Mental Health Recovery Narratives Play Central Role in Trauma-Informed Care

New research synthesizes insights from 45 studies to construct a conceptual framework relating different elements of recovery narratives to trauma-informed approaches to care.

International Research Team Proposes a New Taxonomy of Mental Disorders

New data interpreted to suggest a hierarchical, dimensional system of mental disorders will aid future research efforts and improve mental health care.

Debate Ensues Over Rights-Based Approach to Mental Health

Debate ensues as scholars and policymakers discuss how to bring a rights-based approach to mental health policy.

There is More to Mindfulness than the Brain

According to Lifshitz and Thompson, mindfulness is best understood as ā€œcomplex orchestration of cognitive skills embodied in a particular social context.ā€

When Does it Help to Have Background Information in Child-Centered Play Therapy?

Knowing the clientā€™s history can help foster genuine empathic responding, a key component to child-centered play therapy.

Green Space in Childhood May Protect Against Adult Mental Health Issues

A new study suggests proximity to green space as a child is linked to lower rates of mental health issues in adulthood.

Psychology Needs New Concepts and Healing Models for Racial Trauma

Contemporary empirical research explores new ways to conceptualize and heal racial trauma through anticolonial and sociohistorical lenses.

New Evidence for Brain-Gut Link in Depression and Quality of Life

The first ever population-level study of the brain-gut connection in humans finds evidence for a link between gut bacteria and mental health.

Youth-Nominated Social Support Reduces Mortality for Suicidal Adolescents

The Youth-Nominated Support Team intervention invites adolescents to select adults in their life to receive training on how to support them.

Psychology Must Become a Sanctuary Discipline to Heal Racial Trauma

Researchers explore pathways of healing racial trauma in Latinx immigrant communities.

Psychological Interventions Can Help When Tapering Off Antidepressants

Meta-analysis of antidepressant tapering finds CBT and MBCT can aid in tapering, but limited studies met inclusion criteria.

School-Based Program for Anxiety and Depression Shows Promise

Researchers evaluate the impact of a school-based prevention program on anxious and depressive symptoms.

Exploring Alternate Pathways to Voice-Hearing

Authors propose various pathways to the phenomena of voice-hearing in clinical and nonclinical populations.

New Study Investigates Cannabidiol (CBD) for Psychosis

A new study examines the effects of CBD as an adjunct therapy to antipsychotic medication for patients diagnosed with schizophrenia.

Non-Pharmacological Interventions More Effective For Health in Schizophrenia

Review compares the effectiveness of pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions for improving physical health outcomes in people diagnosed with schizophrenia.

Peer Providers of Mental Health Services Use Personal Narratives to Help

Interviews with peer providers indicate that they strategically use their personal illness and recovery story in order to assist others.

Critical Psychologist On How Scientific Research Can Influence Public Policy

Critical participatory action research conducted on the higher education programs offered in prison leads to mobilized advocacy and shifts in public policy.

Developing Alternatives to the DSM for Psychotherapists

A new article suggests counselors and psychotherapists are dissatisfied with current diagnostic systems and outlines some potential alternatives.
domestic violence mental health

I Navigated the Mental Health System and Never Took Medications

I kept thinking, why was I the one to be labeled when my husband was doing all this unhealthy, violent stuff? I sought out doctors through health food stores and communities that didnā€™t believe in medications for a social and family problem. That way no controlling, pill-pushing medical doctor had authority over me.

United Nations Rep Brings Attention to Human Rights Violations in Psychiatry

Dr. Dainius PÅ«ras argues that the status quo in mental health treatment is no longer acceptable and demands political action to promote human rights.

Better Outcomes Off Medication for Those Recovered from First-Episode Schizophrenia

A new study has found that of 10 people who were fully recovered from their first episode of schizophrenia (FES), those not taking antipsychotics did better in terms of cognitive, social, and role functioningā€”and reached full recovery more quickly.

Psychologists Advise How to Help and Minimize Harm Working With Migrants and Refugees

While well intentioned, providers and volunteers can do more harm than good at the border. The Global Psychosocial Network issues guidelines on how to work for the benefit of migrants and refugees.

Flexible Treatment Planning Improves Depression Outcomes in Youth

Researchers explore the effects of augmented treatment at various points in interpersonal psychotherapy for adolescents diagnosed with depression, highlighting previously unidentified critical decision points (i.e., relatively early in the treatment sequence).

Can Cultural Engagement Protect Against Depression?

A new study examines the preventative effects of cultural engagement has on depression among older adults.

More Research Needed on Climate Change-Related Ecological Grief

Researchers outline the concept of ecologically driven grief due to climate change and recommend future research to better understand the psychological impact of climate change.