Do Family Interventions for Psychosis Translate in China?

Researchers explore how family interventions for psychosis might be adapted to China’s emerging integrated mental health care landscape.

Deep Ayahuasca Healing and the Truth of who you are

From Chacruna: Shamanic healing through ayahuasca and other psychedelic modalities can help people reconnect with themselves and feel a greater sense of wholeness and unity. Article →­

Study Explores Impact of Urban vs. Rural Upbringing on Stress Response

A new study investigates the relationships between early-home environmental factors and later-life physiological response to psychosocial stressors.

Self-Compassion Course Supports College Students to Support Themselves

New research on a brief self-compassion focused course aimed at the college students.

How to Promote Community Inclusion in Mental Health Practice

Practitioners and public leaders identify methods and barriers for integrating those diagnosed with mental health issues into community life.

New Study Finds That Lavender Extract Eases Anxiety

A new study in Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience has found that the smell of lavender extract has an anxiolytic effect.

Vail Place Focuses on Collective Work for Mental Health

Minn Post did a feature story last week on Vail Place, an alternative mental health treatment center run on a community “clubhouse” model where the nearly 900 members and staff work side by side to run the center’s activities. Vail Place was founded in Hopkins, Minnesota in the early eighties by mental health activists and family members as a community for psychosocial rehabilitation. “The work isn’t therapy,” a member explains. “It’s growth. It’s ‘I cans’ rather than ‘I can'ts.’ And that’s important for mental health and survival.”
domestic violence mental health

I Navigated the Mental Health System and Never Took Medications

I kept thinking, why was I the one to be labeled when my husband was doing all this unhealthy, violent stuff? I sought out doctors through health food stores and communities that didn’t believe in medications for a social and family problem. That way no controlling, pill-pushing medical doctor had authority over me.

“The Miseducation of Frank Waln”

Studies of modern Native Americans have shown that “historical trauma,” the name that social workers give to the perception of historical loss passed down through...

Truth and Reconciliation: An Evening of Sharing and Healing

On Wednesday, March 20, 2016, Rethinking Psychiatry collaborated with The M.O.M.S. Movement and The Icarus Project to host our first Truth and Reconciliation Circle for Receivers and Givers of Psychiatric and Mental Health Services. In this three-hour event, both receivers and givers of psychiatric and mental health services expressed their thoughts and feelings in a structured, facilitated environment.

What If We Are All Wrong About Mental Illness?

From Thoughtful Living: The biomedical model of psychiatry, along with the DSM, is deeply flawed and can often be misleading. To improve, mental health services...

Study Finds No Correlation between Personality at 14 and 77

This result calls into question popular notions about the correlations between personality and later-life achievement and health outcomes.

When is Stress Good for You?

In this piece for Aeon, Bruce McEwen discusses how "good stress," "tolerable stress," and "toxic stress" act epigenetically on our brain structure, and how we can...

Psychosis Diagnosis Linked With Lower Rates of Exercise

A new study finds that for those experiencing symptoms associated with psychosis, a low-level of physical activity is associated with receiving a diagnosis of a psychotic disorder.

We Still Buy the Lie That Chemical Imbalances Cause Depression

From Quartz: Despite its inaccuracy, the chemical imbalance theory of mental illness continues to persist in public consciousness. The prevalence of this myth may be...

“Loneliness May Warp Our Genes, And Our Immune Systems”

NPR reports how loneliness can change our bodies and affect our physical and mental health. "There are things we can do to get out of a depressed or lonely state, but they're not easy," they report. "Part of the reason is because these negative psychological states develop some kind of molecular momentum."

Psychiatrist Who Revolutionized Family Therapy Dies at 96

From The Washington Post: Salvador Minuchin, the psychiatrist who played an instrumental role in pioneering family therapy, died on October 30th at age 96. Minuchin was...

More Evidence That Physical Activity Prevents Depression

Higher levels of physical activity serve as a protective factor for the future development of depression.

Researchers Explore Sexuality and Gender in the Context of Psychosis

Nev Jones and a team of researchers examine how sex, sexuality, and gender-related content are underexplored in contemporary research on psychosis.

How to Stop Violence

From Slate: While many people are quick to blame those diagnosed with mental illness for mass shootings, the reality is that violence results from anger. Children,...

Outdoor Education Tied to Psychological and Academic Benefits

How the satisfaction of basic psychological needs (BPN) in outdoor education environments can peak student interest and boost intrinsic motivation.

“Veterans Let Slip the Masks of War: Can This Art Therapy Ease PTSD?”

“Service members suffering from PTSD often feel like they’re wearing a mask,” Samantha Allen writes in Invisible Wounds. Melissa Walker, an art therapist, asks them to make one. “The results are stirring. One mask, striped in red and black with hollow chrome-colored eyes, is wrapped in razor wire with a lock where its mouth should be.”

Four-Part Series on Drug Abuse, Trauma, and How to Heal It

In this four-part series on drug abuse and trauma, Parents Opposed to Pot provides an overview of the impact of adverse childhood experiences, how they persist, and...

Eat Breathe Thrive: Chelsea Roff on Eating Disorders, Trauma, and Healing with Yoga and...

Chelsea Roff is the Founder and Director of Eat Breathe Thrive (EBT), a non-profit with an inspired mission to bring yoga, mindfulness, and community support to people struggling with negative body image and disordered eating. I reached out to Chelsea to learn more about her life and organization, which she writes, “…is like AA for people with food and body image issues, plus yoga and meditation.” Chelsea shared her journey from life as a patient to yogi, author, and innovative community organizer. With her permission, you can find this interview below.

New Meta-Analysis: Mindfulness Interventions Effective for Psychiatric Disorders

A meta-analysis of mindfulness-based interventions shows efficacy for treating depression, physical pain, smoking, and addictive disorders.