Informed Consent, or Lack Thereof in My Psychiatric Experience


Doctors are “the priests in the white coats” as some might say, because most people, lacking the full medical knowledge of their own bodies, have almost boundless faith in another class of individuals to understand and cure their injuries, maladies, and disorders. Growing up, I was the son of a medical implant inventor father and physician mother. I remember it being my dad who as a biomedical scientist brought in a life-size skeletal model to show to my fourth grade class. I grew up immersed in an environment of medical knowledge, from browsing my mom’s medical textbooks when bored, to playing with the implant prototypes my dad brought home. While having an MD mom enabled me to perhaps see the doctor’s office less often than other kids, I still had implicit trust in the practitioners of medicine, for that included my own parents.

When it came time for college, I managed to get into the University of Chicago. Despite never having visited due to lack of means, I committed to going with only partial financial aid, having faith that this well-regarded institution might serve me in well in my career and my life, as it had seemed to do so for many others. My first year went well enough: I made friends, joined extracurriculars, was elected to house council in my dorm, and even helped lead some activism on campus. But from even earlier there was something simmering in me that was only now arriving at a boil — not a so-called “mental illness,” but rather, my gay sexuality.

From at least middle school, I knew I was physically attracted to men. From even earlier, I knew that I had no attraction to women whatsoever. During my college freshman year, I continued straight-acting to the point that I dated a wonderful, attractive, and intelligent girl, but to whom I sadly realized I could never reciprocate romantic affection. Over the following summer break, I quietly resolved to come out of the closet when I resumed school.

I had been raised up in a socially conservative, churchgoing Catholic family who had made sure that I went through all the hoops to be a “full” Catholic, which included going to church weekly, and even attending afterschool religious education courses, despite my verbalized lack of enthusiasm the whole time. My dad literally warned me about “the gays” right before I headed off to Chicago, as if homosexuality were some contagious disease spread by proximity. Previously, he had prevented me and my straight, younger brother from using the jacuzzi at a hotel in Scottsdale, saying: “gays with AIDS had sex in there and we could contract it.” Somehow this opinion seemed fully sound in the mind of a person with the knowledge to invent multiple patented FDA-approved surgical implants that have demonstrably saved lives.

My second undergraduate year, when I returned to campus, I finally publicly came out of the closet. Despite fearing the worst, my friends kindly accepted me as if it was no big deal. I managed to work up the confidence to lose my virginity in a drunken hookup at a party, and awkwardly had a few dates together afterward. While I was somewhat upset at my very first “relationship” not working out, I had not yet experienced romantic love. Seeking continued justification for the leap I had just taken, it was not long before I found myself in the arms of another man. With this new person, it felt different. We truly appreciated each other’s company. We had lengthy thoughtful conversations, and it was not long before I believed I was madly in love. Only mere months after my public coming out, I was so infatuated that I was honestly ready to spend the rest of my life with this man. When he eventually broke up with me over coffee, I was absolutely devastated, crying in public at the museum café; something I could not even bear to do at my mother’s two different funeral processions when I was twelve.

Before he ended things, I had already felt our relationship dissipating and had begun to feel depressed. I was somebody who did not have any experience in my pre-college years with any romantic relationships, straight or gay, and given my situation, my family could offer no solace from heartbreak or depression. Confiding my emotions in my then boyfriend only hastened our separation, and instead of offering himself to be a friend or support during this time, he suggested that I start going to the University of Chicago’s Student Counseling Service. I naively obliged. At the time, I thought this was a rational action for returning my mental health back to a non-depressed state. For a month before the breakup, I was attending weekly sessions with a psychotherapist. However, with my first real relationship rapidly disappearing before my eyes, my depression only worsened despite repeated talk therapy.

During my first session following the breakup, my therapist, observing my worsening depressive state of mind, scheduled a quick follow-up appointment for me with a Student Counseling shrink. After only 30 minutes of discussion (including a cursory “Do you know what a black-box warning is?”) she prescribed me 100mg of Wellbutrin daily. This was not only to combat my depression, but because, as she claimed, it was a nice “peppy” study drug that allegedly carried few side effects compared to other antidepressants.

With my breakup in the rearview mirror, I would now have normally expected to have slowly gotten better as I bit-by-bit gained the wider perspective and numbness to past pain that time gives. The first few days to a week of my medication compliance saw little effect, with my depression continuing, but at least not worsening. The second week, my symptoms skyrocketed, as unbeknownst by name then to me, my prescription was starting me on a roller coaster of ‘mixed states.’ They were a combination of both mania and depression: being restless and ruminating, sometimes uncontrollably pacing, sometimes too fatigued to do anything but lay in bed. I lost the ability to sleep normal hours, becoming a hypersomniac by day, and a hyposomniac at night. With my prescription clearly not working, my second appointment elapsed 15 minutes, resulting in an increase in my dosage of the same drug to 150mg daily, rather than discussing possible side effects in greater detail.

