Tag: withdrawal

Boy, Interrupted: A Story of Akathisia

I watched my son’s life change almost overnight. He developed akathisia from antidepressants, taken as prescribed for just a few weeks for garden-variety anxiety.

Mental Health Survival Kit, Chapter 4: Withdrawing from Psychiatric Drugs (Part...

Psychiatrists have made hundreds of millions of people dependent on psychiatric drugs and yet have done virtually nothing to find out how to help the patients come off them again.

Minimal Medication Alternatives for Psychosis Needed

Researchers question the long-term use of antipsychotics and suggest increased research and investment in psychosocial interventions.

Mental Health Survival Kit, Chapter 4: Withdrawing from Psychiatric Drugs (Part...

Peter GĂžtzsche: The MIND organization in Denmark and the psychiatric guild suppressed information regarding the discontinuation of psychiatric drugs.

Allen Frances Takes on the Over-Prescription of Antidepressants

The prominent psychiatrist explores why antidepressants remain highly overprescribed and offers solutions to the problem.

Mental Health Survival Kit, Chapter 4: Withdrawing from Psychiatric Drugs (Part...

Very few doctors know anything about withdrawal and make horrible mistakes. If they taper at all, they do it far too quickly because the few guidelines that exist recommend far too quick tapering.

Current Anti-Stigma Campaigns Hinder Withdrawal from Psychotropic Medication

Anti-stigma campaigns reinforce a belief that people with mental health issues must have treatment and thus, push discussion of withdrawal and negative aspects of psychiatric drugs into anonymous spaces.

Access Denied: Victims of Prescribed Harm Are Abandoned by Psychiatry

Harmed patients are frequently unable to control the narrative of their own treatment and are subject to gaslighting, dangerous medical advice, and termination.

How Therapists Can Help With Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal: An Interview With...

MIA's Richard Sears interviews psychotherapist Anne Guy about working with clients withdrawing from psychiatric drugs.

Lack of Guidance Available for Discontinuing Psychiatric Drugs

A new article discusses the lack of research dedicated to discontinuing psychiatric drugs and reviews existing strategies.

Antidepressant Withdrawal Misdiagnosed as Functional Disorder

Adverse physiological symptoms of antidepressant withdrawal are regularly mistaken to be other problems to the detriment of the patient.

Informed Consent Must Reflect Information from Online Withdrawal Forums

Online withdrawal forums document an assortment of risks associated with discontinuation of psychiatric drugs. Such information is readily available and must be disclosed during informed consent.

Online Experts on Withdrawal

Online communities are stepping in to help people facing withdrawal effects amass information and receive support for their withdrawal experiences.

Researchers Document Protracted Withdrawal from Antidepressants

Protracted Withdrawal Syndrome characterized by long-term adverse experiences after coming off of antidepressants.

Insane Medicine, Chapter 8: Treatment Traps and How to Get Out...

Sami Timimi provides a discussion of the ways medication may be helpful for some, and advice and information on discontinuing psychiatric drugs.

Facebook Groups Provide Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal Help When Doctors Don’t

A new study looks at how online communities provide information and support for patients experiencing psychiatric drug withdrawal.

Listening to the Patient Voice: The Antidepressant Withdrawal Experience

Patient advocates join with researchers and service users to present first-hand experiences of antidepressant withdrawal.

Literally Indescribable: Are Antidepressants Addictive?

“My life was very, very good.” That’s how Michael sums up how things were for him—prior to his suffering from devastating withdrawal effects after discontinuing GlaxoSmithKline’s blockbuster drug Paxil.

The Reckoning in Psychiatry Over Protracted Antidepressant Withdrawal

Medically-induced harm—affecting tens of millions of people worldwide—has taken the field decades to take seriously.

Researchers: It’s Time to Stop Recommending Antidepressants for Depression

Researchers review a new synthesis of the existing evidence and conclude that the harms of antidepressants outweigh any benefits.

Service-User Knowledge Helps Researchers Develop Psychiatric Drug Tapering Approaches

New strategies for tapering psychiatric drugs achieved by acknowledging withdrawal symptoms and valuing service-users’ first-hand knowledge.

No Good Evidence That Antidepressants Prevent Relapse

Trials of antidepressants for relapse prevention are confounded by withdrawal effects caused by the drugs.

Gabapentin Horror

After suffering PTSD in the late 1980s, I reluctantly accepted antidepressants. In time, I had resolved the trauma, but when I tried to stop the antidepressants (Prozac, and later Zoloft), I assumed my desperate feelings and “return” of depression were an indication I had an imbalance and needed those drugs. I didn’t understand I was experiencing withdrawal. (I was never told that for most people, psychiatric medications need to be tapered.)

Researcher Critiques Misleading Claims About Antidepressants

Recent claims about antidepressant effectiveness have been based on misleading statements and misunderstandings of the science.

Withdrawal Symptoms Routinely Confound Findings of Psychiatric Drug Studies

Researchers examine how rapid discontinuation can mimic the relapse of mental health symptoms and confound psychiatric drug studies.