managed to get state and federal money to support this enterprise.

“A recent national study of the training concluded that MHFA improves confidence about being able to recognize someone who may be dealing with a mental health problem or crisis and to actively and compassionately listen to someone in distress. Researchers surveyed more than 35,000 people who had completed the training for the study published in the APA journal Psychiatric Services.”

The study mentioned is Crisanti AS, Luo L, McFaul M, et al. Impact of Mental Health First Aid on confidence relation to mental health literacy: a national study with a focus on race-ethnicity. Psychiatric Services in Advance. Published online Nov. 2, 2015.

Here’s the abstract:

Low mental health literacy (MHL) is widespread in the general population and even more so among racial and ethnic minority groups. Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) aims to improve MHL. The objective of this study was to determine the impact of MHFA on perceptions of confidence about MHL in a large national sample and by racial and ethnic subgroup.

The self-perceived impact of MHFA on 36,263 people who completed the 12-hour training and a feedback form was examined.

A multiple regression analysis showed that MHFA resulted in high ratings of confidence in being able to apply various skills and knowledge related to MHL. Perceived impact of MHFA training differed among some racial and ethnic groups, but the differences were small to trivial.

Future research on MHFA should examine changes in MHL pre-post training and the extent to which perceived increases in MHL confidence among trainees translate into action.”

In other words, people who take the Mental Health First Aid course expressed confidence that they could apply the skills and knowledge acquired to actual situations.  The implication is that this is important because “Low mental health literacy (MHL) is widespread in the general population and even more so among racial and ethnic minority groups.”

Note that the term “mental health literacy” has now been reified into a desirable commodity, the lack of which can be identified, measured, decried, researched, funded, etc., in the interests of bringing more and more people into psychiatry’s insatiable clutches.  Mental health literacy means the extent to which one has bought the psychiatric hoax.  Those of us who are active in the anti-psychiatry movement are, of course, by implication, mental health illiterates.

There are absolutely no limits to psychiatry’s expansionist agenda.  Despite the well-established destructiveness of their “treatments,” they will never voluntarily curtail their relentless drive for more victims.

And they will not commission, or even call for, a formal, comprehensive study to examine the now blatantly obvious link between psychiatric drugs and the murder-suicides that have become commonplace in our communities.  Psychiatry is intellectually and morally bankrupt.  They have no valid response to their critics, but instead resort to spin and tawdry marketing tactics to shore up their crumbling sand castle.  But just as the tide cleans the foreshore, so the light of logic and truth, and the outspoken protests of its survivors, will one day wash the world of the blight known as psychiatry.


Mad in America hosts blogs by a diverse group of writers. These posts are designed to serve as a public forum for a discussion—broadly speaking—of psychiatry and its treatments. The opinions expressed are the writers’ own.


  1. Dang, Phil. I agree with you, I’m in the choir you’re preaching to. I read Dr. Breggins “Toxic psychiatry” well over 20 years ago. But when I think about “M.H.F.A.”, I get kinda scared. It’s like Nazism, with pills instead of death camps, and targeting EVERYBODY, and not only Jews. Speaking of which – you DO know that the so-called “mentally ill” were among the first to be sent to the death camps in the early 1930’s? And, that so-called “mentally ill” were even euthanized AFTER Germany surrendered in 1945? Medical Fascism is alive and well, and the American Psychiatric Ass’n is the leading proponent recruiting victims and victimizers alike into it’s greed-driven, perverted worldview. Sadly, so-called “liberals” and “progressives” have proven to be fertile ground for the poison pills and seeds of the pseudoscience drug racket of psychiatry…..
    “M.H.F.A.” swept through my State a couple years ago. It really IS a covert indoctrination into the secular religion of psychiatry. Or, am I just a crazy guy? I guess Iatrogenic Neurolepsis can be like that, sometimes….
    Thanks for your excellent deconstruction of it. (Funny how there will be NO legitimate reply, or response, from the psych community….*WHY* can’t “M.H.F.A.” respond to it’s many critics, at all….????….*THAT* is telling!

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    • All those websites calling themselves:,, have given me an idea. We should start a group website called

      If we did this, we would have to do a lot of comment screening. That kind of site would be a major troll magnet.