With the new potency, I began to spiral into ‘akathisia,’ a sensation where you are so uncomfortable with yourself that some describe it as “your mind separating from your body.” I had constantly racing thoughts; every insecurity that earlier was only kindling my depressed feelings was now consuming every iota of conscious energy that I had. My body, my skin, my hair: they all felt foreign and strange to my own touch. Looking at myself in the mirror set off uncontrollable tears. I hated myself so much that I began to think everything and everyone else would be better off without me. Some days I could not stop crying for hours once I was able to retreat from classes to my dorm room.

Six days following my last psychiatric appointment with the dosage increase, or twenty days since I began taking any prescription psychotropic medication, came a decision that I would regret for the rest of my life. Although I was in this medication-induced state of mind, that morning I still planned on simply going to my usual morning psychotherapy session, and then going to the rest of my classes that day. Despite having feelings of depression, and now increasing akathisia-induced suicidal ideation, my academic performance until that fateful day had yet to show noticeable change. I was still going to class, continued to be involved on campus, maintaining my friendships, and had never engaged in any physical self-harm.

During that session, right after telling my psychotherapist that I had been thinking about suicide in these medication-fueled states of mind, a darkened look came across his face and it became harder for him to look at me directly.

“Vitas, given what you’ve told me, you have two options.”

Assuming this was related to some type of therapy or treatment, I asked: “What do you mean?”

“We can do this either voluntarily or involuntarily.”

“Wait, what?!?” I asked in disbelief, as if I was being apprehended, and as it turned out, I was.

“If we do it involuntarily or you do not consent to your treatment plan, then you give up your legal rights and we might need to restrain you, up to, and including, a straitjacket on a stretcher, as we take you to Chicago Lakeshore Hospital. If you agree and consent voluntarily to be placed according to your treatment plan, then you’ll be able to maintain your rights such as petitioning for release. Given what you’ve told me, this is necessary given liability to the university, and you have no other options. Chicago Lakeshore is a great hospital, UChicago partners with them, sends our medical school residents there. They’re the best option, and they even have an LGBTQ program: perfect for you!”

Aghast and shaken, I did not want to lose my rights, and assuming everyone in this medical system had my best interests at heart I reluctantly agreed to go voluntarily without any protest. A different psychiatrist again evaluated me, to get a confirming second opinion, offering the same diagnosis and recommendation for psychiatric hospitalization. After waiting under their supervision, never having an opportunity to pack for a weeklong trip, a school administrator arrived in a taxicab to whisk me across Chicago to the psych ward. While with him, I asked that my parents not be informed of my treatment, as I felt this inevitably would lead to being forcibly outed as gay and potential estrangement from my father. The administrator said he would try to follow my request, but that he might be legally forced to disclose certain things given my ideation of self-harm, despite my never having cut myself, or starved myself, or acted in any way to demonstrate that I was actually intent on physically hurting myself beyond ideation.

We arrived at the hospital, and being a busy school administrator, my so-called guide quickly disappeared to do more important things as I waited during my intake process at Chicago Lakeshore Hospital, elapsing eight hours. Initially, I was in a waiting area with chairs and magazines just like any doctor’s or dentist’s office, but soon I was walked to a small 6’ x 10’ room with bare walls, devoid of any fixtures or objects aside from a desk and two chairs. I waited most of my eight hours alone in that room, waiting for hospital staff to tell me if I could be admitted depending on how long of a stay my insurance company might approve. I used my cellphone during this time to let my friends know what had happened, given my sudden disappearance; something for which I would later be interrogated and investigated by both hospital and UChicago SCS staff.

Despite my light suicidal ideation, my assigned psychiatrist decided that a weeklong stay was best, magically coinciding with how long my insurance was willing pay for. In fact, most patients here who were higher functioning all magically got weeklong stays, and nobody got out sooner unless they were petitioning for release as a voluntary patient. Even with that route, leaving took three days minimum, assuming you managed to maintain access to communication. And that was assuming that your psychiatrist does not convince higher-ups that you’re still a harm to yourself or others, which they had full financial incentive to do.

Due to my “suicidal” nature, I was initially placed in the psych ward equivalent of an ICU for two days. A place where the suicidal, homicidal, hallucinating, and psychotic were all put together for their shared recovery. A place where even having shoelaces or your own clothes was giving you too much freedom, as that was all taken away while you undressed under the watchful gaze of professional staff. A place where violence routinely occurs against and between patients, despite lack of shoelaces or provocative clothing. No visitors are allowed, except prearranged ones for long-term residents. Everyone wore identical teal medical smocks and pants, and the staff treated the patients with almost identical paternalistic, dehumanizing condescension. When I asked for an aspirin or ibuprofen for a growing headache, despite noting chronic headaches on my intake report, it took asking multiple staff members until a kinder social worker there actually believed me enough to help. This same person was also the only staff member there who ever allowed me to make any contact with my friends, dormmates, or later parents, contrary to the stated right to communication for mental patients under Illinois state law.

