Yoga Improves Quality of Life for Elementary Students

A new study finds that a school-based yoga program improves third graders’ emotional and psychosocial quality of life.

Is Mindfulness Meditation Good for Kids?

From Vox: Mindfulness-based interventions are increasingly being introduced in schools and touted as helpful methods of reducing students' anxiety and attention problems. However, the research...

FDA Proposes That Doctors Learn About Acupuncture

From STAT: The FDA is now recommending that physicians learn about a variety of approaches to pain management, including non-pharmacologic therapies such as chiropractic care...

Here’s Why I Wouldn’t Use the Mental Health System

In this piece for The Spinoff, Graham Panther, a consultant in Australia's mental health system, speaks to some of the shortcomings of mainstream mental health support....

Treatment of Insomnia Reduces Paranoia and Hallucinations

Treating insomnia using online cognitive-behavioral therapy appears to improve a variety of mental health concerns.
domestic violence mental health

I Navigated the Mental Health System and Never Took Medications

I kept thinking, why was I the one to be labeled when my husband was doing all this unhealthy, violent stuff? I sought out doctors through health food stores and communities that didn’t believe in medications for a social and family problem. That way no controlling, pill-pushing medical doctor had authority over me.
depression sleeping woman

The Breaking Point

How did I become someone who could barely function? I was a high-performing sales executive ranked in the top 2% of an international business communications company. But now, after using powerful psych meds for depression and anxiety for more than a decade, I couldn’t do basic things like go to the grocery store, plan a meal, make dinner, or get together with friends.

A Blueprint for an ‘Ecosocial’ Person-Centered Psychiatry

New article pushes for a shift from a psychiatry centered on brain circuitry toward an 'ecosocial' view of mind, brain, and culture.

“Doctors Say Exercise Can Relieve Depression Symptoms”

“Doctors say one of the best anti-depressants isn't even a drug, it's exercise,” CNN reports. “Experts say many cases of depression can be treated effectively with, for example, a pair of running shoes.”

Therapy Recommended As First Line Treatment for Depression

Following an extensive systematic review of treatments for major depression, the American College of Physicians (ACP) issued a recommendation to clinicians suggesting cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) as a first-line treatment for major depressive disorder along with second-generation antidepressants. The results of the review revealed that CBT and antidepressants have similar levels of effectiveness but that antidepressants present serious side-effects and higher relapse rates.

Storytelling Therapy for Trauma and Bullying

A study out of the University of Buffalo explores the use of Narrative Exposure Therapy to treat youth PTSD and substance abuse. “Trauma is...

Psychosis Diagnosis Linked With Lower Rates of Exercise

A new study finds that for those experiencing symptoms associated with psychosis, a low-level of physical activity is associated with receiving a diagnosis of a psychotic disorder.

Cognitive Enhancement With Yoga

From Psychiatric Times: A recent study suggests that Kundalini yoga may be at least as effective as memory training in improving cognitive resilience in older adults with...

A Liberation Journey with Images

I am humbled to share with you my life’s journey, and more importantly to convey a recent experience that has transmuted everything, opening up a new frontier of being more fully alive. I am beginning to see the invisible; or should I say I am beginning to feel it, because it is an inner experience.

Massage Therapy May Be Useful in Treating Symptoms of Anxiety

The study finds that twice-weekly massage therapy may be a useful alternative treatment for anxiety in terms of reducing both, psychological and somatic symptoms.

A Biopsychosocial Model Beyond the Mind-Body Split

Can a renewed biopsychosocial approach, grounded in an updated philosophy, foster person-centered medicine, and psychiatry?

We Still Buy the Lie That Chemical Imbalances Cause Depression

From Quartz: Despite its inaccuracy, the chemical imbalance theory of mental illness continues to persist in public consciousness. The prevalence of this myth may be...

Lack of Face-to-Face Contact Doubles Depression Risk for Older Adults

New research suggests that more frequent in-person contact lessens the risk of depression in older adults. The study, published in this month’s issue of the Journal of the American Geriatric Society, found that in Americans over fifty the more face-to-face contact they had with children, family and friends, the less likely they were to develop depressive symptoms.

Self-Differentiation and Why it Matters in Relationships

From Research shows the tremendous impact we each have on one another's emotional and psychological health; our emotions, especially those that are negative, are...

What If We Are All Wrong About Mental Illness?

From Thoughtful Living: The biomedical model of psychiatry, along with the DSM, is deeply flawed and can often be misleading. To improve, mental health services...

Treating Metabolic Conditions May Resolve Some Depressive Symptoms

New research suggests that treatable metabolic abnormalities underlie some treatment-resistant cases of depression—and treating the metabolic condition has the possibility of dramatically reducing depressive symptoms

Study Finds First-Episode Psychosis Patients Fare Better with Vitamin D

Researchers examine the relationship between vitamin D and clinical and cognitive symptoms in first-episode psychosis.

“Can Madness Save the World?”

Writing for CounterPunch, Paris Williams writes that when an individual is experiencing what has been termed “psychosis,” it is important to recognize that this may also be the manifestation of a breakdown in their larger social groups, the family, society, and even the species.

Early Attention to Life Circumstances and Relationships Improves Outcomes for Psychosis

Coordinated care with employment support and family therapy leads to superior outcomes for those diagnosed with psychotic disorders.

Call For Abstracts: Philosophical Perspectives on Critical Psychiatry

The Association for Advancement in Philosophy and Psychiatry is issuing a call for abstracts, with a particular interest in submissions from service users. The...