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    • first you’ll see an intake worker. then you’ll meet with a therapist. then you’ll meet with a psychiatrist. there will likely be some scheduled appointments for psychological examinations and evaluations. time will pass, records will amass. you will develop madness when it logically and rationally occurs to you that you’d like to see your records but not until after becoming acquainted with the impossible process of the system and you’ve been met with nothing but dead ends and brick walls. you realize that information about you belongs to the establishment. it is their property, as are you.

      wards of the state are government property. the parent agency is none other than fake medicine, psychiatry. once you’re added to the payroll, working for the department of social security, you’re truly locked in to the system.

      america failed to live up to the preamble of the constitution of the united states,

      We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

      we don’t have justice; we have a classist system that keeps justice out of reach for many people ($$$).
      we don’t have tranquility; we have psychiatric tranquilizers.
      we don’t have welfare (which means well-being); we have government dependency (wards of the state).

      look on the bright side: not every psychiatric customer becomes a ward of the state.

      yes, run. but don’t get caught because they’ll shackle you and strap you down, then attack you with chemical cocktail needles for punishment.

      what a hell trap psychiatry is. what a fat fkn loser america is.

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      • I agree, psychiatry is absolutely un-American, that’s part of what is so initially, shockingly incomprehensible about today’s psychiatric system. Such a system is the opposite of what we were all taught as children that America is supposed to stand for.

        I did read yesterday that President Trump had the FBI raid the CDC in Atlanta. Apparently, he tweeted something about autism, and the doctors lying about the harm the vaccinations are doing.

        If this is true, those of us on the anti-psychiatry side might have a chance in properly educating a possibly open minded, and skeptical of the medical community, Trump about the harms of today’s psychiatric system, and maybe even get him to work on dismantling this completely un-Ameican system.

        Phil, thanks as always, and you write so effectively about the harms of psychiatry, please consider writing to our new leader.

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        • Like most pro-psychiatry people, President Trump is probably just ignorant. Congressman Murphy–on the other hand–is one truly scary dude. I try to give folks the benefit of the doubt, but I can’t believe that man sincerely wishes us well. Or anyone else, considering he is deliberately suppressing information that could reduce mass shootings. No doubt he is sincere about his own welfare and political career.

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        • Someone Else,

          i don’t like to think that i was naive. i prefer to think that i was right; i believed in goodness and i had faith in humanity. when i began talking about sexual abuse as a young teenager and eventually entered the foster care system (which was automatic entry to the mental system) i genuinely believed my needs would be met and that i would go on to live instead of suffer. i was made wrong for being right. i no longer believe in goodness and i now have such disillusionment and mistrust, to say the least, that the consequences of that experience and knowledge are harm, injuries and damages – loses – that would still be miscalled some disease or disorder. the dishonesty of it kills me. i cannot ride the pride train with the rest of america. i just can’t. i have over 25 years of my life invested in american government, agencies and services. i’m painted black by the establishment and so i can only see the establishment as black.

          as for donald trump, it would be good for americans to know what he believes about so-called mental illness and the mental system but i doubt he would treat it as a priority.

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  2. Phil,

    I liked the following poetic, image-filled section,

    “And so the tentacles of psychiatric destruction, disempowerment, and, ultimately, despair, are spread to all parts and segments of our society, and people of all ages and all walks of life are shoveled indiscriminately into the insatiable maw of psychiatric dependency and premature death.”

    This sounds like something I would write.

    And no, psychiatric practitioners will never voluntarily curtail a scheme that is so profitable – and so easy, when many of one’s victims are so vulnerable and do not know any better.

    In the movie The Dark Knight, there’s a scene where Batman and his advisor Alfred Pennyworth discuss the nature of the villainous Joker:

    Alfred says: “Alfred: With respect, Master Wayne, perhaps this is a man that you don’t fully understand, either. A long time ago, I was in Burma. My friends and I were working for the local government. They were trying to buy the loyalty of tribal leaders by bribing them with precious stones. But their caravans were being raided in a forest north of Rangoon by a bandit. So we went looking for the stones. But in six months, we never met anyone who traded with him. One day, I saw a child playing with a ruby the size of a tangerine. The bandit had been throwing them away.

    Bruce: So why steal them?

    Alfred: Well, because he thought it was good sport. Because some men aren’t looking for anything logical, like money. They can’t be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn.”