I spent most of my time on this hospital floor hiding on my bed in my room, where through the constantly open doorway I could hear the commonplace verbal and physical altercations. Food usually was plain ham and cheese or PB&J white bread sandwiches with school-cafeteria-style milk and juice cartons. The common room had a TV that, either by the will of some patient or employee, was constantly turned to History Channel specials such as how aliens were involved in the construction of the ancient wonders; somehow clinically appropriate material for the audience.

An existing medical condition I additionally noted to clinicians during my intake was ‘vasovagal trypanophobia:’ a needle-phobia that triggers a blood vessel reflex shutting off blood to one’s head, causing fainting. I can take most vaccines or shots just fine, but blood withdrawals often trigger syncopes or fainting in my individual case. So guess how medically-trained psychiatric professionals decided to wake up someone with this stated syncopal needle-phobia after their first night: to start taking an intravenous blood withdrawal from that fainting-prone person while they are still asleep. I awoke feeling the pain of the needle in my arm as they jabbed it in multiple times trying to find a vein. I verbalized my intense discomfort and managed to rebuff staff before they managed to collect a second full blood vial from me. Despite never being told why, or what my results were, it was too late to keep me from feeling light-headed or only partly conscious the rest of the day. Other straight patients told me that this did not happen to them.

Later this same day, I met with my assigned psychiatrist, the hospital CMO, for the first time, whereupon he decided to double my dosage to 300mg daily, continuing the rest of my hospitalization. He laughed and shrugged off my complaint when I told him about my morning incident. Again, this appointment, alongside the rest we had, contained no warning or discussion that I might possibly be experiencing a common medication side effect despite repeated attempts to broach the subject.

It was only with years of hindsight, years of withdrawal symptoms, and years of digging through my experience, analyzing the possible variables, that I realized I was a victim. Victim to a mental health system that currently has little capacity for self-criticism or inclination to reform to minimize iatrogenic harm. Years before my stay, numerous patients at Chicago Lakeshore had been found to be neglected and abused, and still years following, numerous other patients at Chicago Lakeshore are being found to have been neglected and abused. Most of the reported cases are more serious and tragic than my personal story, like the ones involving foster kids who are Illinois state wards, but those cases along with mine reflect what I sadly believe to be institutionally and professionally widespread unethical practices in mental health.

The University of Chicago Student Counseling Center no longer refers students for inpatient hospitalization at Aurora Chicago Lakeshore Hospital (CLH). However, the University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine, the university’s graduate medical school, continues to maintain a full partnership with CLH, with doctors sharing teaching and clinical positions between the Pritzker School of Medicine and CLH. Psychology and psychiatry residents from the medical school still have educational rounds as part of their training at CLH. While CLH has been and is currently under investigation by multiple federal and state entities (with one investigation grievous enough to revoke CMS certification, unfortunately soon reinstated), Aurora Chicago Lakeshore Hospital has yet to ever be closed, face any significant regulatory action prompting meaningful reform, or yet be threatened with termination of its relationship as a teaching hospital.


Mad in America hosts blogs by a diverse group of writers. These posts are designed to serve as a public forum for a discussion—broadly speaking—of psychiatry and its treatments. The opinions expressed are the writers’ own.

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Next articleRe-Examining Violence in Mental Health
Vitas Zukowski
Born and raised in the pine-covered mountains of Northern Arizona, Vitas studied at the University of Chicago, double-majoring in Political Science and Public Policy Studies, dropping out due to iatrogenic disability and financial hardship just before completing his BA. Since recovering from his adverse medication effects and withdrawal, he has worked in the Arizona medical cannabis industry, helping other patients find successful paths to recovery.


  1. “We can do this either voluntarily or involuntarily.”

    Anyone who has “consented” to any form of psychiatric intervention as a result of a statement such as this has been forced and is not “voluntary.”

    If anyone were accurately informed about the dangers of psychiatric “treatment” and agreed to it anyway, she or he would be exhibiting self-destructive or even masochistic behavior. Even by their own logic how could a “practitioner” enable such behavior by providing such “treatment,” even with the enthusiastic approval of the victim/”patient”?

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      • Yeah, Steve– I found this out the hard way when one of my student clients was sent to a local facility for an assessment. Exactly the same pitch– “agree or else” is never voluntary. Very grateful to you, Vitas, for shining a light on this Orwellian practice.

        I complained. Loudly, and to several different individuals. And I have no idea what I’ll do if it happens again– probably get a release so parents, or some other decision maker– can help me advocate for the student in the event of a hostile commitment situation. I’m open to ideas if anyone’s got any.

        Informed Consent has become one of those quasi-religious rituals without substance that are used to absolve one of responsibility, like going through the rosary every morning after getting drunk the night before. (No disrespect to Catholics, I could have chosen any other religion or social institution to find examples.) When I asked about the necessity of drug testing so I could continue using the tiny dose (< 10 ME less than once a day) of opiates I need to function, my doctor said, "It's just like any other blood test to monitor your health." What a crock. Do I see those test results or know what method was used to get the results, as I could for any other test on my chart? Of course not.

