“All for the Best of the Patient”


I am sharing my story in support of the CRPD campaign: Absolute Prohibition of Involuntary Commitment and Forced Treatment. This campaign is of utmost importance. Treatment and commitment carried out by force is torture, and must be abolished immediately. For psychiatric ‘help’ to happen by force is a paradox and makes absolutely no sense. It can destroy people’s personality and self-confidence. It can lead, in the long run, to physical and psychological disability – and unfortunately, as I know only too well, it can also result in sudden death.

I have been in very close contact with the Danish psychiatric treatment system. My dear daughter Luise got caught in this ‘helping system’ by mistake, but she didn’t make it out alive. I’m sad to say I later discovered that the way Luise was treated was more the rule than the exception. After writing a book about Luise and the psychiatric system, Dear Luise: A story of power and powerlessness in Denmark’s psychiatric care system, people from all corners of the world contacted me to say that Luise’s story could have been their own or their loved one’s story.

As a leader of the Danish association Dead in Psychiatric Care, I am constantly in contact with desperate people who have been committed or who have experienced some kind of forced treatment. They all talk about the tremendous amount of psychotropics they are forced to take. They feel powerless when they complain about horrible side effects and are told in response that the disease has developed and the dose has to be increased. I hear about the smug certainty of some mental health professionals, both doctors and caregivers, and the concomitant dehumanization of their patients through indifference, harassment, coercion and the use of force. Through my experience with my dear Luise, I saw this cold and dangerous treatment world.

Luise died in 2005 when her body and mind could not tolerate the inhumane treatment anymore. After her death, I got access to the hospital records. Reading Luise’s 600-page chart was a wretched experience. It presents an impersonal diagnosis, with signs of coercion, both direct and indirect, permeating the stack of chart notes. Luise wanted me to help her, but the psychiatrists didn’t want to hear my opinion. They believed that they knew better. So I watched powerlessly as Luise deteriorated both physically and psychologically. I witnessed arrogance and dishonesty, repeated misdiagnoses, professional collusion, missing official records, and falsified hospital charts.

Luise started down this path in 1992 at the age of 18. She was supposed to have a psychiatric examination without medication, however, she was heavily medicated from the very minute she set foot in the hospital. After eight days she was close to dying from medication poisoning. That was in August, 1992. In October of 1992, she was still deeply marked by the poisoning. I have no doubt that she suffered brain damage from this. Instead of treating this injury, the psychiatrists wanted to give her more medication.

Luise said no. She argued that the psychotropics had made her very ill, which was true. The psychiatrists interpreted her arguments as a sign of her illness. Shortly after that, the mandated medication began – administered by a syringe – along with the periodic use of belt restraints.

She fought for two months against the terrible drugs. The staff always won this battle, of course. They used manpower, the belt, and the syringe.

At a certain point, Luise gave up fighting. She was broken. My heart bleeds when I read the chart from November 11, 1992. Two and a half months after she first contacted the psychiatric ward for help, her chart reads, “Today the patient offers no physical resistance but is anxious about being medicated and holds hands (the psychiatrists), and afterward, she is somewhat tearful.”

After reading the chart notes, I realize that coercion, both overt and covert, plays a much greater role in treatment than I had ever imagined.

Initially, Luise fought back, which resulted in long-term coercive measures. I can see that eventually just the threat of forcible measures was enough to make Luise give in. It’s the same story I hear from many of the people who contact me. At a certain point, everybody gives up on fighting back.

July 14th, 2005, around four p.m., was the last time Luise experienced this act of cruelty. She was involuntarily committed to a closed psychiatric ward. She had a psychotropic injected. That was on top of the four other antipsychotics she was already on. On the 15th, during the night, she was walking around as usual (akathisia). A bump was heard. At 5 a.m. Luise was declared dead. The doctor’s attempt at resuscitation was in vain. My Luise was gone forever.

The hospital chart, written not many hours before she died: “The patient was persuaded today to take prolonged-release medicine.” Then a few words about the dose and about how she was feeling well and could be moved to an open ward the next day.

Luise did not want me visiting her, that afternoon of July 14. This was unusual, so I called the ward and was told that she was doing fine and she just did not want to see me. I asked if there had been a change in her medication ― I dreaded the injection the doctor had talked about, which I said would be Luise’s death. The woman on the telephone answered that, for the best of Luise, they had decided to inform me about any medication changes only once a week, so I could find out about this the following Thursday. That’s when I really got scared. Just a few words in the chart about such an important decision as giving a new drug by way of depot injection.