    Most psychiatric practitioners are not truly evil or demented like this. But they are absolutely addicted to the drug-like experience of getting large amounts of money, status, power and prestige that comes with giving psychiatric “treatments” to supposedly “vulnerable” patients.

    Those who think that psychiatrists will voluntarily change and stop harming people fail to understand their motivations, in a similar way to how the Dark Knight initially misread the Joker.

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    • Matt,

      Yes. Psychiatrists are particularly concerned about status and prestige, because in the 60’s, they were a laughing stock in medical circles. They imagined that formalizing their “diagnoses” and prescribing lots of drugs would make them real doctors. But they let it go to their heads, and even the real medics are beginning to be skeptical.

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  3. 1.) A psychiatrist once told me that the rates of mania due to SSRIs in the overall population are very low, and that “if you experience mania on SSRIs, you have bipolar disorder, period”.

    When I asked questions like “How do you know if a person who has an episode of SSRI induced mania would have ever gone on to experience such a thing without SSRIs”, the responses I got were like “you will never get answers to the questions you have” etc.

    I always wondered, if a psychiatric drug causes a skin rash (which may also be low, relative to the overall population placed on a particular drug), is it an underlying skin disorder being unmasked or just a side effect of the drug dependent on the particular individual’s biology?

    2.) The other thing that bothers me are things like “personality disorders”. The medicalisation of another human’s personality is not treatment. It is defamation and libel. I do not care (in the context of labeling an individual, not in condoning the actions) if the individual has murdered someone. In such a case, if any “treatment” has to be done, it can be done so by understanding the motivations of the person and noting down details of the person in a descriptive manner. If courts of law must deal with the individual, they can provide appropriate penalties for the actions of the person.

    Of course, they will say “Yes, we write down everything dimensionally”. But they also label. You can do the former and not do the latter. Don’t do both. Just write it down descriptively.

    Such labelling is also easily abusable. If you, for some reason, end up being confrontational with the psychiatrist and have strong disagreements with him/her, he/she can simply label you with a “personality disorder” and cast you aside. You then have to deal with any repercussions of such labelling.

    3.)Labelling people with disorders for the side effects of psychiatric drugs (like bipolar disorder for mania caused by SSRIs, ritalin etc.) is an absolutely deceptive practice. It removes the focus from the prescriber, the effects of the drug, and its usage by the person and points it towards some sort of flaw in the person taking the drug himself.

    The most honest thing to do would be calling it what it is. Drug induced mania. And also telling the patient that you do not know what the implications of such an occurrence are.

    4.) Psychatric labelling is bad by itself. It causes medical errors by doctors which can be damaging to a patient, and they have social and legal implications because they are poorly understood by most people (“He behaves like this because he has a personality disorder”). When I see people labelled with 6 different labels (Schizophrenia, Schizoaffective, bipolar, borderline personality etc., all for one single individual), I feel disgust towards the labellers. There must be some safeguards for people with such labels. Do they realise what this does to another human being? You can simply write everything descriptively. Courts should not recognise any DSM/ICD psychiatric labels, and instead get descriptive information on the person.

    5.) Kids with abusive parents, people with abusive spouses etc., sometimes get caught up in psychiatry. And once they’re labelled, the abusers then use those labels against them. They can use them to demean them, to get away with their abuse by saying that the person is insane, to escape justice by means of using psychiatric terminology in legal documents etc; whereas, in fact, part of the distress that contributes to some of the problems the label describes is caused by such mistreatment of the individual. One just has to look at the multitudes of legal cases where this happens in various countries.

    Psychiatry has a social responsibility to stop these practices and misuse of psychiatric terminology. Otherwise, its purported purpose of propagating mental health among people is a farce, because their treatment modalities are causing harm to people. Instead all you will hear from them is, how more psychiatrists are required, how more mental health literacy is required etc.

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    • re: personality disorders

      they’re real. when you encounter an inhumane predator you will know it and have no doubt in your mental health or in your mental illness that some people are animals and monsters.

      the problem is when innocent, good people are victims of psychiatry’s fundamental negative mentality. members of the psychiatric establishment have poor discernment, and they misapply labels to people thereby creating worse suffering conditions instead of helping people with their issues. at the worst of it, life’s victims can eventually become the animals and monsters (which disgustingly makes psychiatry happy because it gives them a false justification for who they are and what they do).

      there is a difference between true evil incarnate and the victims of such. don’t doubt that true evil exists. it very much does. “personality disorders” is just one language used to describe evil incarnate (or the mislabeled victims).

      p.s. your number 5 point is a perfect example. only an inhumane monster or animal would wield psychiatric labels as a weapon to intimidate, manipulate, terrorize, threaten, subjugate, control, discredit and silence their victim.