        The same empty logic is what I am supposed to use to justify crackpot online questionnaires I am supposed to give to my clients every session. "It's just like any other test to make sure you are still healthy!" Uh, no. Byzantine, opaque, and incredibly crude AI that tries to take the humans out of decision making bears no resemblance to cholesterol or blood sugar tests.

        Instead, I tell the truth: I have problems with them because they don't use the same outcome measurements consistently and even if they did, they do not track "progress" longitudinally over a period longer than six months or a year.

        I also tell them that we will periodically assess whether we think they are being helped or harmed by the instrument, and if they are being harmed, we will stop using it.

        The larger point is that as clinicians, we are so used to these empty rituals that it's easy to stop questioning them, because it seems like if we did, that's all we would ever do. But of course, the reverse is closer to the truth– if none of us put up with this crap, it probably wouldn't continue.

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    • Involuntary is non-consensual, misinformed or otherwise. There is no speaking of “informed consent” in the context of involuntary treatment. When they stir up the muck though, and disinform people, it does as its supposed to do, obscuring the line between imprisonment and recuperation.

      Of course, there is always “informed consent” as a plea bargain, too. You know. Go in “voluntarily”, with “informed consent”, and should you withdraw that “consent”, your status can easily be changed to “involuntary”. There is nothing “voluntary” about such plea bargains as they are always based upon a veiled threat, and as such, a form of terrorism.

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    • Orwellian Double-Speak. Went through this myself.

      I remember a part of Animal Farm where the pigs ask for the other animals to labor 7 days a week to rebuild the windmill. The labor will be completely voluntary. But if you don’t volunteer your rations will be cut.

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    • They call it “coercion” here in Australia oldhead. An important distinction because if you put an empty pistol to someones head and pretend you are going to shoot them then you are coercing them. And if they tell you what you want to hear then no problem. However, beat them with the same pistol and you are now using torture methods to obtain consent. This being the problem in my instance, the drugging without knowledge is an actual assault, threatening my family is just coercion. Hence they need to coerce me to shut my mouth about being tortured by coercing me and my family. Not a nice look for our Government (if you could call it that).

      When I told my psychiatrist I was suffering from suicidal ideation he told me I would have to pay in advance lol.

      Interesting that you mention 1984 and Animal Farm Vitas. My Government (if you could call it that) has decided to change the Exodus 16 Thou shalt not kill, to Thou shalt not kill unless Doctor is late for his Tee Time at the local golf course. The perversion of the doctrine being effected quickly before the public gets time to examine the Bill.
      “Over a hundred legal protections” we are told. And yet I simply can not find a lawyer who knows what a burden of proof is. Still, how easy when you can “coerce” legal practitioners into throwing their clients under the bus to do a cover up for Doc?

      Have a listen to Lou Reeds’ Kill your Sons. The ‘treatment’ for being gay used to be a whole lot worse in the old days.

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  2. “Most of the reported cases are more serious and tragic than my personal story, like the ones involving foster kids who are Illinois state wards, but those cases along with mine reflect what I sadly believe to be institutionally and professionally widespread unethical practices in mental health.”

    Absolutely, that is the truth. One of my IL doctors was eventually convicted by the FBI, for having lots and lots of patients medically unnecessarily shipped long distances to himself. Then he had his psychiatrist buddy “snow” the patients, in the hopes of making them unable to breath, so unneeded tracheotomies could be done on people for profit.

    Obviously I, too, dealt with iatrogenic harm in the corrupt state of IL. And my problem also initiated due to doctors misdiagnosing the common adverse and withdrawal effects of Wellbutrin.

    But hey, at least the IL doctors have figured out a good way to systemically make people sick for profit. But that’s the opposite of what they’re actually supposed to be doing, thus we have “institutionally and professionally widespread unethical practices in mental health,” run amok.

    Glad you, too, escaped the scientific fraud based and corrupt “mental health system,” Vitas. And thanks for sharing your story, one that is staggeringly similar to my own story. Systemic and intentional harm of patients, for profit, is what is going on in today’s “mental health system.”

    Just an FYI, I have a son who is working on his masters in public policy at Syracuse right now. I do hope you bright young men work on changing public policy in such a manner as to end psychiatry’s current “reign of error and terror.”

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    • I’m really sorry to hear about you being victim to such a cruel scheme. If you haven’t already, there’s a podcast called “Doctor Death” about a surgeon in Texas that you might enjoy.

      Even my libertarian homophobic dad who fled Communist Poland thinks universal government healthcare is better than our private system bloated by public subsidy. My weeklong hospital stay that I write about is probably the most expensive medical procedure/treatment I have ever had in my life, with my bill (minus insurance) totaling thousands. I read somewhere that the average stay at CLH is seven to ten days with an average bill somewhere over $10k. Even in medical devices, there are many examples of doctors choosing inferior outcome, more side effect prone devices or procedures, simply because insurance reimbursements reward the worse treatment. One I remember is for a vascular stent: you could have one more expensive device that lasts longer and is only a single “procedure”, versus multiple metal stents that corrode inside the body, needing routine replacement and more surgeries, but each metal piece gets to be billed as a procedure. Guess which type of procedure money-hungry vascular surgeons choose for their patients?