Medical law requires that a patient’s chart must record what information the patient has received about a new product, and what the patient has articulated about it. Nothing was noted in her chart. No informed consent. Luise would have done anything to avoid the syringe. So the sentence “The patient was persuaded today to take prolonged-release medicine” is ominous. I’m sure she fought against getting this injection, as she had earlier been about to die from injection with psychotropics.

The autopsy also revealed marks around her body, which the coroner could not explain. I have no doubt that these marks stem from the staff holding Luise down by force when she fought against getting the drug by syringe ― the injection she died from, eight to twelve hours later.

Mental health problems are not a deadly disease. Yet many people, far too many people, still die in psychiatric care. They die because they are treated with far too high doses of psychotropics, often given against their will and by force. Luise’s tragedy is far from unique in Denmark ― or indeed any other ‘advanced’ industrialized country.

After Luise’s death, I sent a complaint to the National Agency for Patient Rights and Complaints, and to The Patient Insurance Association. My complaint’s headline was “Death from drug poisoning.” I named the four different drugs she had been on, which all together was a huge cocktail.

According to these agencies, Luise received the highest standard of specialist treatment. They wrote:

The antipsychotic medication treatment has complied with the best professional standards. That the outcome has not been satisfactory is due to the nature of the condition and the circumstances that the profession’s knowledge and treatment options are limited.

As stated, I believe that the risk inherent in the medication treatment must be weighed against the sufferings Luise H.C. would have undergone without treatment.

It is incomprehensible that Luise’s treatment was judged up to standard, when in fact they administered psychoactive pharmaceuticals at three times the highest recommended dose. There was no informed consent of this polypharmacy, and nothing written in the hospital records about her treatment in the last days of Luise’s life.

According to the UN Convention, everybody should be equal under the law. So why is this equality not carried out in practice? And why is nobody held responsible when the law is violated? Will we accept a society where far too many people die from an illness that is not deadly? Can we accept a society where forced treatment is often the cause of severe disability?

My answer is NO. Please, STOP forced treatment. Why on earth are psychiatrists so keen on keeping up such dangerous and degrading treatment? I want to tell them: Please get down from your ivory tower. Down to the real world, with real people, and stop saying that this kind of treatment is “for the best of the patient.”


Mad in America hosts blogs by a diverse group of writers. These posts are designed to serve as a public forum for a discussion—broadly speaking—of psychiatry and its treatments. The opinions expressed are the writers’ own.


  1. There is a reason why forced psychiatric druggings are standard treatment, Dorrit. Follow the money trail. 🙁 Psychiatry isn’t about helping people at all. It’s about the shrinks or psychiatrists milking the “consumers” for all the money they can bill insurance company for.

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    • To get the insurance to pay they have to assign psychiatric forever labels, the DSM billing codes, but they don’t stop at that the person is then subjected to the drugging.

      “Dual diagnosis” in the addictions field is the worst, the person is not even done with acute withdrawals from drugs or alcohol before the acute and post acute withdrawal symptoms are labelled usually “bipolar” and the drugging begins.

      How can a treatment plan for a ‘bipolar’ alcoholic or addict not include psychiatric drugging and look legit ? Few escape drug or alcohol treatment undrugged.

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      • Yes The_cat you are so right about the dual diagnoses. And it is so unjust that withdrawal symptoms should lead into a new diagnosis which again lead to medication with dangerous mind-altering drugs. Withdrawal symptoms are labelled with “bipolar” and medicated as such and often in Denmark anyway with antipsychotics. But another thing is the fact that the drugs in fact gives many person the symptoms of schizophrenia. Persons who maybe just have sought help to fight a different psychosocial problem -it could be anorexia or -as I just heard yesterday from a lady from New York-, her son had a learning problem. Those people seeking help get psychotropics and suddenly they show psychotic symptoms. Those symptoms come from the drugs but the psychiatrist diagnose it as a schizophrenic psychoses and then the drugging starts and the person is caught in this horrible treatment system often for life.

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    • Yes unfortunately you are Right Rachel. The treatment is not for the best of the patient. Sometimes I don’t understand how the psychiatrists. I wonder if they really think that they help people. But I have a feeling that some of them really think that what they do is for the best of people.

