Tag: antidepressants and suicide

Coroner Issues Warning About Antidepressants After Suicide of Royal’s Husband

A coroner has issued a warning about the effects of antidepressants prescribed by a Buckingham Palace doctor to the son-in-law of Prince and Princess Michael of Kent before his suicide.

When Darkness Traps People, Consider The System

EDITOR’S CORNER If you’ve been following the news over the last week or so, you’ve likely read of Zoraya ter Beek, the young Dutch woman...

Stop Using Antidepressants Except for “the Most Severe Depression,” Experts Say

Experts advocate limiting antidepressant use to only the most severe cases of depression, emphasizing the need for social and psychological interventions.

My Sister Lucy’s Death and Life: Picturing an Alternate Timeline of...

I’ll never forget standing beside my sister Lucy as she was strapped to a gurney during a midnight admission to an E.R. in Cambridge, Mass.

Antidepressants, Antipsychotics, and Benzos All Increase Suicide Attempts in New Study

In a study of people with borderline personality disorder, only ADHD stimulants were associated with a decrease in suicide.

DOOCE: A Case Study on the Failure of Psychiatry

Heather Armstrong’s life was taken by psychiatry, and our unwillingness to scrutinize their methods of madness.

Garbage in, Garbage out: The Newest Cochrane Meta-Analysis of Depression Pills...

In May 2021, Cochrane published a network meta-analysis of depression pills for children. The abstract is misleading and reads like drug company marketing.

Psychiatric Drugs Increase Suicide. CAMPP’s Film “Prescripticide” Exposes the Harms

“Prescripticide”: The purpose of this informational video is to raise public awareness of this association between psychiatric drugs and violence/suicide.

No, the FDA’s Black Box Warning Did not Increase Suicides

Researchers again debunk the claim that the FDA black box warnings on antidepressants led to more suicides.

Mental Health Survival Kit, Chapter 2: Is Psychiatry Evidence Based? (Part...

The psychiatrists have fought really hard to hide the terrible truth that depression pills double the risk of suicide, not only in children but also in adults.

Antidepressants Still Linked to Increased Suicide Risk

Bias and financial conflicts in antidepressant trials “contribute to systematic underestimation of risk in the published literature.”

Book Review: “Prescription for Sorrow” by Patrick D. Hahn

There are quite a few books published about the lack of benefit and harm caused by so-called "antidepressants." Prescription for Sorrow, by Patrick Hahn, is simply the best one I have read.

Researchers Document Protracted Withdrawal from Antidepressants

Protracted Withdrawal Syndrome characterized by long-term adverse experiences after coming off of antidepressants.

Suicide Rates Did Not Decrease When Antidepressant Drugs Were Introduced

Researchers investigate the claim that the introduction of antidepressant drugs led to decreases in suicide rates internationally.

Researchers: Antidepressant Use in Children Increases Suicide, No Evidence of Benefit

Noted antidepressant researcher, Michael Hengartner, summarizes the latest research on the use of antidepressants in children and adolescents.

Stuart Shipko – SSRI Withdrawal: Shooting the Odds

We interview Dr. Stuart Shipko, a psychiatrist and author who has a particular interest in the side effects and withdrawal effects of SSRI antidepressants and the need for informed consent when prescribing.

Deep Sleep “Therapy” in Australia in the 1960s & ’70s: Could...

Psychiatry has a history of continuing to perform harmful, even deadly procedures. But does it still happen? Medication-induced akathisia filled two and a half pages of the DSM-IV. Why was it written out of the DSM 5?

Youth Antidepressant Use Associated With Increased Suicide and Self-Harm

National data on rates of youth antidepressant prescription, suicide, and self-harm in Australia sparks public health debate about drug safety.

New Analysis: Antidepressants Still Linked to Suicide

“This is remarkable for drugs that are used to treat depressive symptoms,” write the researchers.

National Boards of Health Are Unresponsive to Children Driven to Suicide...

Peter C. Gøtzsche reports what happened, or rather did not happen, when he contacted National Boards of Health in eight countries with his serious concern that the use of depression pills in children is increasing and leads to more suicides. The continued official denial that these drugs cause suicide and that something substantial needs to be done is appalling.

Suicide Warning on Antidepressant Label is Justified, Researchers Say

Researchers confirm that the suicide warning for antidepressants is justified by the evidence and that claims that the warning is harmful lack support.

An Open Letter to VA Secretary Robert Wilkie: A Plan for...

Through my research and experiences, I've found that what the Veterans Administration has been doing to fight the veteran suicide epidemic isn't working and appears to be unintentionally exacerbating it. These problems are fixable. But I need your help.

Wendy Dolin – Making Akathisia a Household Word

An interview with Wendy Dolin who talks about the work of MISSD, the Medication-Induced Suicide Prevention and Education Foundation in Memory of Stewart Dolin, a non-profit founded to raise awareness of the tragic consequences of drug-induced akathisia.

The Media Scolds Marianne Williamson (And Gets It Wrong)

Journalists have called Marianne Williams’ comments on depression dangerous and irresponsible. A closer look reveals that her “opinions” on mental health treatment are more in line with the science, and that the know-it-all assertions by Cooper and colleagues are belied by it.

We Must Hear Marianne Williamson’s Message About the Overuse of Antidepressants

Although some of Marianne Williamson's rhetoric on the subject of the overuse of prescription medications may be over the top, the topic deserves much more public attention and debate, since it is a crisis as real as the opioid epidemic.