      I really do want to someday finish my degree and go to grad school as well. Congrats on your son going to Syracuse, it’s one of the best public policy schools in the country from what I know.

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  3. In France, “compĂŠrage” is strictly forbidden by the law.

    The “compĂŠrage” (from “compadre”, “partner”) consists, for a legal or physical person, to send his client to another legal or physical person, under a customers exchange agreement or other benefits, to limit competition, limit the choice of the client, and keep the customers captive of an oligopolistic network of companies or liberal professions.

    When your psychologist sends you specifically and compulsorily to Chicago Lakeshore Hospital, which has an agreement with the University of Chicago’s Pritzker School of Medicine, she commits an act of compĂŠrage, which is a form of corruption.

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    • Thank you Sylvain. I wish the US could have stronger conflict of interest and patient rights laws/enforcement for healthcare. The same way that the system of psychiatry in the Soviet Union was built to maintain Communist social control through the use of force in medicine, I believe that the American system of psychiatry has been intentionally built to perpetuate oligopolistic capitalism and lifelong consumer dependence.

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      • Conflict of interest laws would ruin the very lucrative scam they are running.
        On a somewhat related note, this will tell you a bit about patients’ rights around here. This obscures the issue by focusing on seniors, who are frequent targets due to their assets and isolation, but the real takeaway here is: it can happen to anyone, there’s minimal legal recourse, and the mental healthcare & disability care systems are pipelines for it. Even if you’re broke, you can always be a source of revenue to someone paid to institutionalize you.
        They aren’t helping anyone but themselves.

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      • Convictions are very rare.

        I witnessed a psychiatrist who referred her client to a colleague with whom she had previously worked, in another hospital where she had previously worked, with a letter recommending the continuation of the restraint measure because of the voluntary cessation of patient care while in free care. Indeed, even when you are in free care and you stop the care freely, you may be reproached later if you return to care under duress, determining mandatory care potentially unlimited.

        This psychiatrist has violated the following laws:

        _ prohibition of comperage (article 23 of the CDM, Code of Medical Ethics),
        _ violation of the free choice of the patient (article 6 of the CDM),
        _ breach of professional secrecy (article 4 of the CDM),
        _ refusal of transmission of the medical file (article 46 of the CDM).

        and more.

        Fortunately, the administration being what it is, they failed to well organize the transfer. They forgot to write the necessary certificates, so the client was legally free without anyone knowing.

        When we started the release process, we realized that the client was already free. So we said bye-bye to the hospital, despite the helpless vociferations of the referral psychiatrist, and we had a good laugh in our sleeve.

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        • I like the sound of rare Sylvain. In Australia prosecutions/convictions are non existent.

          For example we have a section of the Criminal Code (s.336) called procuring the apprehension or detention of a person not suffering from a mental illness. Penalty 2 years prison. However, our police do not have a copy of the Criminal Code an therefore prosecution is not possible. So Mental Health professionals simply ring police and tell them to go and pick up citizens by calling them “patients”. Police go round and give them a kicking before delivering the citizen to the desired hospital where the evidence is fabricated to make them into a patient post hoc. Once their human rights have been legally removed they can now be treated for illnesses they dont have with drugs they dont want.
          And of course any complaint to police is foiled by your newly appointed Care Giver. Its allowing corruption to run rampant through our system.
          And the legal protection of not procuring the police in such a manner? Never been used. its simply there to create the appearance of protection for the public.

          One of our politicians who obviously knew this is being done had to flee the State before he was picked up by police and subjected to “treatment” by a psychiatrist not of his choice. Lucky he had the money to seek refuge elsewhere or he would be in a cell dribbling from the mouth by now lol

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          • Just on this point of Police not having a copy of the Criminal Code. Obviously with a Doctor or Mental Health Nurse using slander to police and have citizens detained until they can fabricate the evidence to continue holding them Police need to provide them with a bit of time. It takes at least an hour to have them transported and injected with enough tranquillizers to lay an elephant out for a week. So police pretend that they don’t have the Criminal Code and make a phone call to Mental Health to pick up their victims. I’m sure others can see how this might be exploited by a clever organised criminal who just happens to be a doctor. Anyway …..
            Point being I have provided absolute proof to police that this Community Nurse called them and lied about my status in order to make his kidnapping appear lawful. Even given them the internal police job number. Provided the documents showing I was ‘spiked’ with benzos without my knowledge too. Apparently thats a “hallucination”, and it is also a crime for me to have my medical records showing this (though nobody including one of our lawyer politicians can tell me what the charge would be. No Criminal Code see) Of course only if they actually retrieved the documents for the crims otherwise its an offence. But, alas they insist on failing to perform their duty as public officers, compound or conceal evidence of criminal offences and attempt to pervert the course of justice. Luckily they can’t find the Criminal Code because they might be in a lot of trouble otherwise. Mind you how embarrassing that they did a kidnapping for him. No wonder he laughed about me saying I would have something done about his criminal conduct. Jeffrey Dahmer had that sort of bottle, asking police to return one of his victims to him when he escaped.
            I’m assuming that in a democracy like America that such disgusting actions would be acted upon by good people (I mean thats what makes them good people acting when they see wrong isnt it?) But not in my country yet, they simply misdirect your complaint and obstruct justiice. As long as it isnt their families being subjected to human rights abuses of course. Whats the point of being above the law otherwise huh?