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  2. They die because they are treated with far too high doses of psychotropics…

    “A Tamarac mother sued Fort Lauderdale Hospital and a psychiatrist who worked there, saying they overmedicated her teenage son with a cocktail of mental health drugs — some of which have not been approved for the treatment of children.

    The boy, Emilio Villamar, died of a sudden heart attack. He was 16.”

    Emilio was found slumped over in his room at Fort Lauderdale Hospital … with blood dripping from his mouth or nose, Tringali said. He was taken by ambulance to Broward General Hospital, where he slipped into a coma.

    Read more: http://gabrielmyers.wordpress.com/2009/06/04/the-doctor-who-prescribed-psychiatric-drugs-for-a-child-who-committed-suicide-was-sued-thursday-by-a-mother-who-claims-that-he-over-medicated-her-son/

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    • You are so right. Our children die because of the very high dosis of psychotropics. My Luise also died because of far too high dosis of this extremely dangerous drugs.
      It is so extremely sad and very wrong, that Emilio Vilmar should die from a heart attack at such a young age. May he rest in piece and lots of thoughts to his family. And now I get very angry. Giving children and young people huge amounts of mind-altering drugs some of which are not even proven safe for children. That is a crime. And I do hope that the responsible will be accused and convicted. That is a weak consolation, I know, as nothing can give back Emilio. But still I do hope so

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  3. Wow what a heartbreaking story.

    This arrogance of the idiot psychiatrists enrages me… more must be done to stop these pieces of shit from ruining more lives and killing more people.

    Surely one of the biggest things that could be done in similar cases to this is to sue the psychiatrists involved in criminal court. Maybe that’s not possible due to lack of witnesses or lack of access to records. But a knowledgeable lawyer who knows what we know about the limitations and harms of psychiatric diagnoses and drugs could make a powerful case.

    As I’ve been writing in other comments, it’s only fines, disbarment, or prison that will make these professional sociopaths – psychiatrists – stop.

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    • Dear BPDTransformation. You are so right it would be a break through if a lawyer would take the case and then fx. get the prove of overmedication and ill-treatment out in the open. That would set up precedent and that would scare the psychiatrists. As it is now, the psychiatrists dont care. They know that nothing happens to them. Never mind what they do. It seems to me, that the authorities don’t care about the welfare of the citizens. That is why a citizens never get through with a complaint about their treatment that does not help them, but only make their problem worse, because of the side effects. The authorities have decided to let the psychiatrist word be the truth. That it even when it can be proved from the hospital records , -that the person who died or whos heart or liver was damaged- that this person had far too much of the strong and dangerous drugs. My experience is that if a citizen make a complaint about ill -treatment in psychiatry, the psychiatrist just has to write a few words about how ill the person in treatment is and then the complaint is turned down. I know about all those cases from talking to many desperate people who feel powerless in the treatment system.
      So yes it would be wonderful if there could be a court case and that it was won, so there would be precedence. That would make the psychiatrists far less arrogant in their using dangerous drugs in huge amounts to ‘cure’ any psychosocial problem. Maybe they could even start talking to their ‘patients’?

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  4. Although this is a sad story, it reminds me of the time I helped a woman elope (as the shrinks call it) from the psych ward in our local hospital. One of the reasons I did it was that I knew the hospital shrink’s style and performance aptitude, especially his shortcomings. He was a chubby, balding guy who wore a toupee, who I’ll henceforth call the Rug. His knowledge of medications was derived from drug salesmen’s pitches: once he foolishly gave a “zine” to some guy delirious on PCP, who trashed the ward and the aides as a consequence.
    Not wanting my friend to be under the Rug’s care, I helped her elope. Curious about why she was there (supposedly for depression), I gave her an HOD test once we’d gotten to a place of safety and found she was dysperceptive and her affect was apparently normal. After a couple of weeks on B3 ( niacinamide), vit.C and B6, she felt well and was so impressed by the B3 that she tried to get her whole family to take B3 as well.

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  5. My condolences regarding your daughter, Dorrit. I’m so sorry psychiatrists murdered her. And the fact the psychiatric “professionals” are not being held legally liable for your daughter’s death, and the millions of patients they’ve murdered, with their drugs in recent decades, is to the level of ‘crimes against humanity’ now.



    We are living through the psychiatric industries’ second holocaust. The first was in Germany, and now the psychiatrists are pulling off their second holocaust in all the Western nations, and they’re trying to take it to the third world nations, too. One must wonder when these people will finally learn that making up “mental illnesses,” then defaming, poisoning, torturing, and murdering millions of innocent people based upon such medical fictions, was unacceptable human behavior 60 years ago, and it’s still unacceptable today.