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      • “… only an inhumane monster or animal would wield psychiatric labels as a weapon to intimidate, manipulate, terrorize, threaten, subjugate, control, discredit and silence their victim.”

        But, according to the medical evidence, this does seem to be the actual primary function of today’s psychiatric industry given, “the prevalence of childhood trauma exposure within borderline personality disorder patients has been evidenced to be as high as 92% (Yen et al., 2002). Within individuals diagnosed with psychotic or affective disorders, it reaches 82% (Larsson et al., 2012).”

        Silencing child abuse victims seems to be the primary actual function of today’s psychiatric industry. And it is all over the internet now, thanks to Wiki leaks and the resulting Pizzagate scandal, that Washington DC and Hollywierd are filled with pedophiles and “Spirit cooking” psychopaths. So this is probably why Washington currently stands in support of the scientifically invalid, child abuse covering up, psychiatric industry.

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        • Someone Else,

          the roots:

          don’t tell or i’ll kill you.
          don’t tell or else this.
          don’t tell or else that.


          the growth:

          you’re imagining things.
          you’re fantasizing.
          you’re lying.
          you’re crazy.
          you’re sick.
          you’re mentally ill.

          i’m a member of pizzagate. i have my own slice of pizza. want to see it?

          the story: a second-hand shop showed up in my neighborhood during the summer of 2015. i noticed the blue piece of pizza and photographed it for the meaning it held for me (it’s a long story). i wanted to buy it just to smash it. shortly after i took the picture, within days, the shop was gone.

          there’s a lot i can say about “pizzagate”. trust me, it’s very real and it does exist but not necessarily the way people currently think and believe. i would love to speak freely and at length about it but there’s no platform and no proper engagement.

          it is the absolute truth that the mental system / psychiatry is used to silence victims of sexual abuse. unless people seek out specific support groups (for example, through the RAINN organization) the victim’s complaints are ignored in favor of psychiatric indoctrination and brainwash (such as, borderline personality disorder). bpd was assigned to me when i was a teenager. it was the third of what would turn into endless amassing diagnoses. the two that came before it were depression and post traumatic stress disorder. all diagnoses in my life have been totally bogus, erroneous, detrimental, injurious and catastrophic. oh, i suffered. there’s no doubt about that. and i still do, but this world does not have the first clue as to what i need. never have, never will.

          when i was a kid, i wanted to be a doctor (neurosurgeon) when i grew up. i didn’t think i’d become a career psychiatric subject and i certainly didn’t think i’d become a sex slave for the dragon (pizzagate is just one manifestation of what it is).

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      • Good and evil are nothing but social constructs. They are the way we create an us v them mentality in this society. They are a means to maintain the status quo. Just because you do not approve or do not understand a person’s motivation or actions doesn’t mean they ate mentally ill, and simply labeling those people as monsters or personality disorders… that is just as just as misinformed and irresponsible as the reckless way psychiatrists label their patients. People, not animals or monsters or personality disorders or evil incarnate… people commit depraved and senseless acts, and we all have the capacity.

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        • no, Deena, we do not all have the same capacities. do you think you have the capacity and ability to abduct somebody, bind and rape them, stab and strangle them, kill them and then hack their body to pieces and bury them in a lake grave (and, do it repeatedly)? i didn’t think so. most people have no such capacity or ability but what i just described to you was the true nightmare of countless victims of a heinous, prolific serial killer. if you think that isn’t evil then you are not a wise woman. and, that’s only one example of evil. there is much more.

          as for being misinformed, i am certainly not. you may prefer to live in denial but i have no such privilege or luxury. do you know what a victim soul is?

          of course, you can be like many others and say that the suffering saints were nothing more than severely mentally ill people. or, you can face the reality that evil exists and then you take it one step further and go even deeper into the existence and reality of mind-shattering, mind-splitting evil: mentally ill or evil, either way, it is quite very bad. harrowing. do you know what harrowing feels like?

          have a look at this case. if i had my way with sara and david, those two animals would never be let out of their cages. ever.