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  4. As a young woman of 23 my first encounter with a psychiatrist was voluntarily i sought him out after my brother who had been diagnosed and treated for many years seeing how emotionally disraught i was suggested it.

    up until that time i was under the impression all doctors were highly educated highly trained professionals even though i knew through an encounter with my family GP that not all were ethical.

    i found sanctuary in hospital and the medication knocked me out and made me sleep a lot and i trusted my doctor and welcomed the fact i had an illness and became a patient and not just a crazy bitch like my sister had me believe i was.

    i have probably had akathesia in the past i cant remember as ive suffered so many side affects over the years but when complaining my doctors have listened and changed my prescription.

    in between taking the meds i do have a condition which i had 7 years before being admitted to a psychiatric hospital. in fact i did go crazy and werent just upset by an affair going wrong also i had trouble with my sexuality.

    i was distressed and suicidal on thst first admittance and continued with all of my out of reality experiences and also my in reality ones too. i met my husband in a psyche hospital. my son is diagnosed bi polar.

    there are good and bad doctors and good and bad nurses like there are good and bad people in any profession.

    those that threaten admission in my mind are professionals lacking ethical moralality and are no better than Nazis and their eugenics. if that is the corruption of psychiatry in the States then it is something that really must be stamped out.

    i find although i have never been informed about medication and i have had my door broken down and been carried off at one point it is common practice for psychiatrists to want to treat their patients in the community here in the UK.

    the financial gain doesnt enter into it.

    i feel for all those people simply just going through a rough patch in their life who encounter doctors who decide unethically to admit them and force drugs on them are exceptionally unfortunate but i in my experience havent come across this happening to patients without severe symptoms.

    i admire anyone who can break away from the psychiatric system unfortunately i will never be one of them as my condition has never gone away and i still get delusional and psychotic. i am the blueprint for all those diagnosed. as my sister put it many years ago and probably still does. i am the crazy bitch. being classed mentally ill is a kindness.

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    • After WWII the US gave hundreds of Nazi scientists and doctors asylum to come over here and teach our government how to manipulate the population. Our whole mental healthcare industry was literally designed by Nazis. It’s not a metaphor. America is a Nazi country, but none of us are supposed to say so out loud. Admire the Emperor’s new clothes, citizen; it’s mandatory. If you admit he is naked, that’s “having a rigid belief outside of societal norms” which is grounds for forcible medical intervention (imprisonment). Repeat the correct propaganda or go to jail, citizen.
      “America is the land of the free and the home of the brave. We are nothing like the Nazis. The Emperor’s clothes are beautiful, the finest in the world.”
      Now you say it. Say it!

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  5. If you read the rules about informed consent, you’ll see that the mental health field is exempt from it for various different bullshit reasons. You are right Vitas, it is a huge scam. How was your health insurance? Usually involuntary commitment is like a kickback scheme similar to Cash For Kids (google it, it’s not a charity lol). The side effects you experienced so early after starting the med mean you were having a toxic/allergic reaction, psych meds supposedly have no effect for the first 8 weeks, yet they increased your dose at three weeks because you were already having an extreme reaction. Basically they poisoned you, and when your body reacted predictably to the poison, they used it as an excuse to pretend you were much sicker than your really were and to make you a source of revenue for the hospital by forcibly imprisoning you. This is common practice among all mental health workers/institutions.
    Step 1: provoke a negative response from patient either by chemical(medication) or behavioral stimulus (saying deliberately obtuse/annoying/contradictory things to patient, calling patient a liar, pretend not to understand patient when they speak, tell them to calm down when they are already calm, constantly interrupting, etc.)
    Step 2: when patient predictably responds negatively to negative stimulus by becoming annoyed, anxious, hopeless, suicidal, or paranoid, pathologize the medically induced symptom by insisting it is the patient’s permanently defective state of mind, requring urgent intervention (imprisonment).
    Step 3: PROFIT!!!

    There is no such thing as “medicine”. It’s all just a reflection of malice and other subjective emotional bias on the part of the frauds who practice it.

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  6. Dear Vitas, thank you so much for sharing your powerful, deeply moving and excellently written story. I can relate so much to your experiences because my only psychotic episode, 7 years ago, was clearly caused by a relationship breakdown.

    I started “hearing voices” when I felt rejected by a man I loved. I was involuntarily committed to a mental hospital and put on neuroleptics – with horrible side effects, especially in the case of Trilafon (perphenazine) – and I experienced the dehumanizing atmosphere of a locked ward. I did not receive any psychotherapy at the hospital where I spent more than a month – I was kept there even when I no longer had any symptoms.

