Researchers Address Dangers of Polypharmacy and Inappropriate Medication Use

A new special issue brings together articles exploring the harmful effects of simultaneous multiple medication use.

Psychotropic Medications Serve as Powerful Tools for U.S. Military, Imperialism

Ethnographic research sheds light on extensive psychopharmaceutical use by soldiers in post 9/11 U.S. wars.

Researchers Find Bias in Industry-Funded Continuing Medical Education

Industry-funded continuing medical education (CME) influences physicians to prescribe more opioids, focus less on the consequences.

New Study Finds Limited Effectiveness for Antidepressants After Stroke

The researchers found that although antidepressants had a slight short-term effect on reducing the likelihood of depression diagnosis, there was no long-term improvement, nor any improvement in motor functioning.

5 Steps to Personalize Deprescribing Practices

Researchers identify simple ways for clinicians to begin deprescribing conversations.

Polypharmacy Associated with Cognitive Decline in Elderly Patients

Study finds that elderly patients taking at least 5 medications were at increased risk of mild cognitive impairment and dementia.

Antipsychotics Associated with High Risk of Death in Children

A new study has found that children and adolescents taking a high dose of antipsychotics are almost twice as likely to die of any cause than children on other types of medications.

Benzodiazepine Prescriptions in Older Adults Used in Rural and Low Income Areas

Benzodiazepine prescription practices may be in response to an epidemic of distress, rather than being used to treat specific mental health diagnoses.

Prazosin Ineffective for Preventing Suicidal Thoughts ā€” May Worsen Nightmares

A new study found that prazosin was associated with increased insomnia and nightmares, and did not reduce suicidal thoughts.

Researchers Warn of ā€œBrain Atrophyā€ in Children Prescribed Antipsychotics

Researchers discuss the evidence that antipsychotic medications may cause brain atrophy in children, whose brains are still developing.

Systematic Review Finds Antidepressant Withdrawal Common and Potentially Long-lasting

Prominent researchers conduct a review of antidepressant withdrawal incidence, duration, and severity. Results lead to call for new clinical guidelines.

Nonclinical Factors are Associated with Long-Term Benzodiazepine Use in Older Adults

White race and size of initial prescription, along with poor sleep quality, are associated with long-term benzodiazepine use in older adults.

Rates of ADHD Diagnosis and Prescription of Stimulants Continue to Rise

Two new articles find that rates of ADHD diagnosis and stimulant prescription continue to rise all over the world.

Can Education Level Predict Prescription Drug Misuse in Young Adults?

A new study examines the extent to which patterns in prescription drug misuse and substance use disorder symptoms can be predicted by education level

Call to Monitor Adverse Effects of Antipsychotics in Youth

Researchers point to the risks of using antipsychotics with youth and caution against the practice.

Study Reduces Over-prescription of Antipsychotics in Older Adults

New intervention shows promise in reducing over-prescription of off-label antipsychotics in older adults.

Stimulant Drugs Have Adverse Effects on Cognitive Functioning in Healthy Students

Study of students without an ADHD diagnosis finds that stimulants (Adderall) have little impact on cognitive performance.

Unsafe Use of Sleep Drug Zolpidem is Common

Three out of four users of the sedative, zolpidem (brand name Ambien), do not follow FDA recommendations to reduce risk.

Poor and Foster Care Children More Likely to be Diagnosed and Treated with Psychiatric...

Study details Medicaid-insured birth cohortā€™s exposure to psychiatric medications and mental health services.

Review Finds Lack of Evidence for Antidepressants in Treatment of Insomnia

Results from a Cochrane meta-analysis find that the common practice of prescribing antidepressants to treat insomnia is not supported by current evidence.

Doctors Launch Sweeping Pharmaceutical Reform Proposal

FromĀ Medical Xpress: A group of 21 prominent physicians haveĀ releasedĀ a comprehensive proposal to guarantee everyone access to safe, innovative, and affordable medication. The proposed reforms...

The Never-Ending Misuse of Antipsychotics in Nursing Homes

FromĀ Health Affairs: Although the problem of antipsychotic misuse in nursing homes has been raised to policymakers numerous times over the past six decades, the...

Most Direct-to-Consumer Drug Advertisements Do Not Adhere to FDA Guidelines

Few DTC drug advertisements fully adhere to FDA guidelines, the overall quality of information provided in DTC advertisements is low, and some advertisements market off-label indications.

Children Diagnosed with ADHD Younger are More Likely to get Multiple Medications

New research demonstrates that children diagnosed with ADHD at younger ages are more likely than those diagnosed later to receive multiple medications within five years of their diagnosis.

Pharmaceutical Industry Gifts Linked to Costlier Prescribing Practices

New study finds that pharmaceutical industry gifts to medical providers in Washington D.C. are associated with higher cost, higher volume prescribing behavior.