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          • First. you seem to have combined BTK and the Green River Killer in your description. But you ask if I have the capacity? I certainly do. I am skilled in reading people, physically able, and my education allows me the unique skills and knowledge to be quite successful at it. So what is the motivating factor? If my child was starving I would steal any way I could to make sure they were fed. Coercive tactics… I would kill someone if I found there was no other option. You hurt the ones I love or attempt to hold me against my will, and I will most certainly kill you or force you to kill me. It”s a question of what your breaking point is. I know what a victim’s soul and out of politeness and to avoid the fallacy of debating the existence of God, I am going to refrain from answering that question. I am quite familiar with “harrowing” along with “depraved” “heinous ” and dehumanization. All of the were perpetrated by people and not the bogeyman. Good AMD EVIL… this is nothing but social identity theory at work.

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          • I have to politely disagree with both of you. We all are more or less evil in that we fall short of moral perfection. Nevertheless, very evil people are evil because they do evil things. There are no evil genes. Environment can shape a child’s behavior, but ultimately the choices we make are what make us “good” or “evil.”
            If someone wants to be good she doesn’t need therapy. She certainly doesn’t need brain drugs. She can simply stop doing evil things and start doing good things. We are what we do.

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    • alternate #5.) Kids with psychiatrists, people with psychiatrists etc., sometimes get caught up in psychiatry. And once they’re labelled, the psychiatrists then use those labels against them. They can use them to demean them, to get away with their psychiatry by saying that the person is insane, to escape justice by means of using psychiatric terminology in legal documents etc; whereas, in fact, part of the distress that contributes to some of the problems the label describes is caused by such mistreatment of the individual. One just has to look at the multitudes of legal cases where this happens in various countries.

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    • Registeredforthissite,

      Well put. But psychiatry doesn’t see all this as misuse of psychiatric terminology. They see this as good. Note how they constantly bandy the statistics that ¼ of the population has a “mental illness” at any given time, and ½ will have one in their lifetime!

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      • “….we’re your local community mental health center, and we know that 1 out of 5 people will have a mental health condition in their lifetime….”
        That’s literally the opening lines of a PSA (“public service announcement” – an ad, really),- that’s been playing ad nauseum on the local FM station…. Knowing as many of their VICTIMS (“drug zombies”), as well as I do, it makes me heart-sick to think of the human carnage the pseudoscience drug racket of psychiatry wreaks on gullible, brainwashed persons daily….. the Director of that CMHC had only good things to say about MHFA when he was pimping it a couple of years ago…. //*shakes*head* in disgust, ~walks away…. What else can ya’ DO with these people? Psychiatry must be the direct end result of an extra-terrestrial brain parasite….

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        • “We’re your local mental illness manufacturing company. We ensure that 1 out of every five Americans will have a mental health issue over the course of their lives. Remember that WITHOUT PROFESSIONAL TREATMENT recovery is more than likely.” 🙂

          I consider myself a gratefully recovering NAMI zombie. Glad I got out while I still had some brain cells left!

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    • So I’m illiterate when it comes to “mental health”? Very ironic, since I started out with “good insight” and high “mental health literacy.” I never knew you could go from being literate to illiterate without loss of vision or VERY severe brain damage. Furthermore my illiteracy was the result of a conscious decision rather than accident or injury.

      Funnier still, my mental health illiteracy is the result of reading hundreds of articles and over a dozen thick books that weren’t exactly light reading. I never knew reading too much could cause illiteracy. 😀

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  4. 1/5th of the population “sick”? “Suffering” from thought “sickness” (or “disorder”, your preference)? Of course it’s a hoax. Thanks for exposing it as such. Especial thanks are due for going after this business of labeling and drugging children. Children are, first and foremost, innocent. They should not be put on brain numbing growth stunting violence inducing health destroying chemicals. Labeled and drugged children grow into labeled and drugged adults. Physicians, even faux physicians, need to learn. Spare the diagnostic manual and the chemical warfare, and save the child, and with the child, a future responsible adult. You know, in one way or another, this army trained to identify etc. “mental disorders” will lead to a heck of a lot of casualties. There are better ways (Duh!) for anybody to spend their time.