    Fortunately I decided to come off neuroleptics a month and a half after being released from the hospital and I have never used them again. I have never had another psychotic episode, though psychiatrists claimed that the one I had experienced was caused by a chemical imbalance in my brain… I wish you all the best and thank you for being so open about your experiences.

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  7. The Guidelines for Informed Consent sound quite good until you get to the ‘flush” clause, ie any dispute over issues and Doctor is always the winner.
    So there I am with a lawyer whose area of expertise is in Mental Health Law. I explain to him that the Community Nurse has arranged to have me ‘spiked’ with benzos and once he had procured the services of police, to have a weapon (in the form of a pocket knife) and some cannabis planted on my person. Thus he can now claim he was given his referral by the police to his colleagues at the hospital after he has ‘verballed’ me up on the Statutory Declarations. And the lawyer tells me he doesn’t see what the issue is.
    Still I guess when your methods of obtaining consent are the same as the local football team pack rapist it must be difficult to get people to talk to you willingly. So a little spiking of the person who is going to be my patient before I meet them isnt such a bad thing is it? Well, it was for Prof John Kearsley.
    Consent in Australia for Mental Health professionals is just a hurdle to be gotten around by any means necessary. This includes the drugging of citizens without their knowledge and the use of physical violence to have them talk. Any complaints and the Operations Manager tells me they will fuking destroy you, and believe me, they will. I haven’t seen my family in 8 years as a result of complaining about being ‘spiked’ and interrogated by this Community Nurse. And do you think anyone will do anything to help me? Theyre all too afraid of our Government, and the blind eye they are turning to the unintended negative outcomes being done in our Emergency Departments. Might be why they want this Convenience Killing Bill passed quickly. Voluntary Euthanasia? Yeah right, have a look at what our Government means by “voluntary”.

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  8. Vitas, I’m glad you shared all that. Much of what the hospital did was totally illegal. In fact, there was really so, so much that I think you’d agree, there’s no “five minute version” of the psych abuse story, not for any of us. In so many ways I wish there was as when we speak with attorneys they don’t want to hear the real version. It takes too long to explain the massive amount of harm. It took many calls for me to find an attorney. The closest I got was one who said my case would involve so much paperwork that he did not have time to do it. At least he agreed I had a case. The rest cut me off after I told them what diagnosis I had been given.

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  9. I’m sorry you experienced that. It’s a tough situation when someone is looking for a haven and they meet a judge, a witness, an executioner and a drug pusher, all rolled into one. Oh, maybe add to that a few that’ll make you trip on your journey. Where’s an advocate when you need one? In that kind of system…good luck. I think we should get cameras in there. Privacy plays a nasty game when abuse is going on.

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    • That is a good suggestion Redcat. Police ‘sometimes’ wear bodycams why not psychiatrists. If not on video then every interaction should at least be recorded because psychiatrists write whatever they feel like. They easily write lies, distort reality and put words in your mouth but it is their word against yours.

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      • It’s an idea. Patients have little credibility. Could it deter abusive workers from being so blatant? Maybe. It would be a start. I wish hospitals were subjected to, at least, visual audits. Why not send a person of authority to visit these places, without calling ahead? Have this person talk with the staff and patients. Or, why don’t hospitals ask for surveys for improvement. The secrecy and confidentiality is part of the problem. There are no dialogues, it’s forced submission. Unfortunately, a camera is hard to hide when someone is in a hospital gown.

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      • There’s no reason not to record every single interaction with every doctor you encounter “to review later.” Privacy laws are to protect the privacy of the Patient, not the doctor. Keeping good records is a big part of being your own healthcare advocate. And speaking of records, get a copy of yours. I think it’s important for them to know that they are being held accountable.

