Bored young man, staring out the train window on a rainy, grey and dull day

Patient Reports Reveal SSRI Antidepressants Often Lead to Emotional Blunting

According to patient reports, SSRI antidepressants most frequently lead to the subjective experience of emotional blunting.
Girl, looking confused, holding pill bottle

Official Guidelines on Antidepressant Discontinuation Fail Practitioners and Patients

A review of clinical practice guidelines for antidepressant discontinuation from across the English-speaking world reveals major pitfalls.
Depression related documents and drugs

Shifting Away from ECT and Antidepressants for Depression

Researchers argue that we need a paradigm shift away from the biomedical model of mental illness to one informed by political action and common sense.

Negative Antidepressant Trials Still Unlikely to Be Published

Antidepressant trials with negative results are still more likely than not to either be misleadingly spun as positive or unpublished.
Doctor attentively examines the MRI scan of the patient.

SSRI Antidepressants Do Not Improve Depression After a Stroke

A study in JAMA Neurology finds that antidepressants do not reduce depression symptoms more than placebo in patients recovering from a stroke.
guy holding pill

New Review: Antidepressants Come with Minimal Benefits, Several Risks

A review of research on antidepressant efficacy finds that an unfavorable risk-to-benefit ratio.

Overuse of Psychiatric Drugs is Worsening Public Mental Health, Doctor Argues

A new research article asserts that the overuse of psychiatric drugs may create neurobiological changes that hamper long-term mental health recovery.

Researchers Push to End Placebo Run-in Periods in Antidepressant Studies

Meta-analysis finds that the placebo run-in methodology reduces the placebo effect and finds antidepressants to be less useful.

Withdrawal Symptoms Cloud Findings of Antidepressant “Relapse” Trial

Leading researchers point out that a new antidepressant study in NEJM failed to account for withdrawal symptoms, casting doubt on the results.

Giovanni Fava – A Different Psychiatry is Possible

In this podcast, we hear from the renowned clinician and researcher Dr. Giovanni Fava about his latest book entitled “Discontinuing Antidepressant Medications”.

New Rating Tool for Tapering Antidepressants and Antipsychotics

Researchers developed a rating scale to better assess service users’ experiences tapering antidepressant and/or antipsychotic medication.

Newborn Babies Go Through Antidepressant Withdrawal

A new study finds that newborn babies experience antidepressant withdrawal after birth if their mothers take SSRIs when pregnant.

“Relapse” in Antidepressant Trials Likely Caused by Sudden Withdrawal

A new study investigates how antidepressant withdrawal effects often get confounded with depression relapse in clinical trials.

Researchers Propose Study to Test Whether Antidepressants Impede Recovery

Evolutionary theorists suggest that antidepressants interfere with the adaptive function of depression and propose a test of this theory.

No, the FDA’s Black Box Warning Did not Increase Suicides

Researchers again debunk the claim that the FDA black box warnings on antidepressants led to more suicides.

Psychotherapy Can Prevent Relapse When Discontinuing Antidepressants

“Short and simple psychological programs can prevent people from relapsing when they stop their antidepressants.”

Allen Frances Takes on the Over-Prescription of Antidepressants

The prominent psychiatrist explores why antidepressants remain highly overprescribed and offers solutions to the problem.

Antidepressants Not Clinically Useful for Back Pain

While professional guidelines recommend antidepressants for back pain, researchers point out the lack of evidence for their usefulness.

Cochrane Review Calls for More Research on Antidepressant Withdrawal

Researchers find a lack of current literature on safe, effective ways to manage antidepressant withdrawal and make suggestions for future research.

Internet Forum for Tapering Psychiatric Drugs Provides Novel Insights

After 15 years, the founder of, Adele Framer, shares what she has learned about the science of withdrawing from psychiatric drugs.

Antidepressant Withdrawal Misdiagnosed as Functional Disorder

Adverse physiological symptoms of antidepressant withdrawal are regularly mistaken to be other problems to the detriment of the patient.

Antidepressants Still Linked to Increased Suicide Risk

Bias and financial conflicts in antidepressant trials “contribute to systematic underestimation of risk in the published literature.”

Another Failed Study of “Personalized” Depression Treatment

Due to lackluster antidepressant study results, researchers test if subgroups of depressed patients show greater improvement.

Researchers Document Protracted Withdrawal from Antidepressants

Protracted Withdrawal Syndrome characterized by long-term adverse experiences after coming off of antidepressants.

New Research Questions Safety of Esketamine for Depression

An analysis of FDA adverse event reports related to esketamine shows the potential for negative effects such as suicidal and self-injurious ideation.