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    • Frank,

      Psychiatry is like a tsunami. It has started to come ashore and its damage is evident, but it hasn’t nearly crested yet. We’re going to see a great deal more damage before things start getting better. We’ll see elderly people dying earlier in nursing homes and young people growing up drugged and unready for life’s demands. And yet pharma/psychiatry wants more.

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      • I hate to argue with you, Phil, but you’re behind the times. We *ARE* *SEEING* old folks dosed in “nursing homes” with powerful drugs like Seroquel & Zyprexa used as “behavior control”, and 6yr olds given amphetamine. The psychs are seriously discussing the “diagnosing” and *drugging* of FETUSES for “mental illnesses”. God, I wish I was making this sh*t up./
        But the damage is occluded. Politics is the camouflage behind which hides the money-making machines of PhRMA…. “Terminator” is NOT a futuristic cyborg – it’s a pill….

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    • 1/5 of the population isn’t sick. (Course I’m preaching to the choir!) More like 95% of the population is more or less brainwashed. Not much hope for educating folks who get all their education about the psychiatric industry through NAMI approved movies about “schizophrenics” and zoloft commercials!

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  5. I think what bothers me the most about this, is that it is teaching peer pressure to channel vulnerable young people into the system.

    Except, in the cases of parents and teachers, it is advocating authoritative pressure to channel vulnerable young people into the system.

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    • And now that many schools have psychologists or licensed therapists on staff you know what happens to kids that refuse to fit into molds and behave in ways that adults in authority demand. It’s like a medieval witch hunt going on in schools these days, and of course they do all of this for the good of the poor students. This is one of the reasons that I got out of teaching; you could see the writing on the wall when the fake labels of ADD and ADHD made their appearances. It’s horrible and disgusting and yet it goes on five days a week with very few people making any complaints about it. But of course, if you refuse the “help” that the well-intentioned school psychologist or counselor suggest you run the risk of getting into trouble with the Dept. of Human Services for endangerment of your children. They’ve got things wrapped up pretty tightly and it’s difficult to stay out of their clutches.

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  6. Without a doubt, propaganda about ‘mental health wellness’ and ‘mental illness’ is everywhere in the schools now. The schools are now flooded with it.

    Some of it is a product of the ‘Social Justice Warrior’ ‘no-stigma’ crowd meant to ’empower’ ‘marginalized’ kids (this message carried by the teachers’ unions); and some is driven by the pharma-driven public policy crowd (this message carried by government). Both groups — one from the political left and the other from the free market — end up driving families straight to psychiatric drugs.

    Independent-thinking parents have to teach their kids to listen for the buzzwords of BOTH these groups at schools and avoid all the groupthink like the Plague. My kids are taught at home to NOT discuss their ’emotional’ or ‘mental’ issues at school because they will receive misinformation at best, and we will be forced into the medical/psychiatric system at worst.

    Liz Sydney

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    • Both groups — one from the political left and the other from the free market — end up driving families straight to psychiatric drugs.

      Yes. Except it’s the faux Corey Booker left you refer to, not the true left, which used to support our campaigns against SmithKline and other pharma corporations. Liberals are not leftists.

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    • It’s brilliant of you to teach your children not to discuss mental or emotional issues at school. This isn’t quite that, but there’s a woman in Kansas facing life in prison (when last I checked) because her you son, at some “DARE”-like anti drug session, triggered an interrogation (without a parent present or even aware) by saying saying his mother “calls it cannabis.”

      Then…”The other students laughed, the teacher did not. He was removed from the classroom and questioned extensively about what he had said. Banda says that he was “made to feel very smart” so that he wouldn’t be afraid of talking to them, but that when they wouldn’t take him home he started to get worried. He was taken out of her custody and placed in a foster home in another town. Banda was furious.”