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        • My lawyer (if they could actually be called that) made an application for documents relating to a specific date and what they have termed ‘referral’ and ‘detention’. There are specific rules that allow my lawyers to examine unredacted documents to ensure that a persons human rights are not being violated. A hospital may be able to keep certain information from you, but not your lawyer (for obvious reasons).
          The set of documents received by my legal representative removed documents showing that I had been drugged without my knowledge with benzodiazepines, and that the Community Nurse had lied to police stating I was his “patient”. In thieir place they had taken documents from an old file and gave a legal narrative that meant I had been a “patient” of this hospital for more than 10 years. The memo from the Clinical Director states that he has “edited” the documents for the lawyers. I call it fraud and well, a Member of Parliament became quite concerned when I explained the two different sets to him and that police had failed to retrieve the documents I had. So fraud is “editing”, kidnapping and torture “referral” and “detention” and despite having documented proof they simply persist with the lies. I spent months arguing with the lawyers trying to have them recognise a basic legal protection contained in the Act. Of course what I didn’t know was that they were engaged in a conspiracy to pervert the course of justice and were slandering me as a paranoid delusional. A narrative that suits the criminals for the present.
          Point being that it doesn’t matter what the doctors write, say do …… no one is going to do anything about it. Its not in the public interest even if they are slaughtering people wholesale for organised crims. Great for doctors and associated medical professionals, not so good for the victims. Annoying me that I have been paying taxes for police to provide a torture and kidnapping service for them though. As long as they arrange to plant evidence for the police to find, they will snatch anyone from their home and deliver them to the desired address post haste. What doc does from there is up to them.
          Oh how I wish this wasn’t the truth. A doctor here even went in to police and provided the murder weapon, the place where she had put the body and a full and unconditional confession and police embarrasingly still did nothing. The head of the AMA told her to contact him for a “sophisticated” knowledge of the law to avoid going to jail. Ie I’ll tell ya how to kill em and get away with it. Front page of the newspaper.
          She was obviously trying to force a debate, and we are now discussing a Euthanasia Bill in Parliament. Not that there is much discussion, they need it passed without the public knowing why. Getting a little out of hand in our hospitals with the ‘unintended negative outcoming’ i’m afraid.
          So for example in the case of Garth Daniels, even if Doc Katz were to kill him with his ‘treatment’ nothing would be done as it would not be in the “Public Interest”. I think the Public should actually start taking an Interest in what some of these Quacks are actually doing.

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          • Tried to edit but missed the time.
            So Steve the most insulted by the new Euthanasia Bill which would mean Doctors were under the glow of a candle when extinguishing life? The Australian Medical Association. Think there’s something in that for all of us lol.
            Won’t matter, as I stated above they are authorised to distribute fraudulent documents and kill people to do cover ups of their vile conduct sooooo. Not that anyone is going to talk openly about that, whistleblowers in this country have a habit of turning up dead in our Emergency Departments and the Media wouldn’t report on that. They would be raided by the Feds.
            They didn’t used to call it Accident and Emergency for nothing. It’s an Emergency someone is running to police with documented proof of our kidnapping and torture, quick we need to have an Accident. Means and opportunity, but without motive, no investigation, and thus no crime.
            So the fraudulent documents in my case were covering what? A motive for …….? Fairly easy for authorities from that point I’m guessing. Still not in the public interest, despite the need to continue to breach the Convention against the use of Torture and not assist the victim. Just wait long enough and they seem sure to gaslight to a suicide. Negligent frauds and slanderers.
            It really isn’t that sophisticated to be honest. Busy Emergency Dept, take morphine from patient and inject one you have loaded with a ‘chemical restraint’ and tip em over the top. And a government that will do cover ups of their little Accidents. Simple

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          • If, and that is a big IF, what I have been told by the authorities is true, then the ability to kill anyone that the government does not like what they are saying is quite easy here. Doctor calls police and tells them who to pick up and then has an accident with them in an ED. Coroner puts it down to an overdose of morphine from an unknown source, and Bobs your uncle. Police won’t do anything because its in the public interest that your dead.
            However, I think in my instance that the police sending me away because they didn’t have a copy of the Criminal Code was as a result of a call from a doctor saying not to take the documents I had (He’s a “patient” lie used again) and they then attempted to murder me. Someone interfered in that process and thought they had retrieved the documents I had and began a campaign of slander (eg he’s mentally ill, don’t listen to him. But theres no real need to kill him for complaining doc, we have carte blanche in this State. No one will touch you for a bit of kidnapping and torture. But thanks for showing us how your doing it). When I turned up in a police station 2 years later with the documents and they tried to continue with the slander it backfired on them. Thus they were forced into looking and found …… a pile of bodies. Bit embarrassing because it was their negligence that allowed that pile of bodies to be there. Had they not sent me away from the police station 2 years earlier??? Had they taken the evidence instead of slandering me and gaslighting me? So they need to continue with their psychological attack on me to ensure nobody becomes aware of their negligence. Killing me now is of course still a possibility but with so many people aware of a motive it might not go down so well with my brothers.
            It is also the case that one is not allowed to say anything that would bring our great country into disrepute, so complaining about public officers using torture methods is a crime. And with these extra judicials being done in our hospitals via negligence? No worries about anyone ever getting to bring actions over refoulment under the Convention, there would be zero complaints ever get through. Well, unless you believe in a God that is 🙂 And once they realised they were being watched the whole time???? Repentance of course, till the next time they think no one is watching. Not my worry anymore, Ive nothing left to take. And they’re turning grey over when they are going to loose the Porches and houses and big holidays and God forbid their freedom.

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  10. Mr. Zukowski, this article was very informative. I tried to find a way to email you but failed to find one. I just wanted to say I had my issues with Chicago Lakeshore Hospital as well and had to get a lawyer. I was sexually assaulted by one of their therapists and throughout my stay, I had a lot of terrible things done to me from the other patients but also the staff. I also was told by the head psychiatrist that she legitimately did not have a reason to keep me but would not release me until my 2 lawyers went through a lot of steps to get me out of there. I would love to talk more about this if you are willing. That hospital should be shut down and I am on a path to make sure that happens and so no one goes through what I had to go through.

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