    Abraham Lincoln once said, “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” And the psychiatric DSM “divide and conquer” theology, unfortunately adopted by too many US politicians in recent decades, and those who enforce that theology, are the “evil within,” whether they realize it or not. And how sick, the doctors utilizing these toxic torture drugs come, hypocritically claiming to be “healers.”

    Again, my condolences, and thank you for speaking out against forced psychiatric treatment. It must end, before the “central banks and corporations that will grow up around them” (like the psycho / pharmacutical industries), of which Thomas Jeffeson forewarned the U.S. citizens, destroy all of Western civilization. Historically, and still today, only illagitamate rulers advocate belief in the lies and brutality of psychiatry. Hope our nations’ rulers wake up, or are soon peacefully replaced.

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    • Thank you so much ‘someone Else’. I’m so glad that at least Luises sad story maybe can help other people. so she didn’t die in vain. I will never get over my loss of my dearest in this life. But I’ll have to live with it. And then it somehow makes me happy that so much discussion has emerged from her sad story. Luise always wanted her and me to tell the world about how the people in psychiatry was treated. Luise never got the change, but I will keep telling about the bad, dangerous and inhuman conditions for people in treatment is and I do it in her spirit. It is as if she sits on my shoulder all the time telling me what to do.

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  6. Luke 23:34 And Jesus was saying, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.”

    So if you work in mental health in one of these “hospitals” and have found your way to this website now you know what you do, you know what a corrupt industry psychiatry is, what you are a part of, what it does to people and its time to repent and quit doing it.

    If you work in any of these places if you are not actively fighting against these atrocities then you are enabling them. “Just doing my job” didn’t cut it in Nuremberg in 1946 and it doesn’t now.

    One day you may stand before God, I can’t speak for him but I don’t think he wants to hear that you enabled this wrenched system cause the pay was good or you had car payments to make.

    Think about that for a wile.

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      • Dorrit, I am SO, So, so sorry about the tragic loss of your daughter Louise. And I’m sorry I haven’t commented on your story here, yet. First, yes, I do know how hard and painful it can be to think about forgiving the ignorant, cruel, heartless and thoughtless “Doctors”, and “Medical personnel” who killed Louise. That they refuse to accept any responsibility only makes your pain more acute. I know that. But I have also learned some things about healing, and recovery. So I offer my words here as a humble gift in the Spirit of your daughter. I don’t think you’re “delusional” to believe that “Louise sits on your shoulder”, as you say in another comment here. I share that belief. Louise lives in your heart, your mind, and in your memory, and she will live on with you as long as you do. But it is that “forgive” that I want to speak of. Please say that you can’t forgive YET. That you WILL forgive, someday. That you CAN forgive, but you are not ready, YET. To forgive, gives YOU power here, now, in this lifetime. When we hold onto our anger, and hurt, and pain, and grief, it can hurt us. When we begin to forgive, we begin to let go of the hurt and pain. It will not happen all at once. It is a process. We who read and write here at > madinamerica * smile *</~Bradford /

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        • Bradford I think we all have different way of getting through our pain. I’m sure that I will get through my anger. It is already much less than it was. My memory of Luise is what is important to me. And I don’t cling to my pain and anger. But it slowly get less and less important. But I don’t want to forgive that they killed my daughter.

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  7. Dear Dorrit,

    what a heartbreaking story to have to tell – the torture and eventual murder of your precious daughter, with the criminals being absolutely immune to prosecution.

    Heartbreaking. Keep up your good work of spreading the truth about psychiatric (mal) treatment.

    In time, hopefully people will realise that they’d be absolutely stark raving mad to even entertain the idea of seeing a psychiatrist! They are doctors of death and misery.

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    • thank you so much Kim. and as I say in an earlier answer. I keep spreding the word in the spirit of Luise. She all the time wanted the two of us together making a book about the inhumane conditions people with psychosocial problems are living under. She didn’t get the chance as she died. But I’ll continue her wishes til I die

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  8. Sorry my first comment was insensitive, Dorritt. I am truly sorry about Luise. She probably just needed some TLC, like a lot of people with psychotic symptoms or mood swings or depression need, rather than forced poisonings.
    I believe someday God will judge all people who torture and kill others. Their white lab coats and string of paper credentials won’t save them then, unless they repent. Dr. Mingula was a certified doctor I believe.
    (TLC stands for tender loving care.)