      Also, just avoid Kansas altogether. There are two cases where the children of people who live out of state were opportunistically harvested by government employees because their parents use marijuana legally at home. One uses it for epilepsy, which has got to be 1000 times better, side-effects-wise than all the epilepsy drugs. You might know how horrible they are if you have seizures, or if you fell under the bipolar bus and got put on a so-called “mood-stabilizer” that’s actually an epilepsy drug. Go to an epilepsy forum and weep for the people experiencing suicidal depression as a symptom of withdrawal while their brainwashed neurologists tell them it;s not possible and refer them to psychiatry… The other is a veteran rated 50% disabled and using marijuana legally for pain and “PTSD.” In any case, Kansas had or has their kids, and they were not even Kansas residents…

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  7. “The goal is not just the dissemination of psychiatry-friendly information, but also the active conversion of skeptics to the psychiatric cause.”

    i’m feeling slightly demonic tonight and have to use superhuman strength to hold back the urge to unleash my vicious sarcasm. it’s not easy, i tell you. it’s not easy at all (not without some of those precious psychiatry tranquilizers). maybe if i took a psychiatric neurotoxin my vicious sarcasm would clear up like an antibiotic to a dirty urinary infection. think so?

    doctor hickey and members of mad in america dot com,

    psychiatry is an indoctrination system. mental illness (and mental health) is the belief system.

    it’s useless to say. really, it is.

    we’re in a nightmare and that isn’t useless to say. it is the more important truth and matter at hand. how many atheists are there around here? how many of you are awake to the reality of biblical end times?

    i’m bringing you, this extremely limited audience, the news…

    earth is breaking, cracking open, collapsing and caving in, drying up and catching on fire. the oceans throw up death while flocks of birds drop dead straight out of the sky. none of those animals have mental illness. the earth does not have mental illness. all natural disasters have increased and we’ve already been through many supernatural events. the great tribulations is imminent. there is no psych drug that can help anybody through the suffering that will befall us all.

    see here: great black sky and great red sky (and it will get much worse)

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  8. That’s right folks. After a single 8 hour course, you too can incorrectly diagnosis millions just like real psychiatrists but without having to be bothered by repeat visits that allow you to see the destruction and long term repercussions your label has had on a human life…

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    • On the other hand you won’t be handed the megabucks and accolades and ego-boosting titles real psychiatrists get for “helping” people against their will. How would those quacks ever be able to look at their mirror images without the emotional support of the rewards mentioned above?

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  9. I have my own idea about what I can do. A lot of the people in the Church of Christ–where I am very active and have a lot of connections because of my grandfather, dad, and uncles–would be horrified if I could get them to realize what’s going on. Once I could win enough folks over in our denomination, more Protestants, Catholics and Orthodox Jews could be won over. Kind of a domino effect. And that would put a lot of pressure on the G.O.P. where much of our political opposition has been coming from!

    Unfortunately it will take a few years for me to start. Right now I’m in the process of tapering off effexor. In maybe 99 weeks I can go completely off this toxin and start healing. Right now I’m sicker than a dog most of the time.

    I guess I can use this time to write a book (or three) and get the materials together for my presentations. Mainstream psychiatry is not only unscientific, it is anti-supernatural and therefore theologically unsound.

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    • Out of curiosity, do we really have that many people in America?

      Of course we know that 500,000 Americans have a “mental illness” and are desperately in need of treatment they will never receive. How do we know this since these people go undiagnosed and therefore uncounted?Simple. The “experts” told us so.

      And those psychiatrists know it all. They’re practically God. Just ask Dr. Lieberman! 😀

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      • The local “community mental health center” has been running commercials stating that “1 out of 5 Americans will have a mental health condition in their lifetimes.” That means 20% either *had*, *has*, or *will have*…. That’s about 70 million…. I think that’s the wishful thinking wet dream of the drugs industry…. It’s ok to *feel* discouraged, but please don’t *BE* discouraged! Here, I’ve got PLENTY of ENCOURAGEMENT – have some of mine! 😉

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        • Thank you Bradford! Unfortunately I do seem to have an over-sensitive personality. I no longer believe in mental illness, but believe certain folks like me have high levels of neurosis. Neurosis is not a mental diagnosis–it just means you have the ability to experience negative emotions very strongly. It can be a good trait. Now that my feelings, bad and good, are returning I can sympathize with the pain of others more. Too bad more psychiatrists don’t have that kind of neurosis! Most of them are clueless when it comes to human feelings. You can find more empathy in a car mechanic. 🙂

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  10. So people who believe that mental illness do exist are illiterate, very strange. We all know lots of Americans are going through mental illness nowadays. Americans suffer from all sorts of psychological issues. There are the mood disorders like depression, social phobia, generalized anxiety disorder, etc. For depression alone, about one in 10 people in America has suffered from it in the last year. You can ask the people who are giving consultation to them Individuals who are suffering from mental issues are rising day by day.

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