Tag: Human Rights

‘A Playground for Predatorsā€™: Diane Dimond on The Abuses of Guardianship

Our guest today is Diane Dimond, a longtime, award-winning investigative journalist specializing in crime and justice issues. As a freelance journalist, syndicated columnist, and...

Mental Health Care Must Support Consent and Basic Human Rights

Despite the UNā€™s strong stance against involuntary treatment, many countries continue to uphold legislation that encourages it.

When It Comes to Mental Health Problems, The Disability Framework Fails

Treating those struggling with emotional distress and troublesome behaviors as mentally disabled is a barrier to arriving at humane and dignified ways of assisting them.

CRPD Consultation on Deinstitutionalization: A Reparations Approach

The UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities has announced a series of regional consultations on deinstitutionalization.

The Cost of Being Psychotic in America

People living with psychosisā€”people like meā€”are dying because we are being discriminated against by people whoā€™d rather see us hurt than attempt to work with us and give us the decency and respect that should be accorded us as a human right. And nobody deserves to be assaulted or shot after theyā€™ve reached out for help.

“Reimagining Psychiatry:” An Interview with Peter Stastny

Peter Stastny is a New York-based psychiatrist, documentary filmmaker, and a co-founder of the International Network toward Alternatives and Recovery (INTAR). He has been...

Humanizing Mental Healthcare by Reducing Coercive Practices

A review of the literature demonstrates that coercive practices lack empirical support and violate human rights.

Open Dialogue and a Human Rights Approach to Mental Health Care

Analysis suggests that Open Dialogue aligns with human rights-based perspectives on mental health care.

UN Report Criticizes Biomedical Approach to Mental Health

UN official writes that States should focus instead on resolving social inequality and injustice as determinants of health and human rights.

Users and Survivors Respond to World Psychiatric Association: ā€œWe Will Not...

In an open letter to the World Psychiatric Association (WPA), users and survivors defend the UN CRPD and call for relinquishment of psychiatric power.

Debate Ensues Over Rights-Based Approach to Mental Health

Debate ensues as scholars and policymakers discuss how to bring a rights-based approach to mental health policy.

United Nations Rep Brings Attention to Human Rights Violations in Psychiatry

Dr. Dainius PÅ«ras argues that the status quo in mental health treatment is no longer acceptable and demands political action to promote human rights.

When Mental Health Treatment Becomes a Violation

From InDaily: "In the early 2000s when I was detained in a psychiatric hospital I was treated against my will, I was even secluded....

Sociologist Questions Effectiveness and Ethics of Mental Health Services

Medical sociologist David Pilgrim argues that mental health care is neither effective nor ā€œkindly,ā€ as it often relies on flawed research and ineffective treatments.

What Is It Like to Be Sectioned?

From ShortList: "'I asked to go out for a cigarette but was told that if I tried to leave I would be sectioned against...

Immigrant Shelters Drug Traumatized Teens Without Consent

FromĀ ProPublica: "Emotional distress and mental health issues are prevalent among these children, sometimes a result of traumatic experiences in their home countries, at other...

Psychologists Respond to Mental Health Crisis at the Border

FromĀ The American Psychological Association PsycIQ: "When three women who had been forcibly separated from their children by immigration officials filed a lawsuit on June...

AP Exclusive: Washington Psychiatric Hospital Called “Hell”

FromĀ WSMV: "Despite a shakeup in leadership and vows to correct problems, the hospital continually puts patients at risk, according to a recent surpriseĀ federal inspection....

Joint Public Statement on U.S. Immigration Policies

Several psychology groups have released the following public statement on U.S. immigration policies and practices: "This statement is an official statement of the specific signatories...

The Drugging of Migrant Children: A Symptom of a Systemic Issue

Isolation, demeaning behaviors on the part of staff, forced injections and tranquilization ā€” former patients of detention and residential facilities have been describing this inhumanity as the norm for decades. It is our acceptance of this as a norm that allows for abusive situations to arise so easily.

Doctor Drugging Migrant Kids Lost Certification Years Ago

From Reveal News: "The psychiatrist who has been prescribing powerful psychotropic medications to immigrant children at a federally funded residential treatment center in Texas...

Eugenics Never Went Away

From Aeon:Ā Eugenics was a mixture of science and social movement that aimed to improve the human race over generations. Those of good stock were...

Mental Health Industry Should Embrace Choices Beyond Drugs

In this video forĀ NowThis, Yana Jacobs critiques the mental health industry standard of prescribing drugs as the first-line treatment for "mental illness." She emphasizes...

The Mental Health Act Review: Everything Remains the Same

FromĀ Tales from the Madhouse: On May 1st, theĀ Independent Review of the Mental Health Act publishedĀ a 60-page interim report.Ā The report makes it clear that no...

Closing the Asylums

In this piece forĀ Jacobin, John Foot describes the Italian psychiatrist Franco Basaglia's efforts to revolutionize the mental health system in Italy. Basaglia sparked a...