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    • Yes Rachel. Luise needed TLC (tender loving care) and a staff that would listen to her. But you don’t find such qualifications in the psychiatric treatment system. Anyway Luise being in psychiatric treatment was a mistake. She got very ill the very day she met a psychiatrist. She got Malignant neuroleptic syndrom and almost died.
      Then she got psychotic symptoms from the drug that she could not tolerate at all. So it all was a mistake. But I know that so many other people have ended up in psychiatric treatment by mistake exactly like Luise. I know it because many who read the book Dear Luise – a story of power and powerlessness in Denmarks psychiatric care system have contacted me and told me. that Luises story could have been their story or their relatives story.

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  9. What a horrific story.

    A well known problem with mental patients is that they frequently don’t feel that they need to take their meds, and so they just stop, and the condition spirals out of control. I’m sure that this is why there is such a thing as involuntary commitment and forced medicating in the first place.

    It’s a tough problem. What do you do if your loved one is suicidal and you can’t be there to watch them 24/7? Do you try to get them committed or just respect their wishes and let the chips fall where they may?

    No competent general practitioner would continue with a psychiatric treatment at the expense of trashing the patient’s liver. It makes one really wonder about what’s going on in psychiatric medical schools.

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    • Hey, “givemeyourking”, I’m curious, – why do you say “spirals out of control”? Are you sure it’s a spiral? How can you tell? How do YOU explain such anomalies as “Study 329”, which shows that suicide is a common artifact of polypharmacy? How do you explain the “black box” warnings on SSRI’s, which are themselves suicido-genic? What say you?

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    • ‘givemeyourking’ there is a lot we can and should do when our loved one is suicidal. ‘watching a person 24/7’ is no response to suicidality. supporting somebody to live is rather different from physically making sure that they don’t kill themselves. the latter also doesn’t work long term as we know. there is a lot more we can offer to each other than the fake security of the psychiatric ward.
      doritt thank you for making public what happened and for all your work.

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    • Well, the late Gertrude Black, MD (a GP) would have given your loved one 500mg. B1 at once, with instructions to take 100mg. B1 every hour until their mood lifted until you’d reached 1000mg. total. Since that was 50 years ago, I’d let you go on the B1 to 1500mg. and also have given you a 5000mcg. sublingual B12 at first because I Knew I’d be doing this shotgun style (and I can’t give injections- don’t swallow your B12 but keep it under your tongue).

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    • When people quit taking the toxic drugs what happens is that they go into withdrawal. Then, the withdrawal gets diagnosed as the supposed relapse of the “mental illness” coming back. This is so convenient for psychiatrists and the drug companies because the person can get even more diagnoses and more drugs! People need to go off these drugs very carefully and over a long period of time. You can’t quit cold turkey, which is exactly what most people do. And why do they quit taking the toxic drugs? Because they make people feel terrible and cause many other health problems of major proportions. If the drugs were so wonderful and if they help so very much, why don’t people stay on them? All the drugs do is act as major tranquilizers, period. They do not control any so-called “mental illness”. A few people seem to benefit from taking these damned drugs but the majority of people forced onto them can make no such claim.

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      • Wouldn’t you agree, Stephen, that the line the biopsychiatrists trot out of so-called “mental patients” needing to take toxic drugs “for the rest of your/their life”, absolves biopsychiatry from any responsibility to assist in withdrawal symptoms? And of course helps guarantee long-term profits…. Oddly, sometimes, some people DO seem to do better, for some length of time, on some small does(s) of some drugs…. That’s a LOT of SOMEthings….. That scenario you wrote about in your comment above, is EXACTLY what happened to me in 1986. The story in the local paper was titled “Crime Often Ticket to Psychiatric Care”. The TRUTH was the “psychiatric care” was the ticket to the crime. It’s no consolation, but the psych who negligently wrote the Rx scripts was later stripped of her medical license.

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        • Yes, I would agree. In the state “hospital” where I work the psychiatrists don’t even seem to know about withdrawal from any of their drugs. They don’t talk about it and won’t discuss it if I bring it up. It’s like it’s some kind of fantasy that I’ve made up to plague them with. Sometimes I really do wonder who the group of people is that actually needs help for their “delusions” and bizarre thinking. It makes me sad each day when I leave for home and I go out the doors just shaking my head.

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      • I have definitely experienced withdrawal with psychotropics and have been diagnosed as relapsing as a result. Eventually I existed on miniscule doses, but if I didn’t take these I could immediately go on edge.

        I switched over to the atypicals and unknown to me the dose had no dopamine effect (it was too low) (though the changeover had been stressful).

        When I stopped taking these replacement drugs the first thing I noticed was the lack of withdrawal symptoms.

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  10. Dear Dorrit
    Thank you so much for telling your daughter’s story yet again. And I hope you continue to tell it – over and over and over till the corrupt, power-hungry profession responsible for taking her life, can find no hiding place.
    So much research is now coming out showing up all the shortcomings and clay feet of diagnoses of lifelong conditions, and lifelong damaging treatment for these ‘conditions’, forced upon unwilling patients. One wonders what happens in the minds of these professionals when they read articles showing how psychiatric drugs cause permanent damage and even death – when they read what happened to Luise. Do they feel guilt? Shame? Panic? Fear?
    Love and blessings to you Dorrit – and Luise.

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    • “One wonders what happens in the minds of these professionals when they read articles showing how psychiatric drugs cause permanent damage and even death – when they read what happened to Luise. Do they feel guilt? Shame? Panic? Fear? Love and blessings to you Dorrit – and Luise.”

      They don’t read it. It’s routine in psychiatry to ignore stuff like this, or to shrug it off as nonsense otherwise. As Whitaker has documented in his books on psychiatry and its history, there was no point throughout time where the profession wasn’t being hammered by complaints of grave harm and even torture being done by them to their patients, combined with no absence of studies revealing that these atrocities for their patients were real. The result? They ignored it and re-wrote their own history and are still busy patting each other on the backs and reassuring each other that their PR campaigns will continue to give them credence with the public and make their victims powerless for yet another generation.

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      • JeffreyC

        The psychiatrists are some of the most poorly informed of staff where I work. They seem to know nothing about all of the studies, especially the latest ones dealing with harm done by psychiatric treatment or the effects of trauma on people’s lives. They negate trauma where I work and never ask anyone what happened to them. It’s really amazing. I have gotten one psychiatrist to engage about Robert Whitaker and his books but the guy’s comment about everything is that Robert “looks like a very angry man”. I sat there and looked at him for a moment and then said that he’s got a right to be mad and has a great deal to be mad about but is one of the most respectful and dignified men you could ever deal with. When I asked him why he said what he did he quickly changed the subject.

        Psychiatrists are one of the most poorly educated specialties of medicine with a very narrow bent to their education in general. They couldn’t carry on a philosophical discussion if their lives depended on it. Of course, I can only judge this by the behavior and talk of the thirteen psychiatrists whom I work around every day of the week. Perhaps there are some good ones out there somewhere…………….

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    • Thank you for you consoling words. I am afraid that the arrogance of the psychiatrists protect them, so most of them don’t feel any regret or anything at all about the people whos life they spoil. I think it is so simple as the joke: what is the difference between a psychiatrist and God. That is that God knows he is not a psychiatrist, but the psychiatrist………
      So we must just keep on telling the normal citizens what is going on in this horrible system. Glad you are there

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      • So true.

        “I think it is so simple as the joke: what is the difference between a psychiatrist and God. That is that God knows he is not a psychiatrist, but the psychiatrist……”

        Unfortunately, the law also thinks psychiatrists are God. They are untouchable.

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    • Essentially, their attitude is that not all psychiatrists are bad and if we point to examples like Luise’s, we are bunch of radical antipsychiatry nuts. We are supposed to be moderates.

      But as I keep stating on this site, women who were raped aren’t asked to moderate their views towards men. Yet, people who feel like they were chemically raped by psychiatry are. Makes alot of sense says me sarcastically.

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  11. Dorrit,

    I am very sorry about your daughter Luise. I have been on these long acting injections myself, and have also nearly been killed by them.

    It’s very good of you to write as you can save other people. A lot of nurses hate using these drugs on patients because they know they are slowly killing them.

    I now have more than 30 years of successful Recovery as a result of stopping these slow release drugs.

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  12. Anyhow psychiatry kills. This is its purpose. Psychiatrists make no mistakes and they don’t cause random, “unfavorable” effects. They know, how to destroy the humans nature. They transform a human to an alive nothing. And it quite satisfies them. They are the criminals. And we have to struggle with them as with the criminals. Don’t lie to yourselves, gentlemen. Support the petiton https://goo.gl/sMnJ6y This is necessary as air. It’s enough to open eyes to understand it.

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  13. The link which “Lametamor”, above, provides, does indeed seem to link to a petition on “Change.org”, specifically to do away with Electro-Cution Torture (“ECT”)…..
    The link / petition seems to have started in Ukraine, hence the Cyrillic alphabet characters.
    Forgive me if I err on the side of paranoia when it comes to online security.
    But yes, I signed the petition. On my friends’ computer!
    Nothing personal, "Lametamor", but you ARE new here on MIA….

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  14. I have worked in some capacity in the mental health fields all of my adult life and have been a consumer through bouts of severe depression and a life long diagnosis of PTSD. I currently live/work with a community of elderly and disabled folks at a subsidized apartment building where the majority of my population on disability is from psychiatric challenges. I totally understand and sympathize with the story however I have seen the other side of the spectrum. I have seen people who were in such a state of psychosis and refused to accept that there was any problem and without any kind of intervention and treatment are no longer here to tell their story. The flip of this woman’s daughter’s story but the end result was the same. I have no answer but I know that I have seen so many people suffer off any medication or without any treatment who could not identify that they had any problems and the 180 turn around when they finally are treated. Perhaps if the medical profession were not so quick to write a script and dispense a medication, perhaps if there were a more holistic approach to these diseases and a more cohesive treatment plans…again I don’t know but I do know that something MUST be done and soon because the diseases of the brain or psyche is destroying too many lives (both sufferer and those that love those that suffer).

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    • “I have no answer but I know that I have seen so many people suffer off any medication or without any treatment who could not identify that they had any problems and the 180 turn around when they finally are treated.”

      But there is a serious confounding factor not being taken into account in virtually every situation like this and it’s that a long line of research — which has been in some way unintentionally replicated or supported by other studies many times over — suggesting that this is usually due to brain alterations caused by the drugs, either iatrogenic damages to the brain and/or a drug withdrawal syndrome. Even mainstream psychiatry’s most beloved and accepted research shows that over the long-term, the symptomatology of “chronic disorders” typically change in both form and severity — something that has for generations been arbitrarily blamed on “the underlying illness” being degenerative, but which scientific research has shown would be much better explained by the effects of psychiatric drugs on the brain.

      Even in times when this is not the case (really, especially in times when this is not the case), there is a robust and growing amount of research showing that non-drug therapies are at least as effective in helping these people. Even aside from the brain damage evidence, considering the serious and irrefutable harms caused by these drugs such as permanent involuntary movement disorders and life-threatening metabolic disorders, I would not consider it to be of good moral or ethical integrity to support these drugs when 1) there’s a long line of scientific research to suggest the drugs are responsible, at least to a significant degree and 2) relatively benign and helpful treatments are not being given the respect they deserve, thus are almost never available and even when used are typically done in a back-handed way by biased people who hope and expect the treatment to fail in support of their own favored business-as-usual.

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  15. “I will keep telling about the bad, dangerous and inhuman conditions for people in treatment – and I do it in her spirit. It is if she sits on my shoulder all the time telling me what to do”.
    Dorrit, thank you for your wonderful, powerful, truthful and heart breaking book. Although I simply cannot keep a dry eye every time I pick it up, it is clear that your immense courage and the spirit of Luise on your shoulder have saved many people and their loved ones from being maimed and killed via the same grotesque fantasy of diagnostic infallibility and almost fanatical false belief that they are enforcing some meaningful drug therapy. Even though so many “patients” will have been emotionally and psychologically traumatised by abduction and cruelty beyond ever fully recovering, as well as suffering from multiple severe injuries to brain, metabolic, endocrine, integumentary and other systems; – they and their families have had a chance to learn to their terror, the reality of what was being done to them.
    Mainstream psychiatry’s institutionalised brutality, exercised by their endless misinterpretation of enforced adverse drug effects, and withdrawal syndromes, as an ever growing list of “serious mental illness” diagnostic labels followed by more and more ritual prescription drug poisoning cannot be fully comprehended without the incredible legacy of Dear Luise.
    That which you and Luise tragically experienced is indeed “the norm” rather than the exception.
    It is truly beyond belief.
    I would advocate that Dear Luise should become recommended reading for every medical student prior to